ROAR will provide hardware, software and expertise to facilitate studies on existing and new synthetic methodologies, particularly reactions that can deliver great atom- and step-efficiencies. The aim is to champion a new networked approach to chemical science, particularly at the interdisciplinary areas with engineering, analytical science, applied mathematics and data analysis. ROAR will support both fundamental and translational research, by focusing on developing protocols and tools that can enable a rapid and comprehensive analysis of reactions in terms of efficiency, selectivity, and robustness. Serving as an incubator of creativity while delivering transformative solutions, the institute will aim to become the go-to provider for solutions for industrial and societal challenges.
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The Challenge
‘How can we make molecules in days not years?’
The ability to make any molecule at will and on a meaningful timescale will unlock hitherto unimagined opportunities for future scientific advance that addresses societal challenges. Currently, the speed and efficiency of molecular synthesis remain a bottleneck in the development of healthcare, agrochemicals, molecular electronics, smart materials and other emerging fields. Recent advances in synthetic methodologies open up many new pathways for synthesis, however many challenges remain, including robustness and scope of methodology, environmental acceptability, timescales for reduction to practice and security of supply.

Synthesis 4.0
ROAR is bringing the academic and industrial communities together to develop the next generation of technologies in chemical synthesis, reaction analysis, laboratory automation and optimisation.
- A platform where equipment vendors and academic scientists can work together on product development
- Closely linked with the Advanced Hackspace to enable researchers to turn their concepts into technologies by supporting feasibility studies and prototyping activities
- A network of multidisciplinary researchers working towards reliable and predictable synthetic methodologies which will shape the lab-of-the-future

A Community Resource
ROAR is a central resource created for the benefit of the Dial-a-Molecule community. 50% of our facility time is dedicated to external projects which are selected from open calls by an internationally leading Scientific Advisory Group. Under the auspices of a £4.7 M investment from EPSRC, Imperial College London, and our industrial partners, the ROAR facility will be fully-funded for the first 3 years, which will allow us to reduce the access charges.
Please contact us for details and join our mailing list to receive future calls for proposals.
Contact us
Director: Prof Mimi Hii
The Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College White City Campus
82 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ London