The call for NERC-funded studentships commencing in October 2024 is now closed.

We therefore do no longer accept any applications.


For reference, these were the projects advertised for this year's call.

  1. Imperial College London Departments and

  2. Core Partner Institutes

Note: all core partner projects are co-supervised by an Imperial supervisor - these are listed both under the department as well as the core partner and are marked with an asterisk*

1) Imperial College London


Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_6_Aero_KS.pdf Improved aerodynamics and control of UAVs for precision Atmospheric Boundary Layer measurements Dr Kostas Steiros
2024_7_Aero_OB.pdf The effects of turbulence intermittency on accelerating the formation of nascent raindrops in warm cumulus clouds Dr Oliver Buxton


Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_4_CEP_CA.pdf Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement in Nature Based Solutions for Transformational Urban Climate Adaptation Dr Alexandra Collins
2024_5_CEP_YK.pdf Understanding attitudes and preferences for mitigation and adaptation responses to emerging wildfire challenges in the UK Dr Yiannis Kountouris
2024_72_Kew_LK.docx.pdf Understanding the role of non-native tree introductions in driving new species interactions Dr Laura Kelly (Kew)/ Dr Tilly Collins*
2024_82_ZSL_ST.pdf Asian wild bovids in a social-ecological landscape: understanding human dimensions of tamaraw conservation in Mindoro Prof Samuel Turvey (ZSL)/ Dr Caroline Howe*
2024_86_CEP_GO.pdf Bridging the Gap: Exploring Synergies and Trade-offs between Natural Climate Solutions and Clean Technologies for Effective Climate Change Mitigation Dr Gbemi Oluleye (CEP and Grantham Institute)
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_8_ChemEng_JH.pdf ‌‌Systems analysis of direct carbon dioxide removal from air and long-term storage through algal biochar production Prof Jason Hallett
2024_9_ChemEng_AH.pdf Development of a land use layer for more effective integrated assessment modelling of climate change mitigation Prof Adam Hawkes
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_10_Civil_RM.pdf Resources requirements for ecosystem conservation and sustainable development Dr Rupert Myers
2024_11_Civil_PL.pdf Quantum Epigenetic Regulation of Micro-Aeration Microbiome for Methane Formation Control and Its Techno-Economic Implications Toward Achieving Net-Zero Carbon Emission Dr Po-Heng (Henry) Lee
2024_12_Civil_CO.pdf Spatial-temporal modelling of rainfall fields for hydrological applications in a changing climate Dr Christian Onof
2024_13_Civil_CW.pdf Environmental and health risks related to the recycling of waste wind turbine blades Dr Chao Wu
2024_14_Civil_AC.pdf Using advances in image processing to understand and model the occurrence of oceanic breaking waves Dr Adrian Callaghan
2024_15_Civil_AC.pdf How Important are Oceanic Bubbles in mitigating the Climate Emergency? Dr Adrian Callaghan
2024_16_Civil_AC.pdf Underwater stereovision imaging of bubble plumes beneath short-crested breaking waves Dr Adrian Callaghan
2024_17_Civil_JC.pdf The energetics behind ocean mixing and climate change Dr John Craske
2024_18_Civil_COS.pdf Improving the resilience of UK flood protection infrastructure using advanced numerical simulation Prof Catherine O'Sullivan
2024_1_BGS _CJ.pdf Protect Chalk streams or maintain groundwater resources, do we have to choose? Dr Christopher Jackson (British Geological Survey)/ Prof Adrian Butler*
2024_2_BGS_KU.pdf Securing future groundwater supplies: development and evaluation of numerical, statistical and machine learning methods for continuous simulation of groundwater yields Dr Kirsty Upton (British Geological Survey)/ Prof Adrian Butler *


Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_85_ESE_JC.pdf Structure and tsunamigenic potential of the Lesser Antilles fore-arc Prof Jenny Collier
2024_19_ESE_KD.pdf Exploring origin and composition of the lowermost mantle structures with machine learning methods and seismology Dr Doyeon Kim
2024_20_ESE_KD.pdf Monitoring Global Groundwater Change Using Seismic Methods Dr Doyeon Kim
2024_22_ESE_RB.pdf Geological and geophysical investigation of the environmental evolution of the southern North Sea for offshore wind applications Dr Rebecca Bell
2024_23_ESE_MR.pdf Cadmium Enrichment in Cocoa Beans – A Stable Isotope Investigation of Cd Sources and Mitigation Strategies Prof Mark Rehkämper
2024_24_ESE_MR.pdf Understanding modern biogeochemical cycles in the context of the international GEOTRACES project – Lead, zinc, cadmium and neodymium isotopes Prof Mark Rehkämper
2024_25_ESE_MR.pdf Sources and climate impacts of Indian Ocean aerosols – constraints from trace metal concentrations and isotope compositions Prof Mark Rehkämper
2024_26_ESE_RM.pdf The transition metal isotope signatures of metalloproteins Dr Rebekah Moore
2024_27_ESE_GW.pdf Machine learning for subsurface multiphase flow in the energy transition Dr Gege Wen
2024_28_ESE_SK.pdf An evaluation of the feasibility of the global scaleup of CO2 storage for climate change mitigation Dr Sam Krevor
2024_29_ESE_CP.pdf Artificial Intelligence and geoelectrical imaging – can AI replace conventional resistivity inversion? Prof Christopher Pain
2024_30_ESE_FR.pdf Hot rocks in cold places: Quantifying mantle dynamic impacts on Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution Dr Fred Richards
2024_31_ESE_AW.pdf Reconstructing erosion and sediment supply from the continents: palaeo-topography, climate models and palaeo-hydrology Dr Alexander Whittaker
2024_32_ESE_AW.pdf Landscape, seismic hazard and fault growth: Normal faulting in the Gulf of Evia and Apennines compared Dr Alexander Whittaker
2024_33_ESE_MP.pdf Using Advanced Multi-Scale Numerics and Machine Learning to Assess Coastal Flood Risk Prof Matthew Piggott
2024_34_ESE_MP.pdf Teleseismic full-waveform imaging of active volcanoes with massive arrays of seismic nodes Dr Michele Paulatto
2024_35_ESE_DR.pdf Megathrust Earthquake Hazards and Coastal Erosion of the Cascadia Subduction Zone (Pacific Northwest, USA) Dr Dylan Rood
2024_36_ESE_PB.pdf Advanced imaging techniques to enhance energy efficiency in the processing of critical raw materials Dr Pablo Brito-Parada
2024_37_ESE_AM.pdf The role of aquifer hydrodynamics on CO2 storage: quantifying impact on fresh water resources Prof Ann Muggeridge
2024_38_ESE_IB.pdf Crust and mantle seismic structure of the East African rift system: implications for magmatism, seismic hazard, and geothermal energy potential Dr Ian Bastow
2024_39_ESE_FR.pdf Deciphering the influence of mantle dynamics on Cenozoic records of sea-level change Dr Fred Richards
2024_89_Physics_FS.pdf Probabilistic Joint Inversion of Geophysical and Physicochemical Data from Iceland Dr Fiona Simpson (Physics/Grantham Institute)
2024_90_ESE_AM.pdf Magnetically quantifying Urban Dynamic Exposure to Nanoparticulate Prof Adrian Muxworthy
2024_41_ESE_FR.pdf Mapping the Mantle Zoo: Integrating geodynamics, seismology and mineral physics to characterize Earth’s internal chemical reservoirs Dr Fred Richards
2024_3_BGS_AH.pdf Assessing the sustainability of lithium brine extraction in high Andean salars Dr Andrew Hughes (British Geological Survey)/ Prof Adrian Butler*
2024_65_NHM_AG.pdf Reconstructing vertebrate faunal dynamics in Central Asia through the last mass extinction Prof Anjali Goswami (Natural History Museum)/ Dr Mark Sutton*
2024_66_NHM_JW.pdf Detrital mineral records of magmatism and fertility in porphyry copper districts Prof Jamie Wilkinson (Natural History Museum and Department of Earth Science and Engineering)*
2024_67_NHM_JW.pdf Developing a chemical audit approach for characterisation of mine site material: implications for magmatic and hydrothermal transport, critical element recovery, environmental impacts and waste repurposing Prof Jamie Wilkinson (Natural History Museum)/ Dr Pablo Brito-Parada*
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_55_Materials_AP.pdf Imaging a potential mechanistic link between air pollution exposure and Alzheimer's disease Prof Alexandra Porter
2024_87_Materials_RR.pdf Developing electrochemical technologies to convert biomass waste to low-cost green hydrogen and value added products Dr Reshma Rao (Materials and Grantham Institute)
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_56_MechEng_MM.pdf Towards a mitigation strategy for tyre particulate emissions: mechanics of rubber particle generation Dr Marc Masen
2024_57_MechEng_SN.pdf Modelling of Artic and Boreal Large Scale Wildfires Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez
2024_84_MechEng_JE.pdf Evaluating the ecological impact of mining for electric vehicle and stationary storage battery minerals Dr Jacqueline Edge
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_42_DoLS_TD.pdf The impact of environmental cues in antimicrobial resistance spreading Dr Tiago Dias da Costa
2024_43_DoLS_RG.pdf Climate impacts on Arctic plant-pollinator networks: a population trait-based framework Dr Richard Gill
2024_44_DoLS_SSe.pdf Real-time acoustic monitoring of insect pollinators and their behaviours Dr Sarab Sethi
2024_45_DoLS_WP.pdf The evolution of ecosystem function Dr Will Pearse
2024_46_DoLS_RE.pdf Physical principles underlying the assembly and adaptation of complex microbial communities Prof Robert Endres
2024_47 _ DoLS _ VS.pdf Same-sex sociosexual behaviour in nonhuman primates: causes and functions

Prof Vincent Savolainen
2024_48_DoLS_AB.pdf Population genetic engineering of disease vectors and other harmful populations Prof Austin Burt
2024_49_DoLS_JR.pdf Dating and analysing the complete tree of life Prof James Rosindell
2024_50_DoLS_LC.pdf Predicting the thermal adaptation of a disease vector in a changing world Dr Lauren Cator
2024_51_DoLS_EC.pdf The consequences of climate change and fisheries on Antarctic krill carbon sequestration Dr Emma Cavan
2024_52_DoLS_SP.pdf Assembling Functionally Stable Microbial Communities Under Fluctuating Environments Prof Samraat Pawar
2024_53_DoLS_TB.pdf Plant Immunity in a Changing Climate: The Mode of Action of NLR Immune Receptors in High Temperatures Dr Tolga Bozkurt
2024_83_DoLS_JT.pdf Developing the next generation of biodiversity metrics for nature-positive policy and practice Prof Joseph Tobias
2024_54_DoLS_ER.pdf Enhancing seagrass growth and resilience for restoration purposes with microbial manipulations Dr Emma Ransome
2024_71_Kew_EG.pdf Evolution of adaptive traits in lichens: Mechanisms of chemical self-resistance and heat resistance Dr Ester Gaya (Kew)/ Prof Thomas Bell*
2024_70_Kew_EN.pdf Extinction risk and threatened evolutionary history in epiphytic flowering plants Dr Eimear Nic Lughadha (Kew)/ Dr James Rosindell*
2024_69_Kew_LM.pdf Fungi as bioindicators of belowground ecological recovery in woodland regeneration initiatives Dr Laura Martinez Suz (Kew)/ Dr Martin Bidartondo *
2024_64_NHM_RT.pdf Marine ecosystem change in southwest UK during the Late Devonian mass extinction Prof Richard Twitchett (NHM)/ Dr Martin Brazeau*
2024_79_UKCEH_DR.pdf Predicting chemical impacts on environmental microbiomes using species sensitivity distributions Dr Daniel Read (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)/ Prof Tom Bell*
2024_80_UKCEH_GA.pdf From lab to land: Advancing synergetic green technologies for the remediation of contaminated land Dr Gbotemi Adediran (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)/ Dr Jose Jimenez Zarco*
2024_88_DoLS_TB.pdf Role of Symbiotic Microbes in Regulating Phytoplankton Growth and Future Ocean Carbon Storage Prof Thomas Bell
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_58_Physics_RT.pdf A New Global Tropical Cyclone Model Professor Ralf Toumi
2024_59_Physics_HB.pdf Capturing the spectral fingerprints of errors in weather and climate models Professor Helen Brindley
2024_60_Physics_PC.pdf Relating future jet stream changes to present-day observable variability Dr Paulo Ceppi
2024_61_Physics_PC.pdf Why does climate sensitivity depend on the type of forcing? Dr Paulo Ceppi
2024_62_Physics_JN.pdf Impacts and benefits of agriculture-integrated photovoltaics for natural environment, land productivity and resilience in a changing climate Professor Jenny Nelson
2024_00 Observing aerosol-cloud interactions in a changing Arctic  Dr Edward Gryspeerdt (Imperial, Grantham/Physics)
2024_68_RAL_RS.pdf Use of Satellite Observations to identify and attribute Decadal Climate Change Dr Richard Siddans (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)/ Prof Helen Brindley*
2024_89_Physics_FS.pdf Probabilistic Joint Inversion of Geophysical and Physicochemical Data from Iceland Dr Fiona Simpson (Department of Physics and Grantham Institute)


Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_73_SPH_PH Modelling strategies for the release of genetically-modified mosquitoes for arboviral control across different ecological settings Dr Penny Hancock
2024_74_SPH_MB.pdf Pregnancy losses under a changing climate in England Prof Marta Blangiardo
2024_75_SPH_KG.pdf Implications of climate variability on norovirus burden and control Dr Katy Gaythorpe
2024_76_SPH_MP.pdf Advance geospatial AI for understanding and forecasting environmental suitability for human vector-borne diseases in UK under a changing climate Dr Monica Pirani
2024_77_SPH_KB.pdf Evaluating the impact of palm oil sustainability certification on health of local communities in Southeast Asia Dr Kristine Belesova
2024_78_SPH_GF.pdf Air pollution data rescue - datasets for climate, health and policy  Dr Gary Fuller 
2024_81_ZSL_TG.pdf How do pathogen genotype climate envelopes dictate opportunities for coinfections and recombination of a multihost pathogen? Prof Trenton Garner (ZSL)/ Professor Matthew Fisher*

2) Core Partner Institutes

Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_1_BGS _CJ.pdf Protect Chalk streams or maintain groundwater resources, do we have to choose? Dr Christopher Jackson/ Prof Adrian Butler (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)*
2024_2_BGS_KU.pdf Securing future groundwater supplies: development and evaluation of numerical, statistical and machine learning methods for continuous simulation of groundwater yields Dr Kirsty Upton/ Prof Adrian Butler (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)*
2024_3_BGS_AH.pdf Assessing the sustainability of lithium brine extraction in high Andean salars Dr Andrew Hughes/ Professor Anna Korre (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)*

For projects with The Natural History Museum you must apply via the NHM Website 

Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_64_NHM_RT.pdf Marine ecosystem change in southwest UK during the Late Devonian mass extinction Prof Richard Twitchett/ Dr Martin Brazeau (Department of Life Sciences)*
2024_65_NHM_AG.pdf Reconstructing vertebrate faunal dynamics in Central Asia through the last mass extinction Prof Anjali Goswami/ Dr Mark Sutton (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)*
2024_66_NHM_JW.pdf Detrital mineral records of magmatism and fertility in porphyry copper districts Prof Jamie Wilkinson (Natural History Museum and Department of Earth Science and Engineering)*
2024_67_NHM_JW.pdf Developing a chemical audit approach for characterisation of mine site material: implications for magmatic and hydrothermal transport, critical element recovery, environmental impacts and waste repurposing Prof Jamie Wilkinson/ Dr Pablo Brito-Parada (Department of Earth Science and Engineering)*
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_69_Kew_LM.pdf Fungi as bioindicators of belowground ecological recovery in woodland regeneration initiatives Dr Laura Martinez Suz/ Dr Martin Bidartondo (Department of Life Sciences)*
2024_70_Kew_EN.pdf Extinction risk and threatened evolutionary history in epiphytic flowering plants Dr Eimear Nic Lughadha/ Dr James Rosindell (Department of Life Sciences)*
2024_71_Kew_EG.pdf Evolution of adaptive traits in lichens: Mechanisms of chemical self-resistance and heat resistance Dr Ester Gaya/ Prof Thomas Bell (Department of Life Sciences)*
2024_72_Kew_LK.docx.pdf Understanding the role of non-native tree introductions in driving new species interactions Dr Laura Kelly (Kew)/ Dr Tilly Collins (Centre for Environmental Policy)*
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_68_RAL_RS.pdf Use of Satellite Observations to identify and attribute Decadal Climate Change Dr Richard Siddans / Prof Helen Brindley (Department of Physics)*
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_79_UKCEH_DR.pdf Predicting chemical impacts on environmental microbiomes using species sensitivity distributions Dr Daniel Read/ Prof Tom Bell (Department of Life Sciences)*
2024_80_UKCEH_GA.pdf From lab to land: Advancing synergetic green technologies for the remediation of contaminated land Dr Gbotemi Adediran/ Dr Jose Jimenez Zarco (Department of Life Sciences)*
Project Title Lead Supervisor
2024_81_ZSL_TG.pdf How do pathogen genotype climate envelopes dictate opportunities for coinfections and recombination of a multihost pathogen? Prof Trenton Garner/ Professor Matthew Fisher (School of Public Health)*
2024_82_ZSL_ST.pdf Asian wild bovids in a social-ecological landscape: understanding human dimensions of tamaraw conservation in Mindoro Prof Samuel Turvey/ Dr Caroline Howe (Centre for Environmental Policy)*

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (