Funding opportunities
Crick-University Partners Translation Call
The Crick-University Partners Translation Call is now open. The Crick has established a dedicated translational science funding scheme to support projects within the University partnership. The scheme will be open to researchers from the Crick and University partners to establish and develop new collaborative translational projects between Crick researchers and those based at UCL, King’s or Imperial – that is projects that could lead to technologies and applications that have a positive impact on human health. The project should be a collaboration between the Crick and University researcher(s). Further information, including application guidelines can be found on University Partners Translation Call | Crick.
Applicants must discuss their proposals with the relevant Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation contact, their approval is required before submission.
This is a 2-stage process:
- Preliminary application (Deadline: 15 November)
- Full proposal (Deadline: TBC - March 2024)
As for all requests for external funding, applications should be costed and approved through Worktribe.
Both preliminary and full application documents should be submitted by email to with a copy sent to Interim partnership manager Angela Kingman
Partnership Networking Fund
When: The call for applications to the Networking Fund opens several times a year.
- Third call: Thursday 13 July – Monday 6 November 2023
Who: This call is open to all members of our academic community: academics, clinicians, PhD students and postdocs who wish to establish or improve networking opportunities with new or existing colleagues at the Crick.
Apply: Please read the guidelines before applying.
More information: Members of our academic community can apply for up to £3,000 to support networking events that bring scientists together from the different partner organisations (Imperial, King’s and UCL) to develop new collaborations across disciplinary boundaries.
Innovation to Innovation Funding
When: The call for Innovation to Innovation (i2i) funding opens approximately three times a year and is announced via CrickNet (Crick login required).
Who: This call is open to our academics and clinicians who are affiliated with the Crick.
More information: Funding and support to early-stage translational projects underpinned by philanthropic contributions and MRC Confidence in Concept funding. Researchers are provided with £75k for 12 months to work on proof of concept projects. To date, £3m has been invested in a diverse portfolio of 47 projects.
LifeArc Translation Fund
When: The call for the LifeArc Translation Fund opens approximately three times a year and is advertised on the Crick’s website.
Who: This call is open to our academics and clinicians who are affiliated with the Crick.
More information: Supports scientists in progressing promising innovations to the point where the projects can attract follow-on, larger scale investment and development with the aim of benefitting human health. A total of £5m over 5 years has been made available with ~£350k awarded per project over 2 years.