The following students take an I-Explore module in Year 2:
- Dyson School of Design Engineering
- Life Sciences Department
- Maths Department
- Physics Department
- School of Medicine - Students on the MBBS and BMB Programmes
You'll choose your modules preferences when you are in Year 1. The module preference selection period this year is 1 - 29 May 2024. Eligible students will receive an email inviting them to enrol.
Please see the module options for your year group below. On the individual module pages, you will find information about the content, teaching and learning approaches, and assessments associated with each of our modules.
Module Options for Year 2 students 2024-25
Autumn term only
10 week - Multidisciplinary Project
10 week - STEMM modules
- Climate Change: Science and Solutions
- Mathematical Mysteries
- Origins
- Personalised Medicine: Hope or Hype? (Term 1 Iteration)
- Public Engagement: Connecting audiences and research
- The Science of Learning
10 week - BPES modules
Please note that module outlines below are provided as PDF documents. If you have any difficulty accessing these documents, please contact the BPES team.
- Accounting Online [pdf]
- Business Economics [pdf]
- Entrepreneurship Online [pdf]
- Managerial Economics Online [pdf]
If you wish to choose a BPES module, please ensure you are available during the BPES examination week. Examinations cannot be rescheduled to accommodate specific students’ availability.
Spring term only
10 week - STEMM modules
- Clinical Engineering and Surgical Robotics
- Interdisciplinary Research Computing
- Personalised Medicine: Hope or Hype? (Term 2 Iteration)
- Researching Academic Integrity in an Artificial Intelligence Driven World
- Science, Cooking and Performance
- Space Mining
- The Science of Crowds
10 week - BPES modules
Please note that module outlines below are provided as PDF documents. If you have any difficulty accessing these documents, please contact the BPES team.
If you wish to choose a BPES module, please ensure you are available during the BPES examination week. Examinations cannot be rescheduled to accommodate specific students’ availability.
Autumn & Spring term
20 week - Imperial Horizons modules
Change Makers
- Global Village: Innovation Challenge
- Global Village: Visual Arts Challenge
- My World: Be Happy
- Perspectives on Time and History (NEW)
Humanities & Social Sciences
- Advances in Modern Psychology
- Business & Economic Ideas
- Creative Writing
- Dynamics of Imagery in Arts and Design
- Humanities Project (Year 2)
- Law & Professional Ethics for Science & Technology
- Mind, Self & Social World: Philosophy & the Human Sciences
- Music Technology (Year 2)
- Politics
- Practical Art: Drawing from Observation (NEW)
- Revolutions & the Making of the Modern World
- Science Communication
- The Digital Transformation: Economics, Organisations, Society
- Why be good? Problems in the Philosophy of Morality
Please note that for students in their I-Explore year, language modules can only be taken at Level 2 or above. Students are only permitted to take the language levels offered to their year group.
Please note: The modules listed are those currently offered. All the information is indicative and is subject to change. Imperial reserves the right to cap numbers and change or discontinue modules.
Please note
I-Explore modules run subject to sufficient demand, resources and current College guidance. It is possible that modules may have to be withdrawn or changed at short notice in response to changing circumstances.