Steering Group

Terms of Reference

To increase the effectiveness and pervasiveness of student partnership activities across the college and ensuring best practice is disseminated and championed by:

  • Considering and refining new StudentShaper programme streams and discussing their implementation
  • Considering reports from existing StudentShaper activities to further develop and refine best practice
  • Considering how Student partnership activities can be better communicated both internally and externally
  • Understanding how educational research underpins our student partnership practices and how evaluation of our activities may contribute to understanding of student partnership activity.


Reports to the Learning and Teaching Committee. 

Other groups will be reported to as relevant. 

Constitution and Membership

Constitution and Membership

  • StudentShapers Academic Lead (Chair)
  • ICU Deputy President (Education)
  • Education Projects Manager (Education Office)
  • Graduate School Staff Member
  • EDU/CHERs Staff Members
  • Project 'Champions': students and/or staff and Faculty Education Managers (or equivalent) to attend meetings when relevant
  • Staff from Registry, EDU, the Digital Media Lab and ICU to attend when useful.

Committee Secretary

For more information please contact Bryony Markwick , Education Projects Officer (StudentShapers)

Membership 23/24
Name Role
Tiffany Chiu  StudentShapers Academic Lead (Chair)
   ICU Deputy President (Education)
Nikki Boyd EDU/CHERS
Caroline Clewley CLCC
Kieron Creagh Education Projects Manager
Bethan Richie Deputy Manager - Graduate School
Richard Bale EDU/CHERS
Paulina Kristiansson Education Office - Imperial Award Manager
Iro Ntonia EDU/CHERS
Summary of the table's contents

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

  • Upcoming dates TBA


Items of business should be submitted to the Education Projects Officer (StudentShapers) ( no later than one week prior to the meeting.