Supervisors' Guide

Welcome to the Supervisors' Guide

Welcome to the Supervisors’ Guidebook!

The purpose of this guide is to support you in your role as Main or Co Supervisor. It contains information about the recruitment of research degree students, the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and Imperial College London's research degree milestones.  There is also information which is designed to help support the effective development of student supervisor partnerships and it sets out the College's requirements for the continuing professional development of supervisors.  If anything is missing from this guide that you feel should be added, please contact Laura Lane, Head of Strategy and Operations, the Graduate School.

For Assistant Supervisors, postdocs who supervise research degree students, there is a dedicated page to support you in your role.

The Graduate School wishes to thank students and staff who helped to create the content of this website.  Special thanks is extended to the Educational Development Unit, members of the Task and Finish Groups for the Student-Supervisor Partnership and Doctoral Student Wellbeing and to staff and students who appear in the videos.