Town planning (Stages 1 to 4)
The project brief will identify the type of project i.e. new build, refurbishment or a building alteration. The Design Team is required to assess any potential planning implications related to the design brief.
Outline planning considerations (Stage 1)
Project Manager, Design Team
- Stage 1 - Outline Planning Assessment Report included in Feasibility Study Stage 1
- Stage 2 – Planning strategy document and Pre-planning application to be included in Stage 2 – Report
- Stage 3/4 - Planning strategy, Planning application/ Listed Building Consent to be included in Stage 3/4 – Report
Town planning (Stages 1 to 4)
Stage 1
Outline planning considerations
The Design Team is required to assess any potential planning implications related to the design brief. This assessment may require the project to include the service of an approved planning consultant.
The Design Team are to prepare architectural information to ensure a pre-planning application is prepared for the Local Authority Planning Department. Key to this application is any proposed works or alterations planned for listed buildings.
The Design Team is required to provide the planning report.
Planning implications are required to be registered in the risk log.
On the South Kensington campus, if planning is required, The Royal Commission for the Exhibition 1851 (1851 Commission) as soon as practical in Stage 2.
Refer to
Responsibility: Project Manager, Design Team
Output: Outline Planning Assessment Report included in Feasibility Study Stages 0 - 1
Stage 2
Develop Planning Application Strategy
The project brief will identify the type of project i.e. new build, refurbishment or a building alteration.
The Project Team are required to ascertain the key issues related to planning or listed building consent. The project at this Stage may require the involvement of a Planning Consultant.
Projects without a Planning Consultant are to assess and provide a report within the Stage reports.
Projects with an appointed Planning Consultant are to develop a strategy document in association with the Design Team. This will include consultations with the Local Authority Planning Department and other associated departments. The Planning Consultant is to ensure the strategy document is updated at each subsequent project Stage.
The DesignTeam via the Planning Consultant are to ensure that the planning application (and where applicable listed building consent) is submitted at the earliest Stage to minimise delay to the project.
Responsibility: Project Manager, Design Team, Planning Consultant
Output: Planning Strategy document at each end Stage plan
Stage 3 and 4
Planning Application
The Design Team are required to ascertain any key issues related to the submission of the planning application.
Where appointed the Planning Consultant is required to provide regular update reports for project monitoring and actions.
Responsibility: Project Manager, Design Team, Planning Consultant
Output: Planning Strategy document at each end stage plan