
For full details on this leave type please refer to the special leave policy.

Special Leave [pdf]

Leave of absence is only available to staff in the Academic and Research job family and should be in the interests of the College, e.g. to collaborate with colleagues in other institutions, industry or to attend conferences.

Applications are considered based on the implications the leave will have on teaching and other departmental or divisional duties. 

Leave amount

Leave of absence varies in duration and is usually unpaid. See the Special Leave [pdf]for more detail on Leave of absence.

If you are working within the Faculty of Natural Sciences, please refer to the specific sabbatical leave and leave of absence procedure.

Requesting leave of absence

Staff guidance


Complete section 1 of the Leave of Absence / Sabbatical leave request form. Your Head of Department completes section 2. Provide cover arrangements in your absence, including any supplementary duties (see below), along with the form.

Apply as early as you can to allow for time to process your application and for arrangements to be made to cover your duties in your absence. 

Supplementary duties

Staff with supplementary duties will be required to make additional arrangements and/or seek further approval:

  • Supervisors / Undergraduate Tutors / Director of Undergraduate studies - arrangements must be made to provide supervision for research or undergraduate students
  • Staff with College duties (e.g. Chairmanship of a College committee) - must also inform the Faculty Dean of any arrangements
  • Wardens of Halls of Residence - must also apply in writing to the Vice Provost (Education) detailing how their duties will be covered if leave covers more than three consecutive nights. A special arrangement must be made with the Vice Provost for cumulative absences in excess of 10 days in one term - these applications are not normally accepted. 
  • Heads of Departments/Divisions - must submit their form and proposed arrangements for the delegation of their duties to the Faculty Dean for approval.


Requests for leave outside of term time are more likely to be approved by your Head of Department. 

If the request for leave is more than one month during term time, both your Head of Department and Faculty Dean will need to approve the request.

If your request is approved, HR will confirm with you in writing and the relevant parties will be told of your Leave of Absence. Your absence management record will also be updated on your behalf.

If your Head of Department or Faculty Dean does not support your request, they will forward the application form with a statement of their objections to the Senior HR Manager who will discuss this with the Director of HR.

See the Special Leave [pdf] policy for more information on the following during leave of absence:

  • Pay
  • Annual leave
  • Pension
  • National insurance contributions
  • Income tax 
  • Insurance cover 
Heads of Department guidance

The member of staff will send the application form with section 1 completed. The Head of Department (HoD) will need to complete section 2 on the form. Attach any supplementary information to the form, including cover arrangements in their absence.

The HoD should consider the following when deciding on granting leave of absence:

  • The effect the staff member's absence will have on the Department or Division, including whether the teaching, research and administrative functions can be satisfactorily discharged and covered
  • Any supplementary work they may do as part of their role (see below)
  • The purposes of the leave of absence are in the interest of the College
  • The length of absence

Supplementary duties

Staff with supplementary duties will be required to make additional arrangements and/or to seek further approval from the HoD. 

  • Supervisors / Undergraduate Tutors / Director of Undergraduate studies - arrangements must be made to provide supervision for research or undergraduate students
  • Staff with College duties (e.g. Chairmanship of a College committee) - must also inform the Faculty Dean of any arrangements
  • Wardens of Halls of Residence - must also apply in writing to the Vice Provost (Education) detailing how their duties will be covered if leave covers more than three consecutive nights. A special arrangement must be made with the Vice Provost for cumulative absences in excess of 10 days in one term - these applications are not normally accepted. 
  • Heads of Departments/Divisions - must submit their form and proposed arrangements for the delegation of their duties to the Faculty Dean for approval.

Length of absence

A HoD is authorised to approve Leave of Absence requests where the request relates to a period of leave either outside of term time, or a period of leave of one month or less during term-time. Requests for Leave of Absence in excess of one month during term-time will be sent initially to the HoD for consideration and recommendation and then to the Faculty Dean who will also need to approve the application.


If the request is approved, send the form to the Staff Hub so that arrangements can be confirmed in writing and the relevant parties notified of the Leave of Absence. HR will also update the individual’s TeamSeer absence management record accordingly.

Unsupported applications

In circumstances where a HoD or Faculty Dean does not support such a request, forward the application form with a statement of objections to the Senior HR Manager who will discuss this with the Director of HR.

See theSpecial Leave [pdf] policy for more information on the correct procedure for the following during a staff member's sabbatical leave:

  • Pay
  • Annual leave
  • Pension
  • National insurance contributions
  • Income tax 
  • Insurance cover