Imperial owns and operates one of the largest estates in the United Kingdom Higher Education sector. Imperial undertakes a wide range of refurbishment, redevelopment and new build projects across its campuses. Projects Delivery is tasked with the development and delivery of projects for Imperial over the value of £150,000.
To aid in the delivery of these projects a standard set of procedures have been delevoped. These provide guidance on the required project processes, a description of key roles and responsibilities and provides current documents, forms, policies and templates. The Project Management procedures underpinning the Project Procedures have been developed for use on construction projects by a team of senior division staff and external specialists.
Project procedures

Project roles
Project Champion
Project Director
User Coordinator
Senior Supplier
Project Manager
Project Board
Property and Major Projects continually review and update the Imperial construction Project Procedures to ensure that they meet the requirements of new and revised governmental policies, construction industry practices and wider University requirements. By ensuring the Project Procedures are periodically updated, external contractors and consultants employed to work on capital funded projects at Imperial can be confident that they are complying with our requirements in the delivery of construction projects.
The Project Procedures seek to help and assist individuals appointed to a construction project meet the challenge of effective project delivery at Imperial whilst retaining sufficient flexibility to meet individual project needs.
Supporting forms, College regulations and guidelines are provided within the procedures. All projects shall be delivered through the application of these procedures.