Like all technologies, new quantum devices rely critically upon materials, both at the heart of the quantum system and also in the surrounding infrastructure required to meet the often demanding environmental requirements.

While the materials of interest include so-called quantum materials such as superconductors and topological insulators, the needs for the quantum system may be met by more conventional materials, especially those that reduce environmental demands such as cryogenic temperatures. The surrounding infrastructure also relies upon more traditional expertise to develop materials to solve bottlenecks by providing low-loss, decoherence-resilient substrates while maintaining strong quantum coupling at a low cost. 

Materials for Quantum Technologies is one of the key themes outlined by the Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science and Technology (QuEST). Our researchers are involved in the following research areas:

Our researchers:

Professor Neil Alford MBE FREng

Professor Neil Alford MBE FREng

Dr Max Attwood

Dr Max Attwood

Dr Michele Conroy

Dr Michele Conroy

Professor Peter Haynes

Professor Peter Haynes

Dr Stephen Hanham

Dr Stephen Hanham

Professor Sandrine Heutz

Professor Sandrine Heutz

Professor Andrew Horsfield

Professor Andrew Horsfield

Professor Cecilia Mattevi

Cecilia Mattevi

Professor Cecilia Mattevi

Professor Arash Mostofi

Arash Mostofi

Professor Arash Mostofi

Professor Mark Oxborrow

Professor Mark Oxborrow

Dr Peter Petrov

Dr Peter Petrov

Dr Jess Wade

Dr Jess Wade

Professor Aron Walsh

Professor Aron Walsh