Heath and safety file (Stages 3 and 6)
Heath and safety file (Stage 3 and 6)
Stage 3
When the role of the Principal Designer (PD) is terminated prior to the end of the project, the PD will provide the client’s newly appointed PD, with a draft Health and safety file, conforming, in general terms with the information outlined in Annex C of the CITB Guidance document for Principal Designers.
General information about the contents of the health and safety file can be seen via The Construction Industry Training Board (known as CITB) website.
The new PD will generally be the Principal Contractor (PC), as Estates Development and Projects will generally procure construction projects, in a 2 stage, Design and Build form of contract.
Whatever Stage the PC takes control of the design process, that is when the new appointment will commence and when the draft health and safety file will be required to be provided by the Principal Designer, at the termination of his contract.
Stage 6
At the end of the project, the Principal Designer will ensure that all appropriate health and safety information is included in Section 4 of the Building Fabric Manual (BFM) which is the repository for significant safety information relating to the project.
The information contained within Section 4, will generally conform to that contained within Annex C of the CITB Guidance document for the health and safety file.
Specific safety information relating to plant and equipment access and replacement strategies should be deposited within the appropriate section of the M&E and O&M manuals.
However, except for the fire strategy drawing, that should be included with the other safety information in Section 4; all other drawings will be provided by the Principal Contractor and contained within Section 6 of the BFM.
Section 4 should refer to the location of the other drawings, including those contained within the Mechanical and Electrical Operation and Maintenance manuals.
General information about the contents of the health and safety file can be seen via The Construction Industry Training Board (known as CITB) website.