I-HUB Community

Patient and public involvement, engagement, and participation

We believe that it is only patients and the public themselves that can decide what they need, and from what they will benefit, through the use of health data for research and the implementation of digital health solutions.  

Our priorities and research questions are co-designed throughout our public involvement work and we have embedded a team of community partners as part of Imperial NIHR Biomedical Research Centre’s Digital Health theme that provide strategic steer and guidance on our research strategy. We also have public contributors embedded as part of the iCARE Secure Data Environment Data Access and Prioritisation Committee, which reviews all researcher requests to access health data.  

Our team also works very closely with Imperial’s Patient Experience Research Centre, which oversees public involvement in health research. It has strong links within the diverse North West London population, and uses various approaches in community engagement, which includes working closely with community organisations, and incorporating participant voices in research.  

If you would like to join our network of patients and the public interested in being involved in our research, please visit our Public Involvement page for more information. 

Meet our digital health community partners

We have recruited a group of Community Partners to act as critical friends to our theme and share their valuable lived experience with our researchers and health professionals to help improve the relevance and quality of our research for the benefit of our North West London population. 

How members of the public have shaped our digital health research strategy 

 You can read on the Public Involvement Activity page about how we engaged members of the public to shape our digital health portfolio of work below. 


Contact us

For general enquiries email: imperial.dcs@nhs.net

For data access enquiries email: imperial.dataaccessrequest@nhs.net

iCARE social media
