Dr Aran SinganayagamImage of Aran Singanayagam

“Casting a NET on pulmonary long COVID”

Aran Singanayagam is an MRC Clinician Scientist Group Leader within the Centre for Bacterial Resistance Biology in the Department of Infectious Disease. Aran’s research program employs a combination of in vitro and in vivo disease models to understand how innate immunity is dysregulated in individuals predisposed to viral and bacterial infections and to dissect the mechanisms that drive longer term pulmonary sequelae






Image of Aileen Rowan

Dr Aileen Rowan

“Completing the circle: development and implementation of bespoke diagnostic tests for Human T cell leukaemia virus carriers”

Aileen is a lecturer in the Section of Virology, Dept of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London. Her research group studies the natural history of cancer development in HTLV-1 c

arriers, focusing on the virus-host relationship in pre-malignant disease. Aileen works in close collaboration with the National Centre for Human Retrovirology and its associated Molecular Diagnostic Unit, which develops and provides specialised diagnostics for HTLV-1 carriers.



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