Records management and historical archive

Records & archive enquiry

For records management advice or information about Imperial's historical archive, which includes photographs, documents, objects and art work, contact 

Transfer records to storage

If you wish to transfer records to storage, please contact ACRU staff in the first instance to discuss requirements and agree transfer:

Transfer guidance: Transferring Records Guidance (pdf)

When transferred records reach the end of their retention requirements, we will seek approval from the relevant department or individual before disposing of these records in a confidential and secure way.

Retrieve files from storage

Send the completed Loan Form (Word) to

Please note that you will be responsible for the security of the records whilst they are on loan to you.

Where a large amount of material is to be retrieved, any costs of transporting (e.g. by taxi or courier) the material must be paid for by the department. Any costs of moving the material back to storage will again be the responsibility of the department.

Visit the historical archive

Admission to Imperial College Archive is by appointment only to bona fide scholars. Prior proof of status, proof of identity and a description of the research project is required. Contact to make an appointment.

The standard opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm. Please note that opening hours are at the discretion of the College Archivist, and may be subject to alteration. View the Search Room Regulations (pdf)

For further information relating to our holdings and deposited collections please see our Historical Archive Catalogues

Data Protection

Access your personal information

People are entitled to access the personal data held about them, this is called a subject access request. You can use the Subject Access Request Form to tell us about you and the information you are seeking to access. If you do not wish to use the form, you can email

Personal data protection rights

In addition to the right of subject access, in some circumstances you have the right to:

  • request "rectification" of your personal data (correction of any inaccurate information or completion of incomplete information) 
  • request erasure of your personal data, sometimes referred to as the "right to be forgotten"
  • request that we "restrict" the processing of your data (limit the situations in which your data can be used)
  • obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes, the right to "data portability"
  • object to your personal data being processed
  • file a complaint or a grievance, please see the  Complaints and Grievance Plan (PDF)

To exercise any of these rights, please complete the Individual Rights requests ( form.



Report a personal data breach

Information about personal data breaches and how to report them can be found on this page: Reporting data breaches


Register your information assets

For Imperial staff

To ensure that the University can comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to assist the College identify and manage its information assets, the College has produced the Data Asset Registration Tool - DART

Request staff or student data

Imperial will not disclose personal information other than as described in our privacy notices without the consent of the individual. The exceptions to this are:

  • where a competent authority, or similar (as listed above), formally requests information for a legitimate purpose and such disclosure is permitted by data protection legislation. 
  • where to withhold such information could be detrimental to the student, to the interest of the public, and to the reputation and standards of the university.

To request access, email 

Freedom of Information

FOI publication scheme

The Publication scheme is an index of published information about Imperial

Publication scheme

FOI Disclosure log

The FOI Disclosure log is where we publish information disclosed in response to Freedom of Information Act requests.

Disclosure log


Make an FOI request

There is a wide range of information about Imperial in our FOI Publication scheme and FOI Disclosure log and on our website. Please check the published information before submitting a request.

If the information you want is not available in the publication scheme, disclosure log or on our website you can submit an FOI request by emailing 

General guidance on making an FOI request can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.