
The complete timetable for the continuous assessment is available online through the Scientia system. All submission deadlines are clearly indicated to help you plan and schedule your work. The submission deadlines are hard ones. If you do not meet them your work may not be marked and you will get no credit for it. If you cannot meet a deadline for a good reason, such as illness, you should send an email to the senior tutor requesting an extension. In most cases the exercise sheets are also available through Scientia.


Some of the modules have one or more assessed courseworks which count towards your overall marks for the year.

Personalised Programming Tutorials (PPT)

The PPT exercises are designed to develop your programming skills. Your solutions should be submitted electronically and will be returned by your programming tutor or Undergraduate Teaching Assistant. It is very important that you make a real effort to do the exercises well since they are teaching fundamental skills that will improve your understanding of the course material and help you in passing the exams.

Personalised Mathematics Tutorials (PMT)

PMT courseworks are formative exercises with a similar purpose and equal importance to the PPT exercises. The exercises are available online from the Scientia system. You should check the Scientia system regularly for any changes to the hand in deadlines.