Main and co- supervisors
Mandatory training and CPD
From April 2022, the College requires all new supervisors to complete a new mandatory online course Fundamentals of Supervising PhD Students. This two hour course is also accessible anytime for all supervisors to enhance their supervisory practice and keep up-to-date with College policies and processes on supervision. The course consists of four units that can be taken together or seperately covering: the role of PGR main and co-supervisor; effective student-supervisor partnerships; PhD timeline, and research culture.
Supervisors with limited experience are strongly encouraged to attend the full-day, complimentary, in-person workshop Introduction to Supervising PhD Students.
Continuing professional development (CPD) is an important part of employment at Imperial and supervisors are encouraged to take a range of development courses. All supervisors are expected to undertake CPD specifically related to supervision, which involves taking part in departmental Focus on Best Practice in Supervision workshops every six years. Your department will email you when this is due.
Read full details of training and CPD requirements in Imperial's Framework for the Support and Development of Imperial College London Supervisors [Pdf].
Additional training opportunities
- Supporting the wellbeing of PGRs through good supervisory practice (online course)
- Train-the-trainer package to train departmental staff to deliver a face-to face workshop for supervisors in ‘Supporting mental health and wellbeing in PGR students’ within departments. To find out more contact the Graduate School.
- Effective Communication Skills
- Giving effective feedback
Access other CPD provision delivered by the Educational Development Unit which supports the development of supervisors, and other training available through People & Organisational Development.