Within the Molecular Science Research Hub as well as in the facilities installed with the Henry Royce Institute for advanced materials research and innovation, we currently have to our disposition high-end materials design and characterisation equipment, as well as state-of-the-art electrochemical devices for operational testing.

With these pieces of equipment, we hope to shed light on the key reactions driving or hindering electrochemical process, highlight similarities and differences between them, and provide fundamental guidance on how to tailor the corresponding interface to its specific needs, toward efficient and stable electrochemical devices.

Gas chromatography system for electrolysis products in time analysis

EC-GC (Electrochemistry coupled with Gas Chromatography)

Coupling gas chromatography to electrochemical setups lets us identify in time separation and analysis of the different products made over the course of electrolysis experiments. In the case of CO2 reduction for instance, we can distinguish CO2 conversion to either CO, ethylene or methane.

Electrochemistry Mass spectrometry (aqueous) setup

Aqueous EC-MS (Electrochemistry coupled with Mass Spectrometry)

This EC-MS (Spectroinlets), set up at the Royce Institute, allows real-time analysis of evolved gases during the operation of aqueous electrolysers, Detection of hydrogen and other species' production with unprecedented picomole sensitivity is made possible here.

Close-up of an Electrochemistry - Mass Spectrometry setup

Non-Aqueous EC-MS (Electrochemistry coupled with Mass Spectrometry)

This EC-MS cell designed in-house (Spectroinlets) allows real-time & picomole-sensitive detection of species evolved during the operation of electrochemical systems. Set up inside a glovebox, it enables air-sensitive studies such as battery degradation and non-aqueous electrolysis (N2 reduction).

In situ IR spectroscopy

This IR-spectrometer can hold an electrochemical cell, of which the working electrode can be probed with an IR beam to study the reactive interface in situ.

Glovebox available at Royce institute - Sir Michael Uren building - White City campus


We have one 4-glove and one 8-glove gloveboxes available in our labs, allowing us to work under an inert (Argon) atmosphere. This is a must-have to study batteries (Li, Al, Na), as well as studying the Li-mediated nitrogen reduction reaction in a safe and reliable manner.

Sputter deposition chamber

Sputter Chamber Plasma

Our plasma-assisted sputter chamber allows deposition of diverse thin films under ultra-high vacuum: metals, oxides and nitrides, which can be further isotopically labeled with 18O or 15N. Direct transfer to an Ar-filled glovebox prevents air exposure and retains the integrity of the thin films.

Contact Us

Prof. Ifan E. L. Stephens

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