Enduring excellence in research
Imperial is a research powerhouse. Our people share ideas, expertise and technology to answer the big scientific questions and global challenges.
Imperial research is defined by its internationalism, innovation and impact. Two-thirds of our research involves an international collaborator, spanning more than 130 countries, making us the UK’s most international university.
Our talented staff don’t just cross borders; they transcend traditional academic disciplines to tackle major societal issues. Challenges like climate change, future energy supplies, antibiotic resistance and national security can only be tackled by bringing together highly collaborative, multidisciplinary teams. Such partnerships require patience and curiosity and will thrive in environments in which the facilities and research ethos are outstanding.
There are many strands to a world class research university. Imperial undertakes fundamental, discovery-led research, while encouraging technology transfer, policy interventions, start ups and industry connections. A commitment to excellence in all of these underpins everything we do.
This excellence is how we expand the frontiers of knowledge in science, medicine, engineering and business, and translate those discoveries into benefits for society.
Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise)