Please note: The SSCP DTP no longer accepts applications.
However, the Grantham Institute is currently inviting applications for PhD studentship funded by the Grantham Institute. For a list of projects visit this Grantham page (any future opportunities will also be advertised there).
For information only: previously advertised projects - do not apply
Imperial College London Departments and
Core Partner Institutes
Note: all core partner projects are co-supervised by an Imperial supervisor - these are listed both under the department as well as the core partner and are marked with an asterisk*.
1) Imperial College London
- Department of Aeronautics
- Centre for Environmental Policy
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Department of Earth Science and Engineering
- Department of Materials
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Life Sciences
- Department of Physics
- School of Public Health
Department of Aeronautics
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_6_Aero_KS.pdf Improved aerodynamics and control of UAVs for precision Atmospheric Boundary Layer measurements | Dr Kostas Steiros |
2024_7_Aero_OB.pdf The effects of turbulence intermittency on accelerating the formation of nascent raindrops in warm cumulus clouds | Dr Oliver Buxton |
Centre for Environmental Policy
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_4_CEP_CA.pdf Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement in Nature Based Solutions for Transformational Urban Climate Adaptation | Dr Alexandra Collins |
2024_5_CEP_YK.pdf Understanding attitudes and preferences for mitigation and adaptation responses to emerging wildfire challenges in the UK | Dr Yiannis Kountouris |
2024_72_Kew_LK.docx.pdf Understanding the role of non-native tree introductions in driving new species interactions | Dr Laura Kelly (Kew)/ Dr Tilly Collins* |
2024_82_ZSL_ST.pdf Asian wild bovids in a social-ecological landscape: understanding human dimensions of tamaraw conservation in Mindoro | Prof Samuel Turvey (ZSL)/ Dr Caroline Howe* |
2024_86_CEP_GO.pdf Bridging the Gap: Exploring Synergies and Trade-offs between Natural Climate Solutions and Clean Technologies for Effective Climate Change Mitigation | Dr Gbemi Oluleye (CEP and Grantham Institute) |
Department of Chemical Engineering
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_8_ChemEng_JH.pdf Systems analysis of direct carbon dioxide removal from air and long-term storage through algal biochar production | Prof Jason Hallett |
2024_9_ChemEng_AH.pdf Development of a land use layer for more effective integrated assessment modelling of climate change mitigation | Prof Adam Hawkes |
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_10_Civil_RM.pdf Resources requirements for ecosystem conservation and sustainable development | Dr Rupert Myers |
2024_11_Civil_PL.pdf Quantum Epigenetic Regulation of Micro-Aeration Microbiome for Methane Formation Control and Its Techno-Economic Implications Toward Achieving Net-Zero Carbon Emission | Dr Po-Heng (Henry) Lee |
2024_12_Civil_CO.pdf Spatial-temporal modelling of rainfall fields for hydrological applications in a changing climate | Dr Christian Onof |
2024_13_Civil_CW.pdf Environmental and health risks related to the recycling of waste wind turbine blades | Dr Chao Wu |
2024_14_Civil_AC.pdf Using advances in image processing to understand and model the occurrence of oceanic breaking waves | Dr Adrian Callaghan |
2024_15_Civil_AC.pdf How Important are Oceanic Bubbles in mitigating the Climate Emergency? | Dr Adrian Callaghan |
2024_16_Civil_AC.pdf Underwater stereovision imaging of bubble plumes beneath short-crested breaking waves | Dr Adrian Callaghan |
2024_17_Civil_JC.pdf The energetics behind ocean mixing and climate change | Dr John Craske |
2024_18_Civil_COS.pdf Improving the resilience of UK flood protection infrastructure using advanced numerical simulation | Prof Catherine O'Sullivan |
2024_1_BGS _CJ.pdf Protect Chalk streams or maintain groundwater resources, do we have to choose? | Dr Christopher Jackson (British Geological Survey)/ Prof Adrian Butler* |
2024_2_BGS_KU.pdf Securing future groundwater supplies: development and evaluation of numerical, statistical and machine learning methods for continuous simulation of groundwater yields | Dr Kirsty Upton (British Geological Survey)/ Prof Adrian Butler * |
Department of Earth Science and Engineering
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_85_ESE_JC.pdf Structure and tsunamigenic potential of the Lesser Antilles fore-arc | Prof Jenny Collier |
2024_19_ESE_KD.pdf Exploring origin and composition of the lowermost mantle structures with machine learning methods and seismology | Dr Doyeon Kim |
2024_20_ESE_KD.pdf Monitoring Global Groundwater Change Using Seismic Methods | Dr Doyeon Kim |
2024_22_ESE_RB.pdf Geological and geophysical investigation of the environmental evolution of the southern North Sea for offshore wind applications | Dr Rebecca Bell |
2024_23_ESE_MR.pdf Cadmium Enrichment in Cocoa Beans – A Stable Isotope Investigation of Cd Sources and Mitigation Strategies | Prof Mark Rehkämper |
2024_24_ESE_MR.pdf Understanding modern biogeochemical cycles in the context of the international GEOTRACES project – Lead, zinc, cadmium and neodymium isotopes | Prof Mark Rehkämper |
2024_25_ESE_MR.pdf Sources and climate impacts of Indian Ocean aerosols – constraints from trace metal concentrations and isotope compositions | Prof Mark Rehkämper |
2024_26_ESE_RM.pdf The transition metal isotope signatures of metalloproteins | Dr Rebekah Moore |
2024_27_ESE_GW.pdf Machine learning for subsurface multiphase flow in the energy transition | Dr Gege Wen |
2024_28_ESE_SK.pdf An evaluation of the feasibility of the global scaleup of CO2 storage for climate change mitigation | Dr Sam Krevor |
2024_29_ESE_CP.pdf Artificial Intelligence and geoelectrical imaging – can AI replace conventional resistivity inversion? | Prof Christopher Pain |
2024_30_ESE_FR.pdf Hot rocks in cold places: Quantifying mantle dynamic impacts on Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution | Dr Fred Richards |
2024_31_ESE_AW.pdf Reconstructing erosion and sediment supply from the continents: palaeo-topography, climate models and palaeo-hydrology | Dr Alexander Whittaker |
2024_32_ESE_AW.pdf Landscape, seismic hazard and fault growth: Normal faulting in the Gulf of Evia and Apennines compared | Dr Alexander Whittaker |
2024_33_ESE_MP.pdf Using Advanced Multi-Scale Numerics and Machine Learning to Assess Coastal Flood Risk | Prof Matthew Piggott |
2024_34_ESE_MP.pdf Teleseismic full-waveform imaging of active volcanoes with massive arrays of seismic nodes | Dr Michele Paulatto |
2024_35_ESE_DR.pdf Megathrust Earthquake Hazards and Coastal Erosion of the Cascadia Subduction Zone (Pacific Northwest, USA) | Dr Dylan Rood |
2024_36_ESE_PB.pdf Advanced imaging techniques to enhance energy efficiency in the processing of critical raw materials | Dr Pablo Brito-Parada |
2024_37_ESE_AM.pdf The role of aquifer hydrodynamics on CO2 storage: quantifying impact on fresh water resources | Prof Ann Muggeridge |
2024_38_ESE_IB.pdf Crust and mantle seismic structure of the East African rift system: implications for magmatism, seismic hazard, and geothermal energy potential | Dr Ian Bastow |
2024_39_ESE_FR.pdf Deciphering the influence of mantle dynamics on Cenozoic records of sea-level change | Dr Fred Richards |
2024_89_Physics_FS.pdf Probabilistic Joint Inversion of Geophysical and Physicochemical Data from Iceland | Dr Fiona Simpson (Physics/Grantham Institute) |
2024_90_ESE_AM.pdf Magnetically quantifying Urban Dynamic Exposure to Nanoparticulate | Prof Adrian Muxworthy |
2024_41_ESE_FR.pdf Mapping the Mantle Zoo: Integrating geodynamics, seismology and mineral physics to characterize Earth’s internal chemical reservoirs | Dr Fred Richards |
2024_3_BGS_AH.pdf Assessing the sustainability of lithium brine extraction in high Andean salars | Dr Andrew Hughes (British Geological Survey)/ Prof Adrian Butler* |
2024_65_NHM_AG.pdf Reconstructing vertebrate faunal dynamics in Central Asia through the last mass extinction | Prof Anjali Goswami (Natural History Museum)/ Dr Mark Sutton* |
2024_66_NHM_JW.pdf Detrital mineral records of magmatism and fertility in porphyry copper districts | Prof Jamie Wilkinson (Natural History Museum and Department of Earth Science and Engineering)* |
2024_67_NHM_JW.pdf Developing a chemical audit approach for characterisation of mine site material: implications for magmatic and hydrothermal transport, critical element recovery, environmental impacts and waste repurposing | Prof Jamie Wilkinson (Natural History Museum)/ Dr Pablo Brito-Parada* |
Department of Materials
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_55_Materials_AP.pdf Imaging a potential mechanistic link between air pollution exposure and Alzheimer's disease | Prof Alexandra Porter |
2024_87_Materials_RR.pdf Developing electrochemical technologies to convert biomass waste to low-cost green hydrogen and value added products | Dr Reshma Rao (Materials and Grantham Institute) |
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_56_MechEng_MM.pdf Towards a mitigation strategy for tyre particulate emissions: mechanics of rubber particle generation | Dr Marc Masen |
2024_57_MechEng_SN.pdf Modelling of Artic and Boreal Large Scale Wildfires | Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez |
2024_84_MechEng_JE.pdf Evaluating the ecological impact of mining for electric vehicle and stationary storage battery minerals | Dr Jacqueline Edge |
Department of Life Sciences
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_42_DoLS_TD.pdf The impact of environmental cues in antimicrobial resistance spreading | Dr Tiago Dias da Costa |
2024_43_DoLS_RG.pdf Climate impacts on Arctic plant-pollinator networks: a population trait-based framework | Dr Richard Gill |
2024_44_DoLS_SSe.pdf Real-time acoustic monitoring of insect pollinators and their behaviours | Dr Sarab Sethi |
2024_45_DoLS_WP.pdf The evolution of ecosystem function | Dr Will Pearse |
2024_46_DoLS_RE.pdf Physical principles underlying the assembly and adaptation of complex microbial communities | Prof Robert Endres |
2024_47 _ DoLS _ VS.pdf Same-sex sociosexual behaviour in nonhuman primates: causes and functions |
Prof Vincent Savolainen |
2024_48_DoLS_AB.pdf Population genetic engineering of disease vectors and other harmful populations | Prof Austin Burt |
2024_49_DoLS_JR.pdf Dating and analysing the complete tree of life | Prof James Rosindell |
2024_50_DoLS_LC.pdf Predicting the thermal adaptation of a disease vector in a changing world | Dr Lauren Cator |
2024_51_DoLS_EC.pdf The consequences of climate change and fisheries on Antarctic krill carbon sequestration | Dr Emma Cavan |
2024_52_DoLS_SP.pdf Assembling Functionally Stable Microbial Communities Under Fluctuating Environments | Prof Samraat Pawar |
2024_53_DoLS_TB.pdf Plant Immunity in a Changing Climate: The Mode of Action of NLR Immune Receptors in High Temperatures | Dr Tolga Bozkurt |
2024_83_DoLS_JT.pdf Developing the next generation of biodiversity metrics for nature-positive policy and practice | Prof Joseph Tobias |
2024_54_DoLS_ER.pdf Enhancing seagrass growth and resilience for restoration purposes with microbial manipulations | Dr Emma Ransome |
2024_71_Kew_EG.pdf Evolution of adaptive traits in lichens: Mechanisms of chemical self-resistance and heat resistance | Dr Ester Gaya (Kew)/ Prof Thomas Bell* |
2024_70_Kew_EN.pdf Extinction risk and threatened evolutionary history in epiphytic flowering plants | Dr Eimear Nic Lughadha (Kew)/ Dr James Rosindell* |
2024_69_Kew_LM.pdf Fungi as bioindicators of belowground ecological recovery in woodland regeneration initiatives | Dr Laura Martinez Suz (Kew)/ Dr Martin Bidartondo * |
2024_64_NHM_RT.pdf Marine ecosystem change in southwest UK during the Late Devonian mass extinction | Prof Richard Twitchett (NHM)/ Dr Martin Brazeau* |
2024_79_UKCEH_DR.pdf Predicting chemical impacts on environmental microbiomes using species sensitivity distributions | Dr Daniel Read (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)/ Prof Tom Bell* |
2024_80_UKCEH_GA.pdf From lab to land: Advancing synergetic green technologies for the remediation of contaminated land | Dr Gbotemi Adediran (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)/ Dr Jose Jimenez Zarco* |
2024_88_DoLS_TB.pdf Role of Symbiotic Microbes in Regulating Phytoplankton Growth and Future Ocean Carbon Storage | Prof Thomas Bell |
Department of Physics
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_58_Physics_RT.pdf A New Global Tropical Cyclone Model | Professor Ralf Toumi |
2024_59_Physics_HB.pdf Capturing the spectral fingerprints of errors in weather and climate models | Professor Helen Brindley |
2024_60_Physics_PC.pdf Relating future jet stream changes to present-day observable variability | Dr Paulo Ceppi |
2024_61_Physics_PC.pdf Why does climate sensitivity depend on the type of forcing? | Dr Paulo Ceppi |
2024_62_Physics_JN.pdf Impacts and benefits of agriculture-integrated photovoltaics for natural environment, land productivity and resilience in a changing climate | Professor Jenny Nelson |
2024_00 Observing aerosol-cloud interactions in a changing Arctic | Dr Edward Gryspeerdt (Imperial, Grantham/Physics) |
2024_68_RAL_RS.pdf Use of Satellite Observations to identify and attribute Decadal Climate Change | Dr Richard Siddans (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)/ Prof Helen Brindley* |
2024_89_Physics_FS.pdf Probabilistic Joint Inversion of Geophysical and Physicochemical Data from Iceland | Dr Fiona Simpson (Department of Physics and Grantham Institute) |
School of Public Health
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_73_SPH_PH Modelling strategies for the release of genetically-modified mosquitoes for arboviral control across different ecological settings | Dr Penny Hancock |
2024_74_SPH_MB.pdf Pregnancy losses under a changing climate in England | Prof Marta Blangiardo |
2024_75_SPH_KG.pdf Implications of climate variability on norovirus burden and control | Dr Katy Gaythorpe |
2024_76_SPH_MP.pdf Advance geospatial AI for understanding and forecasting environmental suitability for human vector-borne diseases in UK under a changing climate | Dr Monica Pirani |
2024_77_SPH_KB.pdf Evaluating the impact of palm oil sustainability certification on health of local communities in Southeast Asia | Dr Kristine Belesova |
2024_78_SPH_GF.pdf Air pollution data rescue - datasets for climate, health and policy | Dr Gary Fuller |
2024_81_ZSL_TG.pdf How do pathogen genotype climate envelopes dictate opportunities for coinfections and recombination of a multihost pathogen? | Prof Trenton Garner (ZSL)/ Professor Matthew Fisher* |
2) Core Partner Institutes
- British Geological Survey (BGS)
- Natural History Museum (NHM)
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Space
- UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH)
- Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
British Geological Survey (BGS)
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_1_BGS _CJ.pdf Protect Chalk streams or maintain groundwater resources, do we have to choose? | Dr Christopher Jackson/ Prof Adrian Butler (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)* |
2024_2_BGS_KU.pdf Securing future groundwater supplies: development and evaluation of numerical, statistical and machine learning methods for continuous simulation of groundwater yields | Dr Kirsty Upton/ Prof Adrian Butler (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)* |
2024_3_BGS_AH.pdf Assessing the sustainability of lithium brine extraction in high Andean salars | Dr Andrew Hughes/ Professor Anna Korre (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)* |
Natural History Museum (NHM)
For projects with The Natural History Museum you must apply via the NHM Website.
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_64_NHM_RT.pdf Marine ecosystem change in southwest UK during the Late Devonian mass extinction | Prof Richard Twitchett/ Dr Martin Brazeau (Department of Life Sciences)* |
2024_65_NHM_AG.pdf Reconstructing vertebrate faunal dynamics in Central Asia through the last mass extinction | Prof Anjali Goswami/ Dr Mark Sutton (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)* |
2024_66_NHM_JW.pdf Detrital mineral records of magmatism and fertility in porphyry copper districts | Prof Jamie Wilkinson (Natural History Museum and Department of Earth Science and Engineering)* |
2024_67_NHM_JW.pdf Developing a chemical audit approach for characterisation of mine site material: implications for magmatic and hydrothermal transport, critical element recovery, environmental impacts and waste repurposing | Prof Jamie Wilkinson/ Dr Pablo Brito-Parada (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)* |
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_69_Kew_LM.pdf Fungi as bioindicators of belowground ecological recovery in woodland regeneration initiatives | Dr Laura Martinez Suz/ Dr Martin Bidartondo (Department of Life Sciences)* |
2024_70_Kew_EN.pdf Extinction risk and threatened evolutionary history in epiphytic flowering plants | Dr Eimear Nic Lughadha/ Dr James Rosindell (Department of Life Sciences)* |
2024_71_Kew_EG.pdf Evolution of adaptive traits in lichens: Mechanisms of chemical self-resistance and heat resistance | Dr Ester Gaya/ Prof Thomas Bell (Department of Life Sciences)* |
2024_72_Kew_LK.docx.pdf Understanding the role of non-native tree introductions in driving new species interactions | Dr Laura Kelly (Kew)/ Dr Tilly Collins (Centre for Environmental Policy)* |
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Space
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_68_RAL_RS.pdf Use of Satellite Observations to identify and attribute Decadal Climate Change | Dr Richard Siddans / Prof Helen Brindley (Department of Physics)* |
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH)
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_79_UKCEH_DR.pdf Predicting chemical impacts on environmental microbiomes using species sensitivity distributions | Dr Daniel Read/ Prof Tom Bell (Department of Life Sciences)* |
2024_80_UKCEH_GA.pdf From lab to land: Advancing synergetic green technologies for the remediation of contaminated land | Dr Gbotemi Adediran/ Dr Jose Jimenez Zarco (Department of Life Sciences)* |
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
Project Title | Lead Supervisor |
2024_81_ZSL_TG.pdf How do pathogen genotype climate envelopes dictate opportunities for coinfections and recombination of a multihost pathogen? | Prof Trenton Garner/ Professor Matthew Fisher (School of Public Health)* |
2024_82_ZSL_ST.pdf Asian wild bovids in a social-ecological landscape: understanding human dimensions of tamaraw conservation in Mindoro | Prof Samuel Turvey/ Dr Caroline Howe (Centre for Environmental Policy)* |
Any questions?
For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (
Climate & Environment at Imperial blog
Student blogs- Negotiating for nature: the biodiversity conference and key themes
- What I learned about teamwork in the Grantham Expedition Team
- Powering Africa: new model compares options for off-grid solar in 43 countries
- Biodiversity credits: key principles and UK strengths
- Carbon capture technology is key to deliver on the UAE Consensus
- Cycling: the untapped potential for improving our health (and the climate)