At Imperial College Early Years we pride ourselves on being an outstanding setting.  We understand the importance of outdoor play and the positive impact that being outdoors has. 

In June 2015 an idea originating from the TV programme ‘The Apprentice’ was presented to the Early Year’s team.  The mission was to use ’The Apprentice’ format to  improve our outdoor play area and in return provide opportunities for different staff to work together, share their skills and ideas, and lead a team, whilst inspiring and motivating each other. 

There were four teams - Star Team, Cool with Team 2, Jungle Team, and Garden Fairies.

Garden fairies

Garden fairies

Cool with team 2

Cool with team 2

Jungle team

Jungle team

Star team

Star team

The teams were given specific criteria to showcase their understanding of outdoor play.  Their presentations illustrated the work they would provide for each aspect of the children’s development, as well as showing how they would accomplish the excellent activities provided.

The teams were judged on their ability to adhere to the given criteria and the children had an opportunity to play and interact with each of the teams’ ideas and plans. 

The judges were absolutely speechless, as every single day was met with an abundance of talent, skills, dedication and a willingness to provide the best for the children.

The effort from the teams were very apparent, and each day the children remained focussed and engaged in the different activities provided for them.  It was totally amazing, extremely gratifying, and very rewarding, for both staff and children. 

Individual team strengths were highlighted as;

Star team - Great use of the Early Years resources, recycled material, and  keeping to a low budget Cool with Team 2 - The ability to work as a team 

Star team

Star team

Star team

Star team

Star team

Star team

Star team

Star team

The Garden Fairies -  The ability to plan, create, and provide a wide range of  activities tailored to each child’s individual needs

Garden Fairies

Garden Fairies

Garden Fairies

Garden Fairies

Garden Fairies

Garden Fairies

Garden Fairies

Garden Fairies

Jungle team - Best use of a theme in all the areas of learning throughout the whole garden

Jungle team

Jungle team

Jungle team

Jungle team

Jungle team

Jungle team

Jungle team

Jungle team

Although all the teams were valued, appreciated, and recognised for all their hard work. One team became our overall winner.

The winning team was ‘Cool with Team 2’ for their ability to work collectively together with a cohesive presentation and good understanding of their roles within the team, as well as everything they presented to the children and staff. 

Cool with Team 2

Cool with Team 2

Cool with Team 2

Cool with Team 2

Cool with Team 2

Cool with Team 2

Cool with Team 2

Cool with Team 2
