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Christianity has a long history of meditation and silent contemplative prayer going back to the Syrian and Egyptian desert hermits who followed Jesus' times of solitude. We offer range of range of ways to pray and meditate, so you can find the things that work for you, your needs and personality, and the life you have right now.  These ways of silent prayer help us explore our experiences and deepen faithThey also be ways to help us in the love we give and the love we receive – with others, ourselves and God.   

Our weekly mailing supports Christian spirituality with new resources you can use on your own, useful articles, and news of related events, as well as links to the group.  

Prayer is... not just a formula of words, or a series of desires - it is the orientation of our whole body, mind and spirit to God in silence, attention, and adoration. All good meditative prayer is a conversion of our entire self to God. "

Thomas Merton, Trappist monk, writer, and early pioneer of dialogue between world faiths.

Christian Meditation at Chaplaincy

Andrew Willson shares his journey into meditation

My own meditation and silent prayer journey began when I was an undergraduate student in the 1980s visiting a Christian monastic community of Taizé in France. Their services always had a time of silence and a deep meditative atmosphere. But what I also learned at Taizé was that meditation and silent prayer could be integral linked to making positive social change and reconciliation. This community was started in the 1940s by a small group of PhD students from Catholic and Protestant Churches involved with the network helping Jewish people escape from Nazi occupied France. Later, the community developed a work of national and international reconciliation and dialogue.

What I have learned from students and staff is that we all respond to different forms of spirituality because of our different personalities and our changing needs. Conversations about spirituality are often about finding a practice that works for individuals and their current life. The practice could be reviewing the day, using imagination or the body in prayer, meditative reading of Scripture, meditative walking, journaling, or a form of daily prayer. In our weekly Christian Meditation sessions, we draw on all these practices.

The practice I use most is Centering Prayer – a contemporary expression of traditional forms of Christian silent prayer.

For many years I have also been interested in Mindfulness meditation. A growing scientific evidence base now supports Mindfulness practice. The research affirms that meditative spirituality can support health and well-being.

One of the great things about Mindfulness is that it allows people from all world views – religious and secular – to practice meditation. This is not too far away from where my own journey began with the French community bringing people together.

I began learning Christian prayer from people from different Churches. I now feel very grateful to have learned Mindfulness directly from my very experienced Buddhist colleagues from Zen and Tibetan traditions.

For a one-to-one conversation about your journey of meditation, spirituality or prayer, please contact Andrew Willson.

Andrew Willson


The Christian Meditation sessions are led by Andrew Willson, College Chaplain. Our weekly mailing supports Christian spirituality with new resources you can use on your own, useful articles, and news of related events, as well as links to the group.  

Whether you are a beginner, or want to restart your prayer, or find new ways wcan help you explore: 

  • Lectio Divina, meditative slow reading of scripture 

  • Centring Prayer, a practice of observing thoughts, sensations and emotions  

  • Ignatian Meditation, using imagination and senses to explore the Gospel 

  • Review of the day meditation, looking at full range of our experience 

  • Prayer of the Heartusing the breath and awareness of the body 

In person meeting address:

15 Prince's Gardens, South Kensington Campus, SW7 1NA

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Here are some recorded meditations to practice on your own time: