Tyrone GrandisonSupervised by: Professor Morris Sloman

Came to Imperial College London from University of West Indies to do a PhD on Trust and Security which he completed in 2002.

What is he doing now: He went on to IBM Almaden Research Center to work on privacy-preserving sharing of medical database information.

He led the IBM Hippocaratic Database project. He continued working on data sharing related projects at IBM as a Manager in Data Disclosure Research and as a Program Manager in Core Healthcare Services. In 2013 he co-founded Hipaantrepeneurs which consults on privacy and security compliance issues to healthcare organisations and is CEO of Proficiency Labs International. He is now a Presidential Innovation Fellow at the U.S Department of Labour.

See http://www.linkedin.com/in/tgrandison


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Dr. Giuliano Casale

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Dr. Amani El-Kholy