Typical day
We've put together example daily schedules for each age group here at Early Years from arrival in the morning and including typical activities, meal times and naps.
Typical day
6 months - 2 years
Time | Activity |
08.45 | Arrival and welcome |
08.45 | Play and exploration of different toys and resources set up around the room |
09.15 | Snack time |
09.40 | Adult-led group activity to support development such as messy or sensory play |
10.30 | Potty training and nappy changing |
10.45 | Outdoor play |
11.25 | Circle time activities such as singing, stories and games |
11.45 | Lunch |
12.30 | Sleep time |
14.00 | Drinks |
14.30 | Potty training and nappy changing |
14.45 | Interest based activites for children to join in |
15.30 | Tea time |
16.10 | Large toy playtime |
17.15 | Home time |
2 - 3 years
Time | Activity |
08.45 | Arrival and welcome |
08.45 | Free play including using large apparatus, puppets, small world play and other activities |
09.30 | Snack time |
09.50 | Structured/adult-led group activity to support development such as messy or sensory play |
10.30 | Tidy-up showing care and conern for their environment. Potty training and nappy changing |
10.50 | Outdoor play often with large garden equipment |
11.15 | Story time and circle time |
11.45 | Lunch |
12.15 | Sleep time |
13.00 | Older children who may not need a sleep remain with staff who will organise and set out toys for free play |
14.30 | Potty training and nappy changing |
14.50 | Garden play |
15.45 | Tea time |
16.15 | Free play - this could include home corner, drawing tables, construction and puzzles |
17.15 | Home time |
3 - 5 years
Time | Activity |
08.45 | Arrival and welcome |
09.15 | Snack time |
09.30 | Creative and planned activities where children can choose from the different areas of learning - construction, imaginary, small world, mathematics, literacy small group work or key person with their key children |
10.30 | Tidying up the morning's activities |
10.45 | Helpers chosen to set up tables for lunch |
10.50 | Outdoor play with choice of structured activities, free play or group games such as hide and seek |
11.30 | Circle time - discussions, show and tell, letter of the week, newsround, children evaluate their work |
11.45 | Lunch |
12.30 | Brushing teeth and helpers choose afternoon activities |
13.00 | Post-lunch quiet time - children relax, sitting or lying down quietly perhaps with a book |
13.20 | Play time with toys |
14.30 | Story time - stories are chosen by children and are based around current experiences or areas of exploration |
14.45 | Outdoor play |
15.30 |
Singing, music and movement, learning poems |
15.45 | Tea time |
16.20 | Table top activities and puzzles |
16.55 | Tidying up followed by ring games, singing, movement and music |
17.15 | Home time |