The CMSE Centre is open to all Imperial researchers active in development and use of novel methods and software tools for computational science and engineering.


Associate Directors

Computational Methods Hub

Adam Townsend

Adam Townsend

Adam Townsend
Department of Mathematics

Affiliated members

  • Professor Ferri Aliabadi (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Vitali Averbukh (Department of Physics)
  • Dr Daniel Balint (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Professor Mauricio Barahona (Department of Mathematics)
  • Professor John Barrett (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr Pantelis Beaghton (Department of Computing)
  • Professor Michael Bearpark (Department of Chemistry)
  • Dr Fernando Bresme (Department of Chemistry)
  • Dr Chris Cantwell (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Professor Jose Carrillo de la Plata (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr Radu Cimpeanu (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr Claudia Clopath (Department of Bioengineering)
  • Dr Caroline Colijn (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr George Constantinides (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  • Dr Colin Cotter (Department of Mathematics)
  • Professor Richard Craster (Department of Mathematics)
  • Professor John Darlington (Department of Computing)
  • Dr Andrew Davison (Department of Computing)
  • Dr Luca Di Mare (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Dr Daniele Dini (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Professor Denis Dooly (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Aldo Faisal (Department of Bioengineering)
  • Dr Anthony Field (Department of Computing)
  • Professor Matthew Foulkes (Department of Physics)
  • Professor Erol Gelenbe (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  • Dr Ian Gould (Department of Chemistry)
  • Professor Peter Haynes (Department of Materials and Physics)
  • Professor Ortwin Hess (Department of Physics)
  • Professor Lorenzo Iannucci (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Professor Bassam Izzuddin (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Dr Christian Jacobs (Deptartment of Earth Science and Engineering)
  • Professor Serafim Kalliadasis (Department of Chemical Engineering)
  • Dr Eric Keaveny (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr James Keirstead (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Dr Eric Kerrigan (Department of Aeronautics and EEE)
  • Professor Rob Krams (Department of Bioengineering)
  • Dr Michael Lange (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)
  • Dr John-Paul Latham (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)
  • Professor Omar Matar (Department of Chemical Engineering)
  • Professor Jonathan Mestel (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr Ruth Misener (Department of Computing)
  • Dr Giovanni Montana (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr Dan Moore (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr Arash Mostofi (Department of Materials and Physics)
  • Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Dr Stephen Neethling (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Robert Nurnberg (Department of Mathematics)
  • Dr Catherine O'Sullivan (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Professor Christopher Pain (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Bikash Pal (Department of Electrical a nd Electronic Engineering)
  • Dr Rafael Palacios (Department of Aeronautic s)
  • Dr George Papadakis (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Panos Parpas (Department of Computing)
  • Dr Joaquim Peiro (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Matthew Piggott (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)
  • Dr Silvestre Pinho (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Professor Berc Rustem (Department of Computing)
  • Dr Matthew Santer (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Pooya Sareh (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Stephan Schmidt (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Professor Spencer Sherwin (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Jennifer Siggers (Department of Bioengineering)
  • Dr Edward Smith (Department of Chemical Engineering)
  • Dr Arash Soleiman Fallah (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Vito Tagarielli (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr David Thomas (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  • Dr Emile Touber (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • Dr Berend van Wachem (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Professor Christos Vassilicos (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Peter Vincent (Department of Aeronautics)
  • Dr Matthew Williams (Department of Surgery and Cancer)
  • Professor Yun Xu (Department of Chemical Engineering)
  • Dr Tamer Zaki (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

Contact us

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You could also write to us at:

Computational Methods in Science and Engineering
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
South Kensington
United Kingdom

For information in how to find us, go to South Kensington Campus.