Meet our staff networks

Hear from our network co-chairs and committee members about what it's like to be involved in leading a staff network
Guidance for diversity staff network leads [PDF]

Would you like to be one of the next co-chairs of our diversity staff networks?

Elections are taking place in February - March 2023 to appoint new co-chairs for the following three diversity staff networks:

If, after reading the information below, you have any questions about standing to become a co-chair, or how the elections will work, then please email the EDI Centre.

How to self-nominate

Nominations have now closed.

As part of your self-nomination form, you must provide a manifesto.

Please see details below about eligibility criteria for candidates.

Elections and voting process

To ensure fairness and transparency, the EDI Centre oversees and manages the elections process, and will be responsible for handling the voting forms. The elections process is therefore independent of current network co-chairs and committee members.

Voting will take place from 27 February to 13 March. Voting will only be open to network members. Each network's election will be separate, with its own voting form.

Voting will only be open to network members, who will receive an email with a link to the voting form. If you wish to vote in the election, you must have joined the network (by signing up to their mailing list or joining their MS Teams site) by 17.00 on 20 February.

Network members will have the opportunity to hear from candidates and ask them questions at an online Teams meeting. Each candidate will also provide a manifesto.

For each network, the top three scoring candidates will be elected as co-chairs. We have a co-chair model for our staff networks because we believe the responsibility of chairing a network is best shared.

More information about the elections

MilestoneDate & time
Nominations open Wednesday 7 December 2022 09.00
Nominations close Friday 10 February 2023 17.00

Hustings (online Teams meetings for network members to meet the candidates)

Imperial As One: Monday 20 February 2023 10.00 - 10.30

Able@Imperial: Friday 24 February 2023 12.00 - 12.30

Imperial 600: Friday 24 February 2023 15.00 - 15.30

Voting opens Monday 27 February 2023 09.00
Voting closes Monday 13 March 2023 17.00
Results announced Monday 20 March 2023 (by end of day)


As a co-chair, you will lead your staff network, setting the direction for the network's activities and helping to promote equality, diversity and inclusion within the College in line with Imperial Values. We recommend you read our Guidance for diversity staff network leads (pdf) to better understand the role.

Broadly, the purpose of a staff network is to:

  • Represent their members’ views
  • Inform and help develop College policy and change procedures
  • Raise awareness of issues and also the support available in College
  • Act as safe spaces for members to discuss issues

The EDI Centre will provide elected co-chairs with an induction, as well as ongoing support as the EDI Centre and the network work together to promote EDI at the College.

Co-chairs are elected for a term of three years.

However, we understand if you need to step down from the role before the end of your three-year term. If that happens, the EDI Centre will support the other two co-chairs to appoint an interim co-chair, until the next round of elections.

Only Imperial staff members who are members of a network are eligible to stand as co-chair for that network. For example, if you wish to stand for the position of Able co-chair, you must be a member of Able.

You can join a network now and stand in the election, as long as you join the network (i.e. subscribe to their mailing list or join their MS Teams site) before your submit your nomination.

Existing co-chairs are eligible to stand for re-election – but there is a maximum limit of two terms (six years).

Before filling out this form to nominate yourself to stand in the elections, you need to:

1. Understand the role

Please read the Guidance for diversity staff network leads (pdf) to ensure you are familiar with the expectations of the role.

You may also want to speak to one of the current co-chairs.

If you have any further questions, please email the EDI Centre.

2. Receive your line manager's approval

Please ensure you have had a discussion with your line manager and have their approval. Please share with your manager the Guidance for diversity staff network leads (pdf).

3. Decide whether you want to stand in partnership with someone else

Although nominations are submitted individually, you are allowed to stand "in partnership with" up to two other people – people that you would ideally like to work with as co-chairs. Each person will have to submit their own nomination, but you can prepare your manifestos together and include a line at the end of your manifesto that clearly states your position, for example something like the following:

"I am standing in partnership with [Name] and [Name]. If you are voting for me, please also consider voting for them."

Please be aware that this does not guarantee that you and your partner(s) will all be elected as co-chairs, so you should ensure that you would still be happy to be a co-chair even if your partner(s) are not elected.

4. Prepare your manifesto

You will be required to submit a manifesto for the election.

The manifesto should be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 500 words and should include:

  • Why you are interested in being a network co-chair
  • Your plans for the network, if you are elected (including your ideas on how to spend the network budget)
  • Any relevant experience or skills you bring to the role (e.g. from your job at Imperial or elsewhere)

5. Prepare to meet members

As part of the elections process, an online Teams meeting will be organised for network members to meet the candidates. You will be required to attend this meeting to introduce yourself and your plans to the network and to answer any questions from network members.

More questions?

If you have any questions or concerns or need guidance with the nomination form, please email the EDI Centre.

Yes! Imperial 600 and Imperial As One have a committee/organisational group of volunters who work with the co-chairs, and Able is looking to set up a committee.

These committee/organisational group members are unelected positions. Their roles and activities vary, but for example they may help organise events or send communications.

All three networks are currently welcoming new volunteers.

Please get in touch with the individual network to discuss:

The voting forms will be handled by the EDI Centre to ensure transparency and fairness. Voting will open on 27 February 2023 and close on 13 March 2023.

Members of each network will be given the opportunity to read the candidates' manifestos. There will also be an online meeting for each network, where members will be able to ask questions of candidates.

When voting, you will be invited to select up to three candidates. You are not required to have more than one choice. If you do not wish to vote for any of the candidates, there will also be the option to vote for re-opening nominations.

The top three scoring candidates will become the new three co-chairs of the network, unless the majority (over 50%) vote to re-open nominations, in which case nominations will be re-opened and there will be another election.

What is it like to lead a staff network?

We spoke to the current co-chairs of the three networks to find out why they volunteered to be co-chairs, what the role entails, and why they’d encourage staff members to stand for election. Read more about their experiences.