Natasha Page graduated in 2019 with an MSc in Computing (Specialism: Management & Finance) and became runner up for the Mary Hicks Award from the Operational Research Society for her project in collaboration with the Royal Mail Data Science Group shortly thereafter. Natasha is soon to start a new role in the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis at the University of Melbourne.

Why did you choose to study at Imperial?

"I knew that, when studying my MSc, I wanted to be at a world-leading university. Imperial’s international recognition was a significant draw as well as being situated in one of the most vibrant, exciting cities in the world."

Tell us about your time at Imperial

"The MSc was definitely very fast-paced. Having taken a couple of years out to work since completing my undergraduate degree, it was a speedy transition back into academic life. Before I started, someone described the MSc to me like 12 months of intense knowledge-absorption and, now that I’ve finished, that description really resonates with me.
The taught section of the course was really nice because it allowed me to explore different sides to computing to help inform my decision on where to further specialise. My individual project was fantastic because I was collaborating with industry partner Royal Mail so there was a very obvious practical application to all of the work that I was doing."

Can you tell us what you’ve done since Graduation?

"I really enjoy the application of research to real-world problems so since finishing my degree, I have been operating within this space. Shortly after finishing my MSc, I began working on a research project with Imperial and industry partner Three Media, evaluating Bayesian Optimisation methods and their applicability to simulation. I recently took some time to travel the world and immerse myself in different cultures and I am soon due to start a new role in the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis at the University of Melbourne."

How has what you learnt at Imperial helped you in your career so far?

"Apart from the obvious problem-solving skills, analytical skills and high levels of focus that you get as a part of the MSc package, I would say that it is what I learned about myself during my time there that has been of the most value. Imperial taught me what it means to be an expert in your field and the extent to which hard work really can pay off. I was able to explore different areas of computing and identify which parts I like, which bits I am good at and where the two intersect."

What would be your advice for current students?

"My top advice would be to interact with others at the university as much as possible. Whether they be student, staff or merely a friend of Imperial, everyone has their own story and fresh perspectives are always a good thing. It was the connections I made at Imperial that really made it a unique experience and one that I would not change for anything."

Natasha's advice for current students

"Interact with others at the university as much as possible - it was the connections I made at Imperial that really made it a unique experience and one that I would not change for anything."