What is Remote Desktop Services?


Remote Desktop Services (Formerly Terminal Server)

Remote Desktop (formerly Terminal Server) is a component of Microsoft Windows Server operating systems that allows a user to access applications on a remote server over a network connection. It provides the ability to host multiple simultaneous client sessions on Microsoft Windows Server.
You can connect to the latest version of it via rds.doc.ic.ac.uk.

Please note that Remote Desktop is mainly used for common Windows applications such as email clients, Microsoft office etc. We do not recommend using the service to run applications which have high CPU and memory usage.

How to Use Remote Desktop Services

You need first to connect to the College network via VPN or College Gateway and then in order to run a Remote Desktop session you require a Remote Desktop Client.

Linux users can connect to rds.doc.ic.ac.uk using the latest version of Remmina, a version of which is available on DoC Linux machines.

Mac OS X users can connect to rds.doc.ic.ac.uk using the Remote Desktop client.

Windows 10 users can find the equivalent application under Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > Remote Desktop Connection.

Run your Remote Desktop Client then enter rds.doc.ic.ac.uk as the name of the computer to which to connect.

Please contact CSG if you encounter any problems with this service.