This website, while active, is no longer being frequently updated. For the most recent information visit our Oxford website:



In our group, we combine theoretical, computational and experimental methods to study the mechanical behaviour of materials. Our primary focus is on material degradation and multi-physics problems, with diverse applications in science and technology - from batteries to wind turbine structures. Take a look at who we are in the People tab; read more about some of our ongoing research activities in the Research tab; see our latest papers in the Publications tab; check our computational and experimental resources in the Facilities Tab; and feel free to download and use our Codes

There are numerous opportunities for establishing a connection and for joining the Mechanics of Infrastructure Materials Lab. Inquires are welcomed.


November 2023 - We are hiring a computational postdoc to work on modelling hydrogen-assisted fractures at the University of Oxford. See the advert here.

September 2023 - We are moving to Oxford and are recruiting 2 postdocs and 2 PhD students, see the advert here.

May 2023 - Tim Hageman has been awarded the ECCOMAS prize to the best European PhD thesis in computational mechanics

May 2023 - We have an opening for an undergraduate summer intern to work on iceberg calving, as part of the NERC Grantham Institute scheme. Details here (for the specific project) and here (for the application process).

April 2023 - We have two postdoc openings in hydrogen embrittlement, one experimental and one computational.

April 2023 - We have an opening for an undergraduate summer intern to work on fusion materials supported by UKAEA. Details here.

April 2023 - Livia Cupertino has been distinguished at the 2023 L’Oréal-UNESCO 2023 Women in Science award ceremony

March 2023 - Tim Hageman has been awarded UKACM's Roger Owen Prize for the best UK PhD thesis in computational mechanics

February 2023 - Chuanjie Cui has been successful in securing a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in our lab

January 2023 - We are hiring a postdoc on computational modelling of hydrogen-assisted fractures. Details here.

January 2023 - We are hiring a postdoc on continuum multi-physics modelling of solid-state batteries. Details here.

December 2022 - Our PI, Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, has been awarded the Young Investigator Medal (<40 years old) by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering

November 2022 - Our postdoc Alfredo Zafra was awarded the Extraordinary PhD Prize from the University of Oviedo.

October 2022 - Our postdoc Alfredo Zafra, was awarded the best poster award in the 4th International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen. At this event, our PI delivered one of the keynote talks, which can be found here.

September 2022 - Our UROP, Shiyun Liu (Shelly), has won the prize for best presentation in the Henry Royce Materials Institute undergraduate conference 

September 2022 - Our PI, Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)

September 2022 - Javier Sanchez-Fernandez, MEng Final Year Project student and incoming PhD student has been awarded the prize for the best Final Year Project in the Materials Section.

July 2022 - Two of our postdocs, Alfredo Zafra and Livia Cupertino, have been successful in their applications for Dame Julia Higgins Engineering Postdoc Collaborative Research Fund, which will further support their research activities and establish new collaborations

June 2022 - Our PI, Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, has been awarded Imperial College's President Medal for Excellence in Research (Early Career category). See the news here.

April 2022 - One undergraduate summer research internship (UROP) position is available in the group, funded by the Grantham Institute. Details here and here.

April 2022 - We have a postdoc opening to work in computational modelling of hydrogen assisted cracking. See the advert here.

April 2022 - Our postdoc Dr Alfredo Zafra, has been awarded the prize to the best PhD thesis in the area of Structural Integrity by the Spanish Group of Fracture (GEF).

February 2022 - One undergraduate summer research internship (UROP) position is available in the group, funded by the Nuclear CDT. Details here.

February 2022 - We have a postdoc opening to work in the prediction of hydrogen-assisted failures. See the advert here.

December 2021 - Dr Adria Quintanas-Corominas and Dr Andres Montoya have been successful in their applications for a Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellowship and will be joining us in 2022.

November 2021 - We have a postdoc opening for an experimentalist to work on hydrogen embrittlement and stress corrosion cracking. See the advert here

October 2021 - We have an opening for a PhD studentship as part of the Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP. Home students with (or towards) a First Class degree interested in applying should contact us before the end of the year.

September 2021 - Our PI, Dr Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, has been promoted to Senior Lecturer (US Associate Professor).

September 2021 - Our PI, Dr Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, delivered a Plenary Talk as part of RILEM's 75th Annual Week. The talk is now in YouTube:

July 2021 - Our PI, Dr Emilio Martínez-Pañeda,​ has been awarded the "Young Engineer of the Year" award by the Royal Academy of Engineering. See the news here and here.

April 2021 - We have been awarded an EPSRC New Investigator Award grant and will be hiring a postdoc to work on multi-physics modelling. See details here.

April 2021 - One undergraduate summer research internship position is available in the group, funded by NERC and the Grantham Institute. Details here.

February 2021 - The PI, Dr Martínez-Pañeda,​ has been awarded RILEM’s 2021 Gustavo Colonnetti Medal for his contributions to the understanding and modelling of environmentally assisted fracture.

February 2021 - Our PI delivered an (online) invited talk at Max Planck Institut fur Eisenforschung (MPIE). The seminar is available in Youtube:

February 2021 - One undergraduate summer research internship (UROP) position is available in the group, funded by the Nuclear CDT. Details here.

February 2021 - Dr Sergio Lucarini, from IMDEA Materials and Carlos III University of Madrid, has been successful in his application for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship and will be joining the group in the summer as a postdoctoral fellow.

February 2021 - Our PI was one of the 10 invited speakers in the "Hydrogen-Materials Interactions" Workshop organised by HYDROGENIUS and I2CNER. The talk is now available in Youtube:

January 2021 - At least one undergraduate summer research internship (UROP) position will be available in our group. See details here (Project: "A new generation of multi-physics models for material degradation and failure")

December 2020 - Our PI was invited to deliver the inaugural talk of SEMNI's webinar series, the seminar is available in Youtube:

November 2020 - We have been awarded an EPSRC New Horizons grant and will be hiring an experimental postdoc in early 2021, the ideal candidate should have expertise in nanofabrication and/or hydrogen embrittlement testing. See the advert.

November 2020 - We have an opening for a PhD student within the CDT in Nuclear Energy Futures, project "A new generation of models for predicting corrosion damage in stainless steel". See the full list of projects and application details here. Informal inquires are welcomed at 

November 2020 - The PI, Dr Martínez-Pañeda,​ has been awarded the IMechE Prestige Award for Risk Reduction in Mechanical Engineering, which recognises an “eminent engineer who has contributed most in the understanding and/or reduction of risk in mechanical engineering”.

October 2020 - The PI, Dr Martínez-Pañeda,​ has been awarded the Simo Prize by SEMNI, an annual award to the best Spanish young scientist in the field of Computational Mechanics.

September 2020 - Chuanjie Cui (Tongji University) and Danhui Yang (Xi'an Jiaotong University) have been successful in their CSC applications and will be joining us for an extended period.

August 2020 - We are looking for an enthusiastic and talented PhD student to join our group. Details here.

Contact us

Write to for establishing a collaboration or to inquire for vacancies.