Thank you e-card
Say a thank you to someone who has been key to you. (Access via the 'recognition' tab.)
Our community have worked tirelessly during the pandemic and today we recognise your commitment to the College.
We‘ve come to the end of the initial adaptation and preparation period where the efforts you’ve made have enabled the campus to keep operating, supported our students, sustained our ongoing research activity and prepared the College for a return to teaching and research under new restrictions in the autumn term.
We’ve overcome many challenges together despite being apart throughout. We appreciate that much more work and uncertainty lies ahead, thank you for all you have done, and all your continued support as we enter the new academic year.
Thank you to our community
Take a moment today to show your appreciation and thank a colleague or team who has helped you in the last few months. You can send them a personal e-card (access via the 'recognition' tab at the top left of the screen after following the link) or post a thank you on the all staff Yammer group for the whole community to see using the hashtag #ThankYouDay.
Thank you.
Key Workers
We are incredibly grateful to our Imperial key workers who have been on campus throughout lockdown. These colleagues have been essential in keeping our campuses, research, students, the NHS and our whole community supported. View our long list of key colleagues in the video below:
Imperial’s key workers
Your nominations
We welcomed your nominations to highlight colleagues and teams who have been ‘key to you’. The below colleagues and teams have gone above and beyond to support their colleagues in so many ways during a difficult time. Read the wonderful nominations below.
Nomination names via faculty
- Business School
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Support Services
Nathaniel Ayres, Business School
‘Nathan has been a huge help in enabling our current technology to optimise student experience and training our colleagues. Without Nathan's ability to think creatively around the challenges we have faced we would be entering this critical phase of the year in considerably poorer shape than we are.’
Valentina Cattane, Business School
‘Thank you for encouraging me to always put my health first during stressful times – you make me feel valued and appreciated, and you've been a fantastic support in these difficult months!’
‘Supportive and motivational team player, showing care and compassion boosting morale and during this challenging time.’
Joanne Currie, Business School
‘Jo has been key in helping to keep the Admissions process rolling for the Specialised Master's programmes during very difficult times and always being positive and helpful! Thank you Jo!’
Dori Feher, Business School
‘Dori has worked tirelessly to develop effective and workable models to enable the planning of resources for the ever-critical upcoming autumn term. Dori has proved to be impressive and solid and has really being an enormous help throughout lockdown. Thank you Dori.’
Rita Ferrante, Business School
‘Rita adapted rapidly to lockdown to deliver the same quality of support and accurate administrative activity, being ready to adapt to the changeable and evolutionary nature of the autumn term planning, never complaining, only delivering on time and to her highest standard, without which we would all have struggled.’
Nympha Fontanilla, Business School
‘Nympha did a great job in supporting two modules that I teach, ensuring a great student experience despite the covid-related disruption.’
Kim Foxwell, Business School
‘Kim has provided unrelenting support throughout this period despite working with an understaffed team.’
Leila Guerra, Business School
‘It's been an absolute pleasure to work under Leila during the pandemic, and her strategic vision was of particular inspiration in what were quite challenging times under COVID-19.’
‘Leila has worked incredibly hard spearheading the Business School's efforts on the education front and has transferred this expertise to the College as well.’
Nicola Hann, Business School
‘Nikki has worked incredibly hard since March to lead her team to ensure that the MRES and PhD programmes will function smoothly in the coming year. Whilst doing this, she has also been central in completing the steps to apply for a change in the form of the MRES programme.’
Chantal Korsah, Business School
‘Always able to assist in the most timely manner no matter what, always gracious despite the urgency of pending deadlines. A big thank you!’
Nai Li, Business School
‘For her hard work, support and continuing research work which informs what we do, and helps us as a team be recognised and progress.’
Joel McConnell, Business School
‘His guidance and support during the challenging phase of the lockdown has been more than valuable for our team. Definitely was needed to overcome hurdles and miscommunication issues. Thank you Joel!’
Janaina McLachlan, Business School
‘Providing great collaboration and support during this time. Very lucky to have such a brilliant colleague!’
Angela Moreno, Valero Business School
‘Angela has always tried to respond to my requests without delay and with great care despite being overwhelmed with work.’
Laura Nicholson, Business School
‘Laura has been a constant support to me and our team throughout the challenges of the past few months, all while taking on a new role of her own. She is a wonderful person and an outstanding manager, and deserves to be recognised for all of her hard work, dedication, and kindness.’
Andrew Parry, Business School
‘Thank you for your willingness to go to campus and work on some urgent video edits, and for all the moral support you've given me these months – your help has been invaluable!’
Kasia Piotrowska, Business School
‘Her stakeholder management skills during lock-down has been impressive; this allowed me to deliver projects well ahead of time and exceed expectations. Thank you Kasia!’
Ana Quinas, Business School
‘Despite institutional freezes in technology programmes, Ana led the successful implementation of the Business School's marketing cloud system, and prepared the ground for the expanded SalesForce implementation to programmes which is now going ahead.’
Gemma Robertson, Business School
‘Gemma started her role during lockdown, and has already made a massive impact with her leadership - balancing our individual needs with her aspirations for the team, and already producing results.’
Paula Socha, Business School
‘Positive, patient, organised and hard-working; Paula has been an absolute superstar to me, her colleagues outside of her direct team, and to so many students at the Business School.’
Emma Stoakes, Business School
‘She worked tirelessly on getting videos, guides and presentations and 1-2-1’s in using the WISEflow exams! She is amazing!!! She helped students, faculty and exam staff to be able to do this!!’
Steven Togneri, Business School
‘Steve not only stepped up to cover the role of Director of Admissions but also the work he was previously responsible for as Head of Admissions. His real time insights and strong leadership was fundamental in ensuring we delivered on target for the Autumn 2020 intake.’
‘He has led the Admissions team through a difficult period, covering two roles and overcoming daily challenges that candidates are facing with clarity and purpose.’
Jon Tucker, Business School
‘He has been integral in leading the business school through the past 6 months.’
‘Jon has been key to keeping me and all staff updated on vital information regarding Covid19. He has works tirelessly to ensure relevant H&S information has been communicated clearly and responded to multiple questions. We couldn't have made the plans we have without him - he's been essential to the Business School's success the last 6 months!’
‘Every single day Jon demonstrates an unmatched level of dedication, sensitivity, and kindness, and an unfailing sense of humour. These qualities have made all the difference to the Business School and wider College communities over the past months and years. We are incredibly lucky to have him!
‘We would not have been able to get through the Coronavirus lockdown and transition into the new ways of working without Jon! He is always so supportive, kind and extremely hard-working. We would be lost without him.’
‘In times of crisis, you need leaders. But more importantly, you need security, you need to feel safe, you need to feel listened to. Jon is our safety net. He reassures, supports, listens, gives all and every single staff member at the School a personal safety net.’
Elena Warren, Business School
‘Elena joined the team during remote working and has quickly learnt the Admissions processes for her programmes. Her efficiency and willingness to learn has been incredibly helpful and had a positive impact on the team. Thank you Elena!’
Edtech Lab, Business School
‘The whole team have been amazing supporting faculty and wider School in such a quick pivot to online teaching and going above and beyond.’
‘Collaborative team effort working hard to facilitate and enable the transition to online/remote teaching.’
Examinations and Assessment Team, Business School
‘They moved over 300 exams to a remote deliver working all hours and at short notice in the most professional and efficient way possible!!’
‘The BEST team ever - so supportive, adaptive and knowledgeable, all while being calm and unflappable in the face of huge challenges!’
Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Team, Business School
‘Despite the global pandemic, the MRA team at the Business School has delivered a full intake - and this in a year where we have executed both a full reorganisation of the 4 teams, and implemented a major digital transformation project.’
‘They have worked tirelessly, providing high levels of customer service to candidates, when faced with challenging and uncertain times themselves.’
‘The whole team have worked exceptionally hard over the past half a year and have gone above and beyond to try and lessen the impact of the current situation on our students and the College.’
‘This year the team has dealt brilliantly with a 60% rise in applications, a restructure, the departure of our Director at the beginning of lockdown and the unprecedented uncertainty brought about by the global pandemic – the team’s student-focused, collaborative and positive approach has been key to me and a source of inspiration that kept me going throughout.’
Programmes Marketing Team, Business School
‘They have delivered across a range of initiatives and projects, been creative and innovative in challenging times and gone above and beyond expectations!’
Programmes Recruitment, Team Business School
‘Have demonstrated exceptional customer service, adapted and risen above many challenges and represent Imperial values in action.’
Richard Anderson, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘For recognising staff needs first and foremost.’
Lindsey Anne Cumming, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘For always being a lifeline and voice of reason, especially during the current crisis. Thank you LAC.’
Kemi Aofolaju, Bioengineering
‘Kemi has led a number of initiative designed to bring/ keep the department together and celebrate successes, even in times of adversity.’
Nana Asante Asamoah-Danso, Bioengineering
‘Despite living in East London Nana cycled to White City to volunteer for the visor project, has been the first of the technical team back full time in South Kensington and is more than happy and enthusiastic to help out where he can.’
Judith Barritt, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Judith's consistent commitment and dedication in providing support to the Cluster's MSc programme has been outstanding.’
Fortune Belletty, Aeronautics
‘Since returning to College in the Ramp Up, Fortune has been central to supporting much of the work of the technical and administrative teams as well as our students always helping with great enthusiasm and nothing being too much trouble.’
Marta Broto Aviles, Materials
‘I would like to nominate Marta, postdoc in Molly's lab who has done an impressive effort coordinating the team working during the lockdown on COVID diagnostics.’
Mark Burgman, Centre for Environmental Policy
‘Strong leadership throughout this critical period and his thoughtful measured advice that has been key to decisions we've made.’
Sergei Chernyshenko, Aeronautics
‘During College closure, Sergei prioritised the social and interpersonal relationships so important to us all through the hosting of the Department's Virtual Staff Common Room.’
Emanuel De Abreu, Earth Science and Engineering
‘Emanuel has worked tirelessly to keep RSM operational and labs running. From all of us in Bioengineering, thank you!’
Paschal Egan, Bioengineering
‘Paschal really worked incredibly hard to ensure that the teaching at the end of term was done as best possible. He continually puts the learning experience of our students as top priority, he prepared 150 electronics kits and posted each one to our students at home.’
Tom Ellis, Bioengineering
‘Tom led the reopening of the Department’s laboratories following the shutdown of COVID-19.’
‘Tom is chairing our back to work committee and is doing an absolutely outstanding job. He's putting in a massive amount of work on this to coordinate and communicate the return to site for all staff and students.’
‘He coordinated the department's lab reopening together with Ken, as well as taking part in COVID vaccine development. Amazing job all in all, especially when he was taking care of the little one at home!’
Joel Eustaquio, Bioengineering
‘Joel has been cycling to campus throughout lockdown and is often a great and essential help on weekend issues (for example freezers going down), by instantly travelling to site to coordinate and help.’
Mary Ewumi, Bioengineering
‘Mary has stepped up well beyond expectations to support the admissions process, through all of this she has handled with calmness and clarity. Mary has been essential support for the admissions process as well as contributing to the Student Office team during this most unusual exam period.’
‘Since Covid Mary has been working around the clock on exams and admissions activity. Even when there have been obstacles and issues Mary has continued to do the best she can to serve the department.’
Jennifer Frattolin, Bioengineering
‘For her proactive work on the Jamvent project and also for her constant and timely support to all the members of the group.’
Tim Gordon, Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation
‘Support for the Centre's 10 Year Celebration Event’
Kevin Gouder, Aeronautics
‘Kevin led the Department's response in developing a protocol for operating the 10 x 5 Wind Tunnel to meet lockdown criteria for safe operation which was adopted as one of the College's pilot projects for ramp up to our safe return to research and the establishing of a protocol for our many other research and teaching laboratory facilities.’
Daniel Graham, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Dan has worked his socks off as our undergraduate examinations officer to ensure that this year's plethora of problems were dealt with in the most satisfactory and efficient - this is a critical contribution from the transport section which I lead - so Thank You Dan.’
Louise Green, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Louise’s help in keeping our undergraduate programme on track, including administering our new remote exam system, was absolutely ‘key to me’.’
‘Louise delivered the exams for our undergraduate students under circumstances that were exceedingly difficult - my experience as an academic and the experiences reported to me by my tutees were all very positive.’
Sue Grimes, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Ever present, supportive, available and approachable. Kind, empathetic, cheerful and funny. Champion!’
‘Sue has been undertaking an immense amount of work for our EE MSc cluster programme and examinations. She is always available and ready to help.’
Nicole Harbert, Bioengineering
‘Bioengineering was without a head of student programmes for the first half of this year, and yet Martin and Nicole somehow managed to keep the gears turning for the whole student support team. From admissions to timetabling and exams, their expertise and hard work have been invaluable.’
Miguel Hermida Ayala, Bioengineering
‘Star technical support throughout!’
‘Miguel has been attending college throughout lockdown and he continues to be critical in ensuring that our on-site technical and safety support is maintained and continues to operate as best and as much as possible. I could not emphasis enough the amount of work and level of support, care and professionalism he continues to show.’
‘Miguel has been working through all lockdown, travelling to campus, prioritising work during very uncertain times. During these months, he made sure the Departmental laboratories were maintained, supporting the researchers on site providing them with the support needed to carry on with their COVID-19 research.’
Claire Higgins, Bioengineering
‘Claire was a COVID rockstar as Senior Tutor, she put in an incredible amount of work throughout the spring to ensure that our students received as much support as possible. She would regularly be working late into the evenings and over the weekends to ensure prompt responses/timely communications.’
Julie Hoang, Bioengineering
‘To put it simply, Julie was the saving grace in the Student Office. She was the go-to person for the COVRA committee for pretty much any extra task. Julie has been extremely reliable, fast, creative and we should consider ourselves lucky to have her.’
‘Julie acted as one of the most reliable members of the student office. She contributed enormously in setting up remote assessments and remote marking. Her technical skills, consistency and reliability, in addition to her good communication skills were extremely helpful to ensure communications between the students, academic staff and the student office.’
‘Julie became a natural leader in the student office in the daily - in the beginning - meetings they had. She kept them together and she kept them going.’
‘Remote assessment and remote teaching means the department relied on additional IT support very urgently. Julie stepped up in an impressive manner, was amazingly responsive and always so keen to help. She keeps it up now that we are prepping for next year and is a real asset for the department.’
Martin Holloway, Bioengineering
‘Bioengineering was without a head of student programmes for the first half of this year, and yet Martin and Nicole somehow managed to keep the gears turning for the whole student support team. From admissions to timetabling and exams, their expertise and hard work have been invaluable.’
Yongyun Hwang, Aeronautics
‘Taking over the shared role of Senior Tutor a matter of days before the College closed, Yongyun took on the role with great skill and commitment managing an unprecedented number of mitigation requests and supporting our students through this incredibly challenging time for them both personally and academically.’
Ken Keating, Bioengineering
‘Creativity and can-do attitude has ensured that not only have our labs remained open throughout, but ALL are now able to return to lab work. Has led on many aspects that have now been adopted by College.’
‘Ken, as always, has kept the show on the road, ensuring that we have a safe and simultaneously useable work environment. He has not only managed to adapt the South Kensington campus to the 'new normal', but he has also ensured that construction and lab moves to the White City campus continued.’
‘Ken is always amazing and hard working but the pandemic has shown even more so his commitment, kindness and just how essential he is for everyone. He's been a brilliant person to work with on getting the labs up and running again. How he works with his technical team is also fantastic and they really appreciate him and like to work for him and with him.’
Angela Kedgley, Bioengineering
‘Providing clarity, leadership, detail, care, support, and keeping the show on the road for all our MRes, MD(Res), MPhil and PhD students.’
‘During a period where the focus was (understandably) almost exclusively on teaching and remote assessments, Angela has done an incredible work, making sure ESAs and PhD vivas ran smoothly and remotely. On top of it throughout....’
Lisa Kelly, Aeronautics
‘After interviews for an academic position were put into doubt due to closure, Lisa led the operation to hold every single interview as it would have been on site remotely. Without her hard work, we would not have been able to appoint a superb candidate for the benefit of the whole Department.’
David Labonte, Bioengineering
‘Consistent contribution to the newly established covra team, taking a lead on coordinating communications with students regarding concerns and wellbeing.’
‘Managing communication with students is more important than ever as they are seeking for reassurance and clarity. David volunteered to take on this significant role and has done a great job so far.’
Sylvain Ladame, Bioengineering
‘Implementing and taking the lead on the 'covra' team to ensure a robust, consistent, and quick response to the challenges imposed by the pandemic on undergraduate teaching. This was a mammoth task, and the students seem happy with the response, which is a big win.’
Chiu Fan Lee, Bioengineering
‘Attending the weekly departmental covra-meetings, Chiu Fan has helped define the departmental strategy in response to the lockdown, including remote teaching assessment and safety net policies for MSc students.’
Errikos Levis, Aeronautics
‘Errikos has gone above and beyond his role in ensuring the transition to online learning and remote exams for our UG and MSc Students were smooth, successful and left no student disadvantaged.’
Yu Liu, Bioengineering
‘Yu is an active member of our back to work committee and contributes invaluable insights into both SK and WC campuses as she is spending time and covering duties on both. Yu is new to joining the team for this time, but continually and proactively seeks to help overall.’
Nigel MacCarthy, Aeronautics
‘Nigel has been central to the Department's ramp up to laboratory-based research in the Department and the success of this return would not have been possible without him’.
Warren Macdonald, Bioengineering
‘Warren has been a great support during the admissions issues we have faced over the Covid-19 situation. On top of his admissions duties and teaching workload, Warren has been heavily involved in the mitigation process, which this year has been a huge undertaking.’
Michael Madekurozwa, Bioengineering
‘During the lockdown, Michael has been a key part of the JAMVENT project, working 70-80 hour weeks and playing a major role in the technical development of the system. It is fair to say that without him, it is unlikely that the project would have got to where it is today.’
Spyros Masouros, Bioengineering
‘Another example of someone stepping up at a difficult time. Chairman of the Covra meetings throughout the lockdown and now in charge on preparing the department for next year's teaching delivery, his work ethic and time efficiency have had a huge impact...’
Omar Matar, FoE
‘Leading the charge on delivery of teaching and planning for 2020-2021.’
‘Against the constantly changing REF process, Omar is to be congratulated for keeping the show on the road and momentum focussed on the delivery of another excellent REF submission.’
Emily Mayhew, Bioengineering
‘Emily has astounded us all with her 'History of the Potato' education series for children. Going well beyond her usual field as a military medical historian, Emily's teaching has entertained and educated so many of our staff's children during lockdown.’
Sam McKenney, Bioengineering
‘Doing a 'double/triple' job for most of lockdown.. and ... getting the testing pilot back up to speed.’
Joseph Meggyesi, Aeronautics
‘During lockdown, Joseph came to College every two weeks to check on essential equipment and facilities going above and beyond and feeding back important information to his line manager and the Department.’
Emm Mic Drakakis, Bioengineering
‘As DUGS and head of the COVRA committee, Mano poured his heart into trying to deliver the best possible experience for our students throughout the pandemic.’
‘Manos just stopped doing anything else in order to make sure that we deliver.
He did it with the interest of the students at heart and the reputation of the Dept.’
‘What a year to take on the role of DUGS....His efforts to restructure the department in Autumn have had a hugely positive impact and there are no words to describe the pressure he has been under since March. He has shown strong leadership and has managed the situation brilliantly.’
‘For giving his all, dropping everything and committing to our students and colleagues.’
James Moore, Bioengineering
‘Creating a world class ventilator from scratch and driving its development through to regulatory submission for approval in four months. Superhuman!’
‘Jimmy has been a key member of the JAMVENT team, and central to its progress. He was (and continues to be) a great support when things are hard, for both me and his post-docs, PhD students and entrepreneurship students volunteering their time to the project.’
De-Shaine Murray, Bioengineering
‘On top of his PhD, De-Shaine has founded the Imperial Black PhD and Early Career Researcher Network, working with Bioengineering's EDCC and Imperial As One to create a new network and opportunities for black researchers at College.’
Rebecca Naessens, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Supportive, efficient, hard-working, kind, available, empathetic. A real rock!’
Fionnuala Ni Dhonnabhain, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘I am amazed at how Fionnuala supported academic staff and students in this lockdown. She really has shown enormous dedication to respond to the challenges posed by lockdown.’
‘Fionnuala was crucial in organising, managing and communicating all the consequences from the coronavirus pandemic for the Department's current and following MSc courses.’
‘Fionnuala's support to all the Department's MSc Clusters in the coordination and running of the remote examinations and unstinting support in the handling of applications, guidance and preparation for the new cohort has been truly outstanding.’
‘Fionnuala does an enormous amount of work for the MSc programmes, and is always available to help.’
James Pagram, FoE
‘James is the most important colleague that makes me feel still connected to the team when working from home.’
Maria Parkes, Bioengineering
‘Maria has been crucial to the success of the admissions process over this Covid-19. On top of all her admissions duties Maria has also been responsible for delivering a number of remote assessments. She has managed all her usual duties plus the extra responsibility of weekly COVRA meetings and assisting in Departmental Teaching Planning alongside parenting duties during lock down.’
Andrew Phillips, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Supporting Civil and Environmental Engineering students during the COVID 19 situation as Senior Tutor.
Ian Radcliffe, Bioengineering
‘Ian has gone beyond the remit of his usual role and taken the lead on much of departments admissions work, including formulating and implementing the admissions strategy we have now adopted.’
Maria Ribera Vicent, Aeronautics
‘During lockdown, Maria has helped to train and support new Teaching Fellows, has been central to the preparation of our SQTs and in proposing and testing new teaching methods for the next academic year.’
Siti Shamsuddin Ros, Aeronautics
‘Taking over the shared role of Senior Tutor a matter of days before the College closed, Siti took on the role with great skill and commitment managing an unprecedented number of mitigation requests and supporting our students through this incredibly challenging time for them both personally and academically.’
William Shaw, Bioengineering
‘He has been working long hours during the entire lockdown and still doing it, including Saturdays and Sundays.’
‘Will dropped his own postdoc work to instead help out one of Imperial's vaccine projects, and worked tirelessly and alone for many weeks in the lab during lockdown on this. He also selflessly spent any spare time in the labs during March to June, cleaning, rearranging and servicing the shared lab equipment and freezers so that everything worked well (or better) when the rest of the groups started to return.’
‘Apart from his quality of work, he's also a wonderful colleague who always has time to help others with their projects. He's been of incredible value to our group and I'm honoured to get to work alongside him. He's someone the department should be very proud to have on as their staff.’
Joseph Sherwood, Bioengineering
‘For Joseph and the JamVent Team to create such an innovative and life-saving emergency ventilator with a quick turnaround is nothing short of heroic and should be duly awarded.’
‘Joseph has shown incredible dedication to the JAMVENT project, serving as overall lead for the project. Simply put, none of this would have happened without Joseph's extraordinary efforts.’
‘I am incredibly proud at their work, and I believe that it will have significant impact in the global effort to tackle the COVID pandemic.’
‘Another person with many votes already, I can guess, but I do want to add one more! He led the JamVent ventilator project, and from what I could tell from occasional correspondence, he was just really really busy working on the project for weeks and months, then taking it through paperworks and applying for grants for the next phases.’
Julia Sun, Bioengineering
‘Julia served as a volunteer during the pandemic at St Mary’s Hospital as a member of St John’s Ambulance. She worked in various wards assisting healthcare professionals including the COVID wards and vascular wards. Julia helped to save many lives.’
‘During the peak of the pandemic and lockdown, Julia worked closely with frontline hospital staff, assisting them with patient care throughout the hospital. She spent many hours/long days in the COVID-19 ward, along with significant time in the vascular ward to free up healthcare workers for the hospital's COVID response.’
Reiko Tanaka, Bioengineering
‘Amazing job at managing the safety net, the complex exam board, remote assessments, and all the associated appeals.’
‘As our exam officer, Reiko ensured the smooth delivery of the remote assessments. As we all know, her contribution has been enormous, both in terms of how much time she had to spend on it and in terms of the quality of everything she has done. We owe Reiko a huge "thank you!".’
‘Remote exams and exam boards may have deprived her of literally all else personally and professionally for three months, but she got the department through it successfully and did it with a smile.’
‘Amazing work as exam officer during the COVID-19 crisis.’
‘Reiko has played a singularly crucial role in ensuring that the academic year was completed successfully. I witnessed first hand the significant time, effort, and patience Reiko put into this task. I am confident to say that without Reiko's extra efforts, we would not have been able to conduct examinations to the standard we did.’
‘Incredible quantity of work to prepare the examinations, looking into the details, and done humanly.’
‘As examinations officer Reiko had to deal with the college mandated changes to our assessments to make them all TRAs. This work went well beyond the normal workload for what is already a pretty demanding departmental role. I am not sure Reiko slept during this period, as I received a number of emails in the early hours of the morning and yet she was always happy to answer queries and always smiling in Teams calls.’
‘Even for new people who don't know the full extent of exam organiser's role, her effort in sorting out the changes in teaching and assessment due to COVID sounded heroic! She was working day and night, without any break for weeks.’
‘Reiko has always worked hard in this unenviable role, but during this year heroic efforts were required - the whole system had to be changed to accommodate remote examinations. Given the exceptional difficulties this involved, the Final Examiners' Meeting went very well indeed and the Department was complemented by the external examiners on the way it had coped.’
‘Reiko stepped up to take charge of the role of exams officer due covid. It might sound like she just did the job of the exams officer, but, given the difficulties with the student office, this was a monumental task, and she managed it very well.’
‘Under incredible pressure, Reiko has ensured remote assessments went incredibly smoothly. Although she has almost made this seem easy, she has worked tirelessly (7 days a week) to define new policies (including safety net) and make sure students are treated fairly. This was made even more challenging because of the lack of staff in the student office...Total respect for the impressive work she's done.’
Edit Toth, Bioengineering
‘For assembling the online database for student grades, which enabled the remote exam board to go so smoothly. Edit was responsive to emails on weekends and evenings prior to the board, and was even making changes during the board to help the process go without a hitch.’
‘Edit not only was massively instrumental in the teaching and exam prep, but also in the return to site, the committee and of course all of the OfficeSpace work that is really required in order to facilitate back to site.’
‘We worked together over the last 3-4 years to create an online system to process and visualise the exam results. Her technical skills, consistency, and reliability to make this happen were pivotal. It turned out that the system was absolutely critical for this year with the COVID situation. Moreover, she basically covered the tasks of the student office (e.g. collecting the missing marks) - that was critical.’
‘Edit has been fantastic to work with and instrumental in getting people back into the labs, arranging for facilities to fix faults and setting up OfficeSpace so well. Every meeting with her is full of humor and smiles and it just makes it so much easier to get work done when someone has such a positive can-do attitude.’
Christina Vagena-Pantoula, Bioengineering
‘During the pandemic and lockdown I doubt anyone managed to source and stockpile as many great sources of PPE for our staff and researchers as Christina did - she was really pivotal in making this happen, and did so with such great enthusiasm.’
Tim Venables, Engineering
‘Double jobbing as FOO and DOM. Keeping on top of all details and keeping the Department and the Faculty running. Amazing multi-tasking, always available and accessible.’
Brian Whiting, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Brian makes working in the Department so much better for so many. He is excellent at his job which has taken on due challenges for reopening labs and spaces due to COVID and he supports his colleagues, checking in and having a chat.’
‘Brian managed to lock down the department and now is doing a fantastic job of reopening it while always responding to queries from all quarters and showing sensitivity towards the needs of staff and students alike.’
‘During the lockdown, Brian has helped me access Skempton building safely to pick up equipment twice, so that I can continue with my research with minimal disruption.’
Sarah Willis, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Outstanding contribution in assessing covid related PhD extensions and providing support to the CDT in sustainable civil engineering.’
‘Sarah has worked steadily to support the research students in our department throughout this lockdown period, she has reached out to students who needed extra support such as funding extensions and has constantly communicated with everyone to achieve the best possible outcomes for our research students.’
Hong Wong, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘I have had to take on additional caring roles and Hong has helped me so much through a difficult time.’
Ji Young Yoon, Bioengineering
‘When our workshop closed for lockdown and the opportunity came to volunteer for the visor project in White City Ji instantly signed up and did multiple shifts. She has come back to site to help the team overall despite the workshop not being open - she has given inductions, taken training on things like cryostorage to help researchers etc. and overall helped out and been an excellent team member.’
Alastair Gemmill and Mecnun Karayigit, FoE
‘They have stepped up, made themselves available, provided solutions, cheerfully and continuously throughout this period. Local heroes!’
Bioengineering Student Support, Bioengineering
‘Dealing with student enquiries and the exam period during lockdown was an incredibly busy and stressful time for the Student Office and they have handled the stress gracefully and have still been forthcoming, quick to respond to enquiries and helpful when needed. I think that they are a brilliant team that deserve to be recognised!'
Bioengineering Technician Team, Bioengineering
‘The technician team has been working on site all throughout the pandemic, helping the research going. They have been travelling into work on a rota basis to keep everything in check.’
Komal Patel, Phil Power, Lorraine Craig and Omar Matar, FoE
‘They must have been working round the clock to provide all the support needed to FoE departments in evolving our courses so that we could continue providing a high quality student experience in the middle of a pandemic!!’
Louise Green and Anna Hikel, Civil and Environmental Engineering
‘Louise as has been essential in getting remote exams up and running as well as in all her preparations for the meeting of EPAB. Anna has been essential in her preparations for multiple MCB meetings. Together they have provided continuous support for our undergraduate student community, as well as keeping academic staff on track and calm!’
Molly Steven's Research Group, Materials
‘Simply brilliant brilliant teamwork in developing a covid diagnostic that is now ready to start clinical testing. Most people working on the project are volunteers and have helped from lab to literature inputs.’
Student Administration team, Aeronautics
‘This team oversaw the practical aspects of the delivery of remote examinations with significant accuracy and success as a result of their hard work and dedicated contributions.’
Zac Zachariadis and Geraldo Neto, Earth Science and Engineering
‘Critical to maintaining research and MSc computers/software during lock-down.’
Elina Akalestou, Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction
‘We are very grateful and thankful to Elina for volunteering with us, helping out and supporting the COVID DELPHIC lab team over the last 3 months - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!’
Sasha Ashbourne-Lewis, NHLI
‘There has never been any hesitation from Sasha to come in to work and help the 3 Sections during this extremely stressful time. Thank you!’
Jeremy Batten, Surgery and Cancer
‘Jeremy has picked up a lot of additional work from APMIC where their intensive care team have been exceptionally busy, supporting a surge in grant/research activity outside his normal divisional structure.
Jess Billins, Infectious Disease
‘Jess has not only kept all the usual management activities for the smooth running of the Section, but has also processed a phenomenal number of COVID-19 grants on a very short turn-around, all with good humour and efficiency - she's amazing!’
‘Her timely support, even with impossibly tight deadlines, during grant preparations is unrivalled.’
Paul Bunnett, School of Public Health
‘Paul has supported our research with urgent and unanticipated computer and software needs to enable our work to continue during the remote working transition.’
Chris De La Force, Infectious Disease
‘Chris has done substantial IT systems engineering to ensure we are able to continue our work remotely.’
Charlotte Dean, NHLI
‘Very supportive during COVID times regarding mental health issues relating to PhD students.’
Tom Durley School of Public Health I am very grateful to Tom for all his help - his work has really made a difference to the smooth running of our team over a very challenging period.
Nina Dutta, School of Public Health
‘Nina has taken on a number of lead roles in our team during this challenging period and has brought her core values of inclusivity to all these roles, supporting, empowering and inspiring faculty, students and our wider community.’
Nadine Engineer ,School of Public Health
‘Nadine has contributed significantly to the leadership of our team and co-led the ICSM-C volunteering programme enabling students to volunteer at local GP practices during the pandemic.’
Sarah Essilfie-Quaye, FoM
‘Sarah has worked astonishingly hard to help both our Faculty and the College to try and address many of the cultural issues highlighted by the recent Black Lives Matter movement, while also continuing to manage our large, complex Wellcome Trust funding on behalf of the Faculty, as well as being the mother of 3 kids under 6 and being the primary carer for her mum.’
Rachel Galassini, Infectious Disease
‘Rachel has gone above and beyond to make sure DIAMONDS has been set-up and rolled out, against a backdrop of pressure, logistic challenges and ever-shifting goalposts!’
Bethany Golding, School of Public Health
‘Beth has been instrumental in developing and delivering a volunteering programme for our year 3 medical students to work with the local community to support the COVID-19 response, as well as leading work and teaching more generally relating to address health inequalities and promoting community collaboration across our courses - all while navigating the considerable additional challenges of the pandemic.’
Gareth Hyde, NHLI
‘Gareth has been extremely supportive and a great manager since lockdown and has always made you smile when you needed it. Thank you for the support you have always given me.’
Michelle Kiely, Infectious Disease
‘Michelle deals with a large workload on a constant basis and yet is so helpful whenever I need advice or support - she deserves a huge amount of credit for all that she does for our Department. Thank you Michelle!’
Sonia Kumar, School of Public Health
‘Sonia has held our team together effectively and compassionately during this period and through this we have been able to surpass our expectations as a team.
Jenna Mollaney, School of Public Health
‘Jenna has contributed significantly to the leadership of our team and has been a key central figure in helping to raise the morale of the team when needed throughout the pandemic
Peter Openshaw NHLI
Despite having a ton on his plate, the science always comes first - completely in the know about the latest research.’
Ravi Parekh, School of Public Health
‘Ravi has contributed significantly to the leadership of our team and co-led the ICSM-C volunteering programme enabling students to volunteer at local GP practices during the pandemic.’
Karen Pontifex, Surgery and Cancer
‘Karen covered for me while I was on shared parental leave, looking after a range of complex HR issues which all coincided with the REF submission. She kept the division running in very difficult circumstances while still excelling in her regular job.’
Sian Powell, School of Public Health
‘Sian has continued to provide strong and effective leadership of the GPSA course, rapidly developing extensive new material relating to remote consulting to support our students and faculty in the new undergraduate teaching context during the pandemic.’
Natasha Richmond, NHLI
‘She has been a rock during lockdown, covering not only my work but standing in for both the PA to HoD and our BHF Centre manager, while hosting mental health coffee mornings.’
Dan Solanki, NHLI
‘Always at the end of the phone to help with any question, no matter how big small or silly!’
Sharron Stubbs, Infectious Diseases
‘Sharron has been fundamental in keeping essential services and activities going in our Section since lockdown began; both from her home and on site.’
‘Sharron has enabled the Section of Paediatric Infectious Disease to safely undertake a large amount of COVID-19 work, covering the absence of our own laboratory manager, supporting risk assessments and all practical and logistical aspects - she has not just gone the extra mile, she has gone a marathon distance beyond expectations.’
‘In the face of a thousand queries, Sharron has remained calm, kind, efficient and helpful.’
‘Sharron has been a vital link between home and on-site working and we would not have been able to work efficiently these last few months without her.’
‘Constant effective organisation, facilitating return to work after the lockdown.’
Neepa Thacker, School of Public Health
‘Neepa started her new course lead role as lockdown began and despite this, she has been a dedicated member of our team, setting and meeting high standards of work whilst also supporting others with care and compassion.’
Viral Thakerar, School of Public Health
‘Viral has consistently worked hard in his own role as well as always being willing to support others in theirs, especially during this current period.’
Ryan Thwaites, NHLI
‘Super clever, super helpful, and a lovely human being to boot. Thanks Ryan!’
Genevieve Timmins, Infectious Disease
‘Genevieve has helped massively with all of the departmental communications, particularly in the response to the black live matters movement.
Eleanor Tucker, NHLI
‘Always on Teams to help with any question, no matter how big, small, silly or diplomacy-related! More than just a colleague :).’
Jane Webb, Infectious Disease
‘Jane is an ever-cheerful, encouraging and helpful presence. Despite her extensive responsibilities as PA to a busy professor, she always has time to help members of the large team, and is frequently lightning fast in responding to requests for her assistance! She has continued to be a most vital member of our team during the coronavirus era.’
‘Jane is the glue that binds the Section of Paediatric Infectious Disease, she is truly a superhuman, doing everything from arranging meetings, reaching out to everything re all things working from home, and all the extra admin involved.’
‘The one constant source of usefulness throughout the pandemic, always supportive and completely irreplaceable.’
‘Jane has gone to great lengths to make sure everyone in the Section has all the information and resources they needed to allow them to keep working during lockdown, whilst simultaneously expanding her role to support the new Faculty Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health, keeping multiple senior academics organised, and providing a friendly and sympathetic ear for anyone needing it.’
‘Helps in every way possible.’
‘Jane is an integral part of the section, who goes above and beyond the call of duty.’
‘I literally could not do my job without Jane - she is knowledgeable, helpful and essential to the daily running of the Section of Paediatrics. We love you Jane!’
‘Supremely efficient, proactive, good-natured, uncomplaining (mostly!), linchpin of our Section, and a very supportive friend and colleague.’
‘Jane has with good humour continued to keep the Section of Paeds ID ticking-over throughout all the difficulties posed by the last few months.’
‘Jane has been the rock of the section. She looks after everyone. She is the central point of contact for everyone from new members of the group to the professors.’
‘Providing solutions and invaluable administrative support that makes our work easier in the Section.’
‘Jane is an essential member of our research group, she is always happy to help. Thank you Jane for everything you do, we don't know what we'd do without you!’
Jo Westmacott, Infectious Disease
‘Jo has gone above and beyond to navigate several complex staff challenges posed by the Covid-19 situation which has enabled our research projects to continue and also ensured personal and family well being of our research staff.’
Administration Team, Infectious Disease
‘The administrative support team has worked tirelessly to ensure academics and researchers have been able to continue their research during COVID-19. They have maintained their calm in extremely pressured times and worked brilliantly together.’
Emma Bergstrom, Laura McKay and Yasmin Mallu, Infectious Diseases
‘Emma, Laura and Yasmin have all given so much of their time to volunteer in running the College's COVID screening pilot project. Between the three of them they have now delivered >1000 tests to staff and students, giving reassurance and and additional level of safety to those staff and students back on campus.’
Hannah Cheeseman and the GCLP team, Infectious Disease
‘Hannah and the team have been central to the phase I COVID vaccine studies. Without them, these would not have happened.’
Lab Management Team, Infectious Disease
‘The Lab Management Team has been pivotal to keeping our labs open, safe and active during COVID-19 so that the Dept has been able to undertake essential COVID research and provide testing services during the pandemic.’
Learning Technology Team, AV Team and Digital Media Team, FoM
‘These teams have collectively been critical to the success of our remote delivery of examinations and teaching and transition to remote working, in very short order and to a high standard - frankly, we could not have delivered education during the lockdown without them.’
Paediatric Clinical Research Facility Team, FoM
‘The Research Nurses in the PCRF have done an outstanding job in continuing their usual high-standards of recruitment of children into COVID-19 studies, working tirelessly and with good humour to make sure every child had an opportunity to take part in the research.’
Undergraduate Primary Care Education Team, School of Public Health
‘I will always be grateful to our whole team for collectively providing a safe, inspiring, compassionate, innovative space for my colleagues and I to do our best work despite the most challenging of circumstances, making a real difference to students, faculty, and our wider community at a time of need.’
‘The whole team have worked exceptionally superbly together to adapt our primary care undergraduate courses in medicine so that since March our students have been able to continue with their learning, and are now able to return to clinical placements in a safe and structured format. The team and this work has kept me driven and positive throughout lockdown.’
‘During a very difficult time of the COVID pandemic, working remotely from home and having to shield, it has been a delight to have the community and family sense of our work team.’
Sophie Armstrong-Brown, FoNS
‘Thank you for organising the Teams FoNS Friday Aperitif - my lockdown highlight!
Emma Bowman, Grantham Institute
‘Emma has stepped up to help the Faculty during this unprecedented time and has willingly worked over and above to ensure the Director was supported. We would have had an impossible situation on our hands, given everyone's workloads, without her enthusiasm and willingness to take on additional duties to help another department.’
Angie Cass, Chemistry
‘Angie kept up her always excellent work under really difficult conditions and it was so brilliant that I could just rely on her!’
Oscar Ces, Chemistry
‘Amazing and inspirational leadership, supporting me (and his Dept) through these very difficult times.’
‘Thanks for all the powerful ideas and never giving up but more so for always being there and cheering me up!’
‘Amazingly clear, organised, and effective COVID response, with strength and positivity. In this case, good leadership really does come from the top.’
‘Oscar has done a fantastic job of keeping everyone in the department informed and reopening the department safely!
Ben Deadman, Chemistry
‘Because even during lockdown he always cared for the wellbeing of his colleagues and made sure we didn't feel lonely or having a hard time.’
Anne Dell, Life Sciences
‘For her decisive leadership and advice on critical decisions throughout.’
Euan Doidge, Chemistry
‘Euan's knowledge of teaching, infrastructure and compliance, mingled with logic, calm and empathy was invaluable during this difficult time.’
Michele Dougherty, Physics
‘Amazing and inspirational leadership and key advice through this critical period.’
Pat Evans, Life Sciences
‘Pat has been critical in managing the department throughout the crisis - dealing with absolutely everything during lockdown and ramp up to ensure that staff and students have been effectively guided and supported. Without her, we would not have been able to deal with all that has been thrown at us during this unprecedented time.’
Paul French, Physics
‘I'd like to thank Paul for his support, and advice during what has been a somewhat challenging period.’
Nazia Hirjee, FoNS
‘Nazia was an inspiration to me in this crisis and she kept me grounded with her cool and logical approach to solving problems.
‘Amazing commitment to the Faculty, leadership, key decision making and advice which has guided us through this period.’
Anne Houston, Grantham Institute
‘All of Anne's hard work to keep on top of ever changing DTP updates throughout the pandemic.
Doug Hudson FoNS
'A supportive, good ear for things going both right and wrong with a roll your sleeves up and can do attitude.’
Richard Jones, Mathematics
‘Richard as been critical in managing the department throughout the crisis - dealing with absolutely everything during lockdown and ramp up to ensure that staff and students have been effectively guided and supported. Without him, we would not have been able to deal with all that has been thrown at us during this unprecedented time.’
Manami Kanazawa, Life Sciences
‘Outstanding, unflagging, prompt support way beyond the call of duty.’
Mark Langford, FoNS Research Office
‘Mark has been unbelievably helpful and such a pleasure to work with throughout lockdown.’
Oswald Marongwe, Chemistry
‘Oswald facilitates the research, helps researchers with their daily queries and supports his colleagues.’
Rebecca Middleton, FoNS
‘Becky has been crucial in managing the huge amount of additional administration concerning education during the COVID crisis and liaising with departments.’
‘Becky has been essential in working with multiple stakeholders across the College to ensure the delivery of student and applicant communications and guidance, OfS requirements, logistical preparations for next term's teaching and student experience, education governance and essential support to the Vice-Dean (Education), which has been key to ensuring that we are in a position to welcome our students and deliver our courses in 2020/21.’
Richard Price, FoNS
‘Thank you Richard for your dedication to conducting PAT test, electrical repairs and ensuring electrical safety in the FoNS Departments.’
Mike Ray, Chemistry
‘Thank you for leading me out of the extension maze (but more so for keeping our PG students happy)!’
Joeri Rogelj, Grantham Institute
‘Constant support and guidance, both academic and otherwise.’
Erika Rosivatz, Chemistry
‘Erika has been critical in managing the department throughout the crisis - dealing with absolutely everything during lockdown and ramp up to ensure that staff and students have been effectively guided and supported. Without her, we would not have been able to deal with all that has been thrown at us during this unprecedented time.’
‘Erika has done an incredible job at coordinating all operations in the Department so we could continue working (before, during and after lock down). Thanks!’
Marcia Salviato, Physics
‘Marcia stepped in at short notice and without hesitation to provide much needed to support to our Examinations Officer when moved to remote examinations. She did a great job!’
Raj Sandhu, Chemistry
‘Fantastic job coordinating the exams and marks, with resolute cheerfulness and efficiancy. Thank you!’
Elena Sanna, Chemistry
‘With her kindness, smile and help she makes the days in the lab go by much more quickly and any HPLC issue is easily solved. Thank you!’
Victor Urubusi, Physics
‘Helping quickly at all times of the day and at weekends to make the remote exams work successfully.’
‘Victor responded quickly and proactively to the challenge of remote examinations. He worked tirelessly throughout the examination period ensuring he was always ready to support and assist both students and staff. It would not have been possible without him.’
David van Dyk, Mathematics
‘Inspirational leadership and thoughtful valuable advice through this critical period.’
Luke White, Physics
‘Luke has been critical in managing the department throughout the crisis - dealing with absolutely everything during lockdown and ramp up to ensure that staff and students have been effectively guided and supported. Without him, we would not have been able to deal with all that has been thrown at us during this unprecedented time.’
‘Luke has been my key contact during the ramping up of buildings, Blackett & Huxley in particular, helping me set the buildings up, going far beyond his duties.’
Brooke Alasya, Gary Wheeler and David Law, FoNS
‘Brooke, Gary and David have been essential in keeping us afloat, at a time when they have been extraordinarily busy already. They took on a workload in addition to their already busy jobs and as a consequence we were able to continue to submit grants and finalise contracts with very little disruption, through COVID and without a full-time DOM. Amazing dedication.’
CEP Office Administrators, Centre for Environmental Policy
‘The CEP Office Administrators have been extraordinary and all assumed additional duties and executed them efficiently and uncomplainingly. Without their selflessness and effectiveness, exceeding all reasonable expectations, the Department could not have functioned over the last 9 months.’
Chemistry Research Technicians, Chemistry
‘Technical, operational and emotional support during tough and stressful work/home tasks.’
EXSS Technical Team, Physics
‘These colleagues have been essential in supporting the Department by safely planning and implementing the ramp-up of experimental research for their group during lockdown.’
High Energy Physics Workshop Team, Physics
‘These colleagues have been essential in supporting the Department by safely planning and implementing the ramp-up of experimental research for their group during lockdown.’
‘Taking care of the High Energy Physics Group's facilities and accepting all requests for onsite requirements with cheerfulness since the Blackett Building reopened.’
Life Sciences Research Technician Team, Life Sciences
‘These colleagues have been essential in maintaining health and safety of critical operations during lockdown, and in safely planning and implementing the ramp-up of experimental research.’
Martin Selby, Paul Beasley and Catalina Estrada Montes, Life Sciences
‘These colleagues have been essential in maintaining health and safety of critical operations during lockdown, and in safely planning and implementing the ramp-up of experimental research.’
Mathematics Examinations Team, Mathematics
‘Running 170 online exams comprising 6,293 Time-limited Remote Assessments at very short notice!’
Nick Voulvoulis and Mike Tennant, Centre for Environmental Policy
‘All the CEP academics have made personal sacrifices to ensure our research and teaching adapt to changing circumstances. However, I want to especially thank Nick Voulvoulis and Mike Tennant for their leadership over the last 6 months, helping the Department to come to terms with the new teaching environment (Mike) and to develop broad-based and inclusive research grants and to develop the workload model (Nick).
Oscar Ces and Erika Rosivatz, Chemistry
‘For their steadfast, unflappable and humane leadership response to the Departmental change to remote operations since March 2010. By remaining calm even when under huge pressure, by working around the clock, by engaging and motivating everyone around them and by striking the right tone they have led the department from undergraduates to all staff to as smooth a transition as possible. Bravo!’
Peter Haycock, Corey Fulop and Rob Law, Chemistry
‘Keeping the cryogens topped up in the NMRs throughout lockdown was vital to the health and safety of the department and its ability to avoid damage to mission-critical expensive equipment.’
Photonics Technical Team, Physics
‘These colleagues have been essential in supporting the Department by safely planning and implementing the ramp-up of experimental research for their group during lockdown.’
Raj Sandhu, Sarah Johnson and Rebecca Raum, Chemistry
‘Thank you for making it all possible - from remote exams to a multimode timetable - you have truly been front liners and worked tirelessly.’
FoNS H&S team, FoNS
‘Stef and the FoNS H&S team have been an excellent resource for information and guidance that has shaped the safe reopening of the department. It would not have been possible without the flexible support from Stef and the Team.’
‘These colleagues have been essential in supporting the safe shutdown of operations in lockdown and in supporting the safe experimental ramp-up of research, together with planning safe operations in Autumn Term.’
Teaching Labs Team, Physics
‘The team have done an amazing job, rapidly developing new and innovative "Lab in a Box" kits that will allow our UG students to safely undertake their experiments. Thank you!’
Technical Ops Team and Facility Managers, Chemistry
‘The team were the last ones to leave the building having made everything safe with meticulous dedication, during the lockdown they kept critical operations running safely and during the ramp-up phase they completed the mammoth task of getting everything running again and making it a Covid-secure environment.’
Technician Team, Physics
‘The Physics Technicians were the first to return to the department to make essential preparations for experimental activity to restart. Within 2 weeks they had reviewed all areas of the department and with support from H&S, Maintenance and Estates, setup sytems and operations that have allowed the department to safely reopen. Thank you for your hugely important efforts and contribution!!’
Trevor Ferris, Dianna Nguyen, Oswald Marongwe and Oscar Sanderson, Chemistry
‘These colleagues have been essential to maintaining health and safety during the lockdown through management of glovebox safety and BOC gas deliveries.’
Workshop Team, Physics
‘These colleagues have been essential in supporting the Department by safely planning and implementing the ramp-up of experimental research for research groups during lockdown.’
Ayodeji Adeniyi, Careers
‘Ayo has been a source of inspiration during the past five months, sharing words of wisdom/inspiration and making sure to check on me during my maternity leave.
Cliff Barnes, ICT
‘Going above and beyond to sort out my computer problems when home working, thank you for your kindness.’
Nandini Bhudia, HR
‘Nandini has been consistently one of the most reliable and responsive people I work with - always super helpful and on top of her game. Thank you so much!’
Abby Bolt, Communications & Public Affairs
‘For helping to manage so many strands of work on the Wayfinding Project and being such a joy to work with!’
Jolene Burger, Estates
‘Jolene has been key to the reopening of the Department of Physics for experimental activity. Using her knowledge of the buildings and understanding of the needs of the department she has helped us in our Covid safety arrangements.’
Sheena Cardoso, Equality Diversity & inclusion Centre
‘Been Key in driving logistics in the Black lives matter response as well as providing support so I can focus on key work over this stressful period.’
Kathryn Clark, Provost's Office
‘Kathryn has gone above and beyond her remit to provide additional, highly valued support to the Department of Physics. Thank you for all your help during the lockdown.’
Christina Emmanuel, HR
‘Christina's approachable and friendly manner has been and continues to be key to the wellbeing of the whole staff hub team during a very difficult year.’
‘Christina's has been key to me because of unrelenting professionalism as a colleague and manager which has no limits in what can be, a times, the extenuating circumstances in the H.R. Staff Hub environment.’
‘Christina has been a key to me as she has been an extremely supportive Manager, who has been an integral part of building a new team and overcoming the adversity the team has faced.’
Rob Farace, HR
‘Rob is such a fantastic manager who has led our team with compassion through this challenging time; providing stability and support to me. Thank you!’
Chris Gibbs, ICT
‘Chris is efficient, hard working and has represented my teams interests with our suppliers and colleagues in ICT brilliantly over the last few months. He always has a positive demeanour and is a great ambassador for ICT.’
Dave Gordon, Security Services
‘I call Dave the the Usain Bolt of processing access requests and would not have known what to do without him.’
Sarah Hague, Outreach
‘For providing amazing support and guidance, during the increased period of remote working.’
Eddie Hartrick, Safety
‘Eddie has extensive chemical safety knowledge, he is always the first to respond to emergencies and helps to produce hand disinfectant and supply it to St Mary's.’
Andy Hitchman, Finance
‘Andy oversaw and even personally prepared and distributed many of the hundreds if not thousands of welcome packs contains reusable face masks and sanitiser which were critical to all departments in reopening labs in a safe and managed way.’
Rachel Knight, Central Secretariat
‘Rachel has been very helpful during the lockdown times keeping the team together.’
‘Rachel has made sure that she has stayed in touch throughout lockdown and has been thoughtful, caring and extremely supportive throughout.’
Alastair Lee, Risk Management
‘Al has worked outstandingly hard supporting Silver and doing so much else during the pandemic period, even when he was ill himself.’
Adrian Mannall, ICT
‘Adrian is the whole College's Teams guru and is incredibly generous with his time to support everyone. Thank you!’
Alexandra Martins dos Santos, Library Services
‘Alexandra has been key to clearing the Library's backlog of returned books - we couldn't have done it without her!’
Emma McCoy, Office of the Provost
‘Critical support for key decision making: providing the right advice, at the stressful moments, when decisions had to be made.’
‘Emma stepped into the role of Interim Vice-Provost (Education) in what must be one of the most challenging years College has faced. In her short time in the role Emma has shown a careful, considered approach which has enabled departments to manage and plan for the major challenges COVID has posed for teaching this year and next.’
Paul Noke, Residential Services
‘Paul’s communication and regular updates with his team is just outstanding. His humour reflects and keeps his team upbeat every day. The most amazing Manager anyone could ask for.’
Debra Ogden, Student Services
‘Debra has worked tirelessly to ensure Student Services can continue to provide high quality support across all areas to students during these exceptionally difficult circumstances, while at the same time making time to check-in on colleagues and make sure they are coping. Thank you Debra!’
Noel Papantonis, ICT
‘Managing the many challenging system upgrades over the last few months has been no mean feat, and Noel has persevered with our suppliers and been a positive influence through the issues we have faced.’
David Parrott, Registry
‘David has been so supportive of the System Configuration team, and I am grateful for all of his knowledge, hard work and input into the improvements going into next year.’
Courtney Richards, Estates
‘Courtney has given so much attention to the upkeep and maintenance of our buildings that we could not have restarted our operations without him.’
Fiona Richmond, Learning and Development, HR
Since waiting for the new Head of LDC - Fiona put in lots of time and effort to make sure the LDC team had what they needed in terms of both equipment and the right emotional environment, supporting them in the first couple of months of lockdown until the new manager started at the end of June.
Andrew Scheuber, Communications & Public Affairs
‘Andrew has led on College-wide news stories in response to COVID-19 and for every morning since late March, he has chaired the Daily News Huddle meeting on Teams for the CPA division. His professionalism, great attitude along with his quick-wit and humour is something he brings every single day to those meetings. I'm proud to call him my colleague. Well done Andrew and thank you for everything!’
Emma Shaw, Library Services
‘Emma has been vital in keeping the library team, normally based at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, connected, informed and positive whilst we’re apart with regular team catch-ups, 1-2-1s, frequent check-ins and reports of her gardening prowess and random lockdown online purchases.’
Airida Siaule, Security Services
‘Airida has been hugely helpful to me and my colleagues throughout lockdown and ramp-up by efficiently and effectively handling a volume of access granting and revoking to enable us to run our buildings safely throughout the pandemic and enable colleagues to undertake their critical work. Airida has been a wonderful colleague and we appreciate her work a great deal.’
Airida has worked tirelessly to ensure our buildings and those across College are secure during lockdown and has frequently worked late into the night to put new security card arrangements in place to allow us to reopen our labs and offices.’’
Hailey Smith, Education Office
‘Hailey has been instrumental in supporting the Education Strategy and Operations Group which has met every weekday to consider the implications of COVID-19, ensuring the wide areas of business are discussed and decided upon’.
‘Hailey has worked incredibly hard throughout the pandemic to keep i-EXPLORE running despite having many other extra things on her plate.’
Alan Spivey, Provost's Office
‘Alan has been a continuous source of support over the last months, he always has time for the smallest detail as well as the biggest picture. I've really appreciated how much he's given to supporting his colleagues as well as the College's mission for Education.’
Judith Webster, Registry
‘Judith has been a huge support in assuring the quality of our provision for next year.’
Angela Williams, Estates
‘Angela has been an inspiring Mentor since I joined Imperial College. Thanks for your support and guidance! :-)’
Beit Hall Subwardens, Student Services
‘For adapting to a new situation and working hard to support the students in residence at Beit during the lockdown.’
Building Managers, Brompton/St Mary's/Charing X/C&W
‘The Building Manager and Assistant Building Managers have communicated really well, and been an essential part of the complex preparations for groups returning to campus.’
Campus Services Communications Team, Campus Services
‘A huge thank you to Max, Clare, Lolade and Ria - their support has been invaluable to the whole of Campus Services over the last few months. I don't know how we would have done it without them! ‘
Careers Service, Education Office
‘The Careers Service have remained cheerful, helpful and supportive during this turbulent time - the support they offer for students has flawless been delivered remotely and its always done with a smile. Thank you Careers Service!’
Central Biomedical Services Unit, CBS
‘The CBS unit has kept open, kept going, and supported animal research’
Central Safety Team, Health and Safety Services
‘Surrinder and the Safety team have provided invaluable assistance to College in helping colleagues return to campus and work safely, and I am particularly grateful to our colleagues for returning regularly to campus as part of this.’
Chaplaincy, Education Office
‘The Chaplaincy have increased support initiatives during this difficult time ensuring members of our Imperial community have an outlet and supportive place to reflect. Thank you to the whole Chaplaincy team.’
College Values Project Team, HR
‘For enthusiastically transferring over to the remote format and persevering to ensure no one missed a chance to be involved in the conversations.’
Disability Advisory Service, Education Office
‘The Disability Advisory Service have been working really hard to ensure students are still able to receive the support they need, from adjustments during online assessments to plans for returning to campus to conduct diagnostic assessments - all of this without a Head of Service in place!’
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Centre Team, HR
‘For their very quick and helpful response to help the College create a safe environment for Black staff and students in light of the George Floyd murder. The team embraced the work to be done, very quickly getting well regarded web resources up and events arranged.’
Employee Relations Team, HR
‘I would not have been able to carry out the work without their flexibility and willingness to adapt to working online and their unfailing good humour.’
Financial Services and Procurement, Finance
‘I want to thank everyone in Financial Services and Procurement for rapidly adapting to off-site support with clear information, keeping income and payments (including salaries!) going under challenging circumstances and processing a huge volume of Covid-19 rapid response activity which has demanded so much of this Division; a really big THANK YOU and message of appreciation to you all.’
HR Staff Hub, HR
‘Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the HR Staff Hub team have shown their ongoing commitment, motivation and resilience in their roles. We would like to commend the team for all their efforts and hard work in striving for a customer-centric service.’
ICT Service Desk, ICT
‘We can't be working/teaching/learning from home without ICT!’
‘The ICT help desk have been especially key to me in the past few weeks. Without their help I would have struggled so much with working remotely. They have always been polite, friendly and exceptionally patient, taking the time to find out the problem and always resolving it.’
‘The ICT service desk have been fantastic during lockdown, helping me with my various computer issues quickly, efficiently and in a friendly and helpful manner. Thank you, I would have struggled to continue with my work during these times without the help of you all!’
‘I have called them a number of times over lockdown and they have been brilliant each time - always patient and always able to solve my issue.’
Jane Neary, Paul Noke and all the Campus Team, Campus Services
‘Jane, Paul and all the Campus Team worked tirelessly to clear and clean Wilson House back in March, so our Medical Students could volunteer to help the NHS at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their support and commitment was outstanding.’
Julie Fraser, Mickie Turner-Goble and Aga Scibor, Campus Services
‘Thank you to Julie, Mickie and Aga for their continuous support to all across Campus Services, keeping on top of all of our admin tasks (and more!) and for managing to keep on top of all the furlough spreadsheets :-)’
Maintenance Team, Estates
‘Keeping the College running throughout lockdown and ensuring that buildings, grounds, services etc continues to be in working order for when the College reopens to all.’
Payroll & Pensions Team, Finance
‘The team have been the most adaptable and dedicated group who have ensured everyone has been paid on time despite the huge challenges they have faced.’
Reactor Centre Team, Reactor Centre
‘Trevor's team have pursued doggedly the decommissioning of the reactor at Silwood, returning to work on campus much earlier than most colleagues.’
Residential Services Team, Campus Services
‘Throughout the lockdown, hall staff have been working hard to support students who were unable to go home, reuniting students with their belongings, carrying out statutory health and safety tasks and preparing for our new arrivals in September. A HUGE thank you to such a diligent team of staff who have been continuously working on the front line to look after our students!’
Sexual Harassment Project Team, HR
‘For continuing to push and keep this valuable work moving ahead despite the huge increase in work when the college shifted to online working. I appreciate your hard work over a long period and for not giving up on this when the competing demands grew.’
Stores Teams, Estates
‘The Stores team ensures you get your delivery safely and they always go extra mile in making sure College research operates as needed.’
‘The stores teams have been invaluable to keep our labs and particularly COVID-related research going during lockdown. Many thanks to all of them for all the special deliveries they have handled for us!’
Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service, Education Office
‘The entire Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service have worked tirelessly to convert their previously exclusively face-to-face service to an entirely remote support service, continuing to offer essential services to students. Thank you to the whole team!’
Student Hub Team, Campus Services
‘THANK YOU to the Student Hub for dealing with thousands of student enquiries, for ensuring that the invitations to apply for accommodation were sent out and for all of the background work to prepare for accommodation offers to go out in September. Exceptional team work, THANK YOU!’
System Configuration Team, Registry
‘My team mates are smart, committed and are consistently positive in their approach to the many challenges we have faced over the last few months. I would be much worse off without their hard work, out of the box thinking and friendship. And the College admissions process would be too!’
‘Sanjay, Sara, Nam, Tony, Tom have worked really hard and come in onto site during covid to help build PCs for the ERG project. This was a huge help and they went out of their way to help and did it all with a smile on their faces :).’
Woodward Crew, North Acton, Residential Services
‘The Woodward Crew were promptly communicating with overseas students and assist with reuniting them with their luggage and putting them at ease. A massive operation but well executed. Well done team Woodard, Holbrook and The Costume Store.’