Ultrasound technology to deliver novel theranostic agents to malignant brain tumours

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive type of malignant brain tumour in humans. Several potential drugs for GBM have been assessed in clinical trials without much success.

One of the problems encountered is the inability of the compounds to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This project aims to address this problem by developing ultrasound technology to disrupt the BBB so that anticancer agents can be delivered to the tumour.

Novel nanomaterials containing anticancer drugs and an MRI probe (for tracking) will be developed and the ultrasound technology applied to deliver them to the brain in an animal model.


Tiffany Chan


Ramon Vilar (Chemistry)
James Choi (Bioengineering)
Matt Williams (Surgery & Cancer)

Ultrasound technology to deliver novel theranostic agents to malignant brain tumours

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Centre Manager
Kate Hobson
Email: k.hobson@imperial.ac.uk