The Applied Probability and Theoretical Statistics research group is active in the development of new statistical methodologies for inference in stochastic systems, as well as in adapting and extending existing methods and computational algorithms. Primary interests are in developing the theoretical properties of techniques used for both classical and Bayesian statistics and in the study of applied probability models. Particular focus lies in inference procedures for complex data structures, high-dimensional data and non-standard stochastic models. The group is active in advancing the theory and methodology of Monte Carlo methods and is particularly motivated to the development of highly accurate inference methods for a range of applications, including spatial-temporal modelling, mathematical finance and medicine.
Researchers involved
Dr Deniz Akyildiz
Dr Deniz Akyildiz
Lecturer in Statistics
Dr Heather S Battey
Dr Heather S Battey
Reader in Statistics
Professor Philip Ernst
Professor Philip Ernst
Chair in Statistics and Royal Society Wolfson Fellow
Professor Axel Gandy
Professor Axel Gandy
Chair in Statistics
Dr Nikolas Kantas
Dr Nikolas Kantas
Reader in Statistics
Professor Alessandra Luati
Professor Alessandra Luati
Provost's Visiting Professor of Statistics
Dr Anthea Monod
Dr Anthea Monod
Lecturer in Biomathematics
Professor Guy Nason
Professor Guy Nason
Chair in Statistics
Dr Mikko S Pakkanen
Dr Mikko S Pakkanen
Reader in Data Science and Quantitative Finance
Dr Riccardo Passeggeri
Dr Riccardo Passeggeri
Lecturer in Statistics
Dr Kolyan Ray
Dr Kolyan Ray
Senior Lecturer in Statistics
Professor Almut Veraart
Professor Almut Veraart
Professor of Statistics
Professor Alastair Young
Professor Alastair Young
Chair in Statistics
Contact Us
Statistics section administrator:
Trish Watson
Huxley Building, Room 627
E-mail Trish
Department of Mathematics
180 Queen's Gate
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ
United Kingdom