December 2021

The Graduate Textbook on Flow Chemistry has been updated with a second edition. This two-volume series gives readers a foundation in all aspects of flow chemistry, from the theoretical principles, to practical aspects of running flow reactors, including examples of applications. Prof. Hii and Dr Deadman contributed their flow chemistry expertise to completely revise chapter 3 of volume 1, covering an overview of the technologies in flow chemistry devices. This book series is highly recommended to anyone looking to learn more about this exciting field.

05th October 2020

Congratulations to David Hill and Donna Balackmond for their recently accepted Journal of Organic Chemistry and Organic Letters paper on "Insights into the Role of Transient Chiral Mediators and Pyridone Ligands in Asymmetric Pd-Catalyzed C–H Functionalization". ROAR is very proud to have hosted David in 2019 for a small part of this project. We learnt a lot from David's approach to kinetic investigation, and ROAR is now using that knowledge to help our user community to investigate the kinetics of their reactions.

31st July 2020





ROAR has received the LEAF 2020 Bronze award, in recognition of the actions undertaken to improve sustainability practices as part of the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) in the 2019-20 academic year.

8th June 2020

ROAR and the department of chemistry are reopening after COVID-19 lockdown, with limited access. According to the departmental guidelines, ROAR will be open every week Monday to Thursday, following the cohort model (Ben Deadman, Facility Manager, cohort 1; Paola Ferrini, Research Scientist, and Elena Sanna, Research Associate, cohort 2).
Only trained users from the department of chemistry will be allowed in ROAR at this stage. Training material for untrained users is being developed. Projects from users from other departments and external users are currently on hold until further notice.

19th March 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the physical ROAR facility is currently closed until further notice. The ROAR team are all fit and well and we are looking forward to using this period of home-working to help you plan some cool experiments when we reopen the lab. We are also actively developing and collecting online resources to support our user community. Please check our website and Twitter feeds to see the latest materials, and let us know if there are further resources you think would be helpful for our community.

17th March 2020

On 17th March, our team presented ROAR in a webinar on c&en and sponsored by UnchainedLabs. The webinar focussed on underlying current limitations in experimental data and how high-throughput experimentation and automation can help overcome them. Additionally, making use of a case study developed in ROAR, we highlighted some important aspects that should be considered when running high-throughput reactions. If you missed it, you can listen to the presentation on demand here.

9th - 10th March 2020

In March Ben made an appearance at the AI for Reaction Outcome & Synthetic Route Prediction 2020 Conference, at Tortworth, to present a ROAR case study. This event by the AI3 Science Discovery Network+ was a great showcase of the latest developments in reaction prediction tools.

21st - 22nd January 2020

In January the ROAR Roadshow went to the University of Leeds, and the University of Loughborough. Ben presented the facility and some case studies at departmental seminars, and had numerous meetings with research teams to develop ROAR access proposals. We are currently developing a virtual version of the Roadshow so watch this space!



9th December 2019

ROAR is very proud to announce that our collaboration with Sixfold Bioscience has been funded! This new research project is funded by London Advanced Therapies as part of the "Collaborate and Innovate" scheme. You can read more about the collaboration in this article. Sixfold Bioscience is an SME, based in the Translation and Innovation Hub, which is developing some exciting new drug delivery systems.

13th November 2019

The team is expanding even further! ROAR and Sixfold Bioscience are recruiting for a Research Associate in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. The Postdoctoral Research Associate will develop high-throughput methods for the synthesis of novel organic molecules for attachment to Sixfold's proprietary drug delivery scaffold. For more information on the position and for application, please visit this website.

 27th October 2019

ROAR and the CDT in Next Generation Synthesis and Reaction Technology featured in this month's issue and cover of Chemical & Engineering News in an article titles "Automation for the people: Training a new generation of chemists in data-driven synthesis". Click here to read the article.

29th - 30th June 2019

ROAR participated to the Great Exhibition Road Festival with the stand "Making Molecules", where you could "synthesise" molecular structures with sweets and toothpicks,  transform your name in a colorful rainbow through some paper chromatography, test your chemical knowledge with the "natural or synthetic?" quiz or watch the "magic" Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction. You can find here photos and video. And you can see and hear more about the festival here: showcasesounds and podcast.

7th May 2019

The last ROAR newsletter is out and can be found here. Read about the new call for proposals, the visit of the Mayor of London, and the installation of the Vapourtec flow reactor system.

2nd April 2019

Mimi has been inteviewed by C&EN during the ACS spring meeting in Orlando. You can find here the interview where she explains the Dial-a-Molecule vision, the birth of ROAR and the long-term goals of chemical research.

9th February 2019

The second ROAR newsletter is now out and can be read here. And with the newsletter, we announce the opening of the FIRST CALL FOR PROPOSALS. Info on application and key dates can be found here.

30th January 2019

ROAR had its official opening ceremony. The interested participants were brought for a tour of the facility, after which a series of talks explained not only what ROAR is, but also how it fits into the EPSRC, DaM and Imperial College vision of tomorrow's research.

With the official opening, ROAR made its first appearance in the Imperial College news.

17th December 2018

The first edition of the ROAR newsletter has been published!  You can find the newsletter here.  Join the mailing list to be the first to hear about upcoming training and technology showcase events, calls for access proposals, and updates as the equipment is readied for our first users in 2019.

24th July 2018

MSRH building in White City Campus has been handed over to Imperial College and ROAR is among the first ones to occupy.
Follow us on Twitter to keep up with the installation and development of ROAR at MSRH and stay updated with the latest news!

26th February 2018
ROAR is currently hiring for a Research Technician.

24th January 2018
The Dial-a-Molecule Institute has been featured in Chemistry World.
A brave new world of robot chemists and 'synthesiser farms' awaits

Contact us

Director: Prof Mimi Hii


The Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College White City Campus
82 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ London


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