Computing Second Year


Module Title Core/Elective Term ECTS
Seven Compulsory modules Compulsory 1 and 2 35
Computing Practical 2 Core 1 and 2  15
Year 2 Computing Group Project Compulsory 3
One Elective module Elective 2 5
Summary of the table's contents

Each module contributes its relative ECTS weight towards the year total.
In total there are 60 ECTS in Year 2 - 55 ECTS from the core and compulsory modules and 5 ECTS from 1 optional module.


Each non-project module has associated coursework. The coursework weighting is 20%. The rest is assessed by written examination. 
For a breakdown of continuous assessment please see the relevant student noticeboard under the degree regulations.

Progression Requirements

In order to progress to the third year you must pass all modules in Year 2. The pass mark for all Year 2 modules is 40%.
In order to progress to the third year of the MEng program, you must additionally achieve an overall (second year only) aggregate mark of at least 60%. Students who fail to achieve this will normally be required to transfer to the third year of the BEng programme.

Supplementary Qualifying Tests

At the discretion of the Board of Examiners, Supplementary Qualifying Tests may be offered to a candidate who marginally fails to achieve the above requirements.