Next Proposal Deadlines:

  • 1st November 2024 – for projects that intend to run from the spring term onwards (proposals that come in for summer engagement by this date, will be added to the February review cycle)
  • 7th February 2025 – for summer vacation proposals
  • 2nd June 2025 – for projects that intend to run from the autumn term (25-26) onwards 
Student Expression of Interest form for all projectsSee Rachel Buckley's EoI to enhance your own - Animated Inclusive Personae project

StudentShapers Opportunities across all Faculties and Departments:


Summer vacation projects will be listed here when approved, with most becoming available in early March/Spring term.

Important: All projects which have agreed funding and are due to commence shortly are listed below. If you are a student and interested in developing a project you should work in partnership with a member of staff to develop the idea and who will need to submit a project proposal for funding.

All students should formally express interest in projects through the Student Expression of Interest form. Informal enquiries can be made to either the staff partner or StudentShapers. The staff partner(s) will be in touch shortly after the deadline given in the recruitment ad and will handle your application. 

Whilst we encourage students to apply for all projects that are of interest to themplease note that more than one project should not be engaged with at the same time.  This would include UROP projects or similar internship or placement opportunities.  This is to ensure an appropriate level of investment in your chosen project.  As such you should pay close attention to the suggested timelines of each project you submit interest in.

Recruiting projects

Cross-Faculty/Engineering: ViRSE - ExploVR - Deadline: 28th February


This is an opportunity to develop a three-dimensional virtual representation of a chemical production plant, then set off explosions and fires from small to huge scale, for use in process safety teaching within the Department Chemical Engineering. You will be working in partnership with Dr Chris Tighe (Chemical Engineering) to design, code and test a system to visualise and explore process units, equipment and buildings such as reactors, furnaces, heat exchangers, separators, distillation columns, pumps, flare stack, storage tanks, control room etc. You will then define a variety of fire and explosion scenarios around the plant e.g. pool/flash/jet fire, vapour cloud explosion or boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE) at various scales, determining the effects of thermal radiation and blast overpressure vs. distance using consequence models published in the literature. Finally, you will design and implement systems, which allow these scenarios to play out in real time on the virtual plant. The goal of this project is to provide students with an immersive experience, giving them a sense of the scale of process plant, to visualise the impact of an explosion or fire on the plant, and how the layout of the plant can help limit the consequences of such an event in terms of e.g. damage to neighbouring units, access for emergency response and routes for evacuation.

The student undertaking this engagement will gain a deeper understanding of process plant layout and the modelling of fires and explosions, as well as gaining technical skills and experience in coding (in C#/Unity), and in three-dimensional visualisation. They will also gain experience in collaborative software-development as part of a professional team.

This engagement is part of the ViRSE (Virtual Reality Student Experience) project, which is developing a virtual reality platform to ease the development and deployment of ‘multi-player’ virtual reality into Imperial’s teaching across a range of departments and subjects. ViRSE is built on the Unity game engine, and all ViRSE applications (including this project) are also built within Unity; code is written in the C# programming language. Students will not need to build a VR interface, write rendering code, or concern themselves with networking or administrative issues; these are handled by the ViRSE framework and the Unity engine. The development in this engagement will concentrate on the creation of a three-dimensional ‘environment’ specific to the project, and creating and testing the code necessary to make it function, and to interface with the ViRSE system.

All ViRSE student shaper engagements will commence with a two-week full time training course , which will provide the necessary grounding in the C# language, object-oriented programming, the Unity engine, the ViRSE platform, and 3D modelling tools. This course will take place on-campus June 30th  – July 12th 2025. In subsequent six project weeks the ViRSE student partners will lead on the development of the particular applications within Unity, in collaboration with the academic lead, and with the ViRSE team providing technical support and advice. These six project-development weeks are flexible in precise timing, but should take place over summer 2025, before the start of Autumn term of the 25/26 academic year. 

Project Lead

Chris Tighe (, Senior Lecturer, Chemical Engineering

Mark Sutton (, Reader in Palaeontology, Earth Science and Engineering

Further Details/Experience Required

One position available.  Eight weeks full-time during Summer break.  

Students with an aptitude for coding and enthusiasm for creating software, familiarity with the layout of typical process plant and an enthusiasm for process safety. We anticipate that students enrolled on programmes in the Department of Chemical Engineering will be best placed to meet these criteria, but all Imperial undergraduates are eligible. Preference will be given to students who are not in their final year.

ViRSE ExploVR recruitment ad

Chaplaincy Multifaith Centre: Gardening Project - Deadline: 19th February


 Following a grant from Presidents Community Fund the Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre aims to 
build a new community garden to create a space of belonging and well-being. The Chaplaincy seeks to collaborate with students to design and build this space for the community. 

For full details of the specific roles please refer to the Facilitator and Coordinator recruitment ads below.  

Project Lead

Andrew Willson (, College Chaplain

Esther Anaya Boig (, Student Services

Emilia Garcia Padron, Postgraduate

Further Details/Experience Required

Coordinator role: One position available.  Part-time postgraduate students.  One and a half days a week for 25 weeks in total.  

Facilitator role: Four positions available.  Students from any department or discipline.  Part-time (half day a week) during term time for 25 weeks in total.  

Gardening Project recruitment ad Facilitator role

Gardening Project recruitment ad Coordinator role

FoM: Designing an ePortfolio to enhance planning + development of professional skills through feedback + reflection - Deadline: 21st Feb


Portfolios serve as useful tools for showcasing the attainment of skills and attributes through exemplars, feedback and reflection. The aim of this project is to design a bespoke and adaptable ePortfolio where BMB students can monitor their professional skills attainment to prepare for diverse careers both inside and outside academia. 

Student BMB partners will:

  •   Participate and collaborate in the various stages of portfolio development: 

                1. Identifying key professional skills to develop

               2. Evaluating current college-wide resources available to support identified skills                                     development

               3. Determining if any additional resources are needed to support the identified skills                               attainment

               4. Conceptualising the virtual portfolio 

  • Seek inputs from and work alongside fellow BMB students 
  • Partner with BMB Teaching Fellows- Dr Nitya Krishnan (Feedback Literacy Lead) and Dr Lydia Durant (Careers and Y2-Y3 Transition Lead). 

Through engagement in this project, you will gain a greater understanding of designing higher education learning & assessment tools. You will be able to foster several professional attributes, including project management, teamwork and collaboration, reliability, feedback literacy and negotiation within a collaborative workplace environment. Thus, this project will help you prepare for your future professional life, whatever career path you choose. You also will be able to develop learning resources that will benefit you and other students in the BMB community.

The successful candidates for this project would have the following attributes: the ability to work both independently and within a team, proficient IT skills, and a flexible and creative approach. Proficient knowledge of whiteboarding tools such as Miro or Canva is desirable.

Project Lead

Lydia Durant (, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Medicine Centre

Nitya Krishnan (, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Medicine Centre

Further Details/Experience Required

Undergraduate students enrolled on the BSc Medical Biosciences (BMB) course across all three years. 6 positions are available: 2 students per academic year across all three years.

EPortfolio for BMB UG students recruitment ad

Chemical Engineering/Education Development Unit/Disability Advisory Service: Shaping the Future of Assessment - Deadline: 28th February


We hope to partner with neurodivergent students so that we can understand their experiences with different types of assessments. We will explore how various assessment methods, such as group presentations, reports, and video submissions, impact neurodivergent students' performance, workload perception, mental health, and well-being. We will explore the following key questions: 

  • How does assessment type affect neurodivergent students? We will delve into various case studies including those on the "Anatomy of Assessment" project to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different assessment methods for neurodivergent students. 
  • What makes assessment truly inclusive? We will focus on gathering student perspectives on creating fair and equitable assessment practices. 
  • How do accessible learning resources impact student success? We will investigate which resources students find most helpful and explore ways in which we make assessment choices so that we can accommodate some of the preferences neurodivergent students might have. 

What You will Gain: 

  • Develop valuable research and project management skills. 
  • Contribute to meaningful change in the assessment practices at Imperial. 
  • Collaborate with a diverse group of students and faculty. 
  • Enhance your CV with a unique and impactful project experience. 

Project Lead

Vijesh Bhute (, Senior Teaching Fellow, Chemical Engineering

Further Details/Experience Required

Sixteen positions available.  Students who have received or in the process of receiving a diagnosis for Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia or Dyspraxia are invited to apply for this project.  From any discipline or year group.  

Summer break full-time for eight weeks between June-August 2025

Shaping the Future of Assessment recruitment ad

Ongoing projects no longer seeking partners

Cross-Faculty/Central Education Office: Enhancing Assessment and Feedback - Extended Deadline: 22nd November


What makes this project unique?

We are inviting you to take part in a unique collaboration where you will be directly involved in shaping the future of assessment and feedback for students across Imperial. This opportunity is not to be missed and the scale of this project will see you operate in a network which stretches the breadth of the whole institution.


Assessment and feedback are critical components of the learning experience at Imperial and we recognise that it is an area where improvements are needed to support the student experience. The University has made a commitment to improve assessment and feedback experiences by setting up a 2 year project to review and refine assessments across all faculties. The University has set up an Assessment and Feedback Monitoring and Advisory group to spearhead a comprehensive university-wide improvement in these areas. As part of the initial phase of this initiative, staff Faculty Review Coordinators have been recruited to work within faculties and departments to progress this work and ensure collaboration between students and staff on this project. The next phase of this initiative is to facilitate a partnership between yourselves, as students, and staff in faculties, in making meaningful changes to how assessment and feedback are received by staff and students alike.

This project is coordinated by the Education Office however, you will be working with your peers, elected student representatives and the staff Faculty Review Coordinators in your own faculty.

What activities can you get involved with?

This project is up to you and your respective Faculty Review Coordinator to shape as you are the experts in your own departments. The project has an overall ambition to reduce the assessment burden and improve feedback processes across all programmes. You will do this by working with student representatives who capture the student voice and the Faculty Review Coordinators who will support you in the implementation of a process for realising these ambitions and improving the student experience of assessment and feedback.

This will be a collaborative process between you and the Faculty Review Coordinators, some areas that you may wish to consider are:

  • Data gathering of current assessments
  • Creation of assessment calendars and templates
  • Creation of a checklist for developing new assessments and practices
  • Capturing and including the student voice through working with student representatives

What will you gain?

By taking part in this project, you will have the opportunity to gain a range of skills and knowledge such as:

  • Gaining insights into the assessment and feedback processes at the university
  • Opportunities to engage with the wider student body to facilitate change
  • Collaboration with the student representative network
  • Skills in a range of project management areas such as data capture and change processes
  • Access to staff networks

The long-term impact will be sustained through the ongoing support of the Assessment and Feedback Monitoring and Advisory Group until 2026, with the intention of integrating successful strategies into Business As Usual (BAU) activities beyond this timeframe and ultimately changing disciplinary assessment culture. Embedding these changes into standard practices will ensure that the benefits are lasting and continue to evolve with student needs.

As part of the project, you will also take place in a workshop with some of the staff partners involved and this will be communicated to you upon confirmation of recruitment.

Project Lead

Amandip Bisel (, Head of Education and Student Experience Strategy Projects, Education Office

Pippa Greenwood (, Education Projects Manager, Education Office

Further Details/Experience Required

Undergraduate students in Year 2 and above across all faculties. We welcome applications from students of other levels of study if you have a particular interest in helping to shape assessment and feedback changes in your departments.

10 weeks part-time, between November and March inclusive of a Christmas break.  

Assessment recruitment ad

Cross-Faculty: Designing an event for minority ethnic UG students interested in studying for a PG degree at Imperial - Deadline: 14th October


As part of Imperial’s Race Equality Charter (REC) Action Plan, the Graduate School (to be known as the Early Career Researcher Institute from 01 October), has, for the last 3 years, delivered an event (online and in-person) for Minority Ethnic undergraduate students interested in postgraduate education at Imperial.  The event comprises short talks, Q&A and networking. 

The short talks are delivered by a panel comprising students, who talk about their lived experiences at Imperial, and staff who talk about the admissions process, applying to Imperial, top tips, and funding opportunities, as well as the broader support available to Minority Ethnic students at Imperial.

Despite concerted marketing efforts which have resulted in a good number of registrations to attend the event (87, 63 and 156 respectively for the events delivered in 2021, 2022 and 2023), this has not translated into actual attendees (45, 25 and 15 respectively for the event delivered in 2021, 2022 and 2023). 

To help us move forward and deliver an event which is meaningful and helpful to undergraduate students, we are looking for student shapers to lead the design and development of a fully costed revised event which will be delivered by the Early Career Researcher Institute in autumn 2025. 

It is expected that good practice and input from the Faculties will be sought in developing the event, as well as research into what other institutions offer in this regard.

The outline objectives for the event are listed below, but we expect that student shapers will refine these as the project develops:

  • Give a sense of what it is like to undertake a Master’s degree and research at Imperial
  • Demystify the application/admissions process
  • Provide information on funding/scholarships
  • Showcase support available to Minority Ethnic students at Imperial
  • Contribute towards an increase in the number of Minority Ethnic students studying postgraduate education (Masters and Research degrees) at Imperial.

The project will start in November 2024 and will complete in February 2025.  In November, student shapers will meet with the project team for a briefing session.  During the latter part of November and throughout December and early January, student shapers will be expected to carry out the following tasks:

  1. A desk-based review of what other institutions provide in relation to supporting minority ethnic undergraduates thinking about postgraduate education
  2. A survey of individuals who registered to attend one of the previous iterations of the event but did not attend on the day. The purpose of this is to explore why they did not attend and to find out what would have made the event more attractive.
  3. Discuss good practice initiatives being carried out by the Faculties to support minority ethnic undergraduates thinking about postgraduate education.
  4. Host one focus group per Faculty with up to 6 students (Master’s and PhD) and one online alumni focus group. The purpose of the focus groups is to explore further what would be most helpful for students and to explore ideas which came through as a result of the discussions with the Faculty and the desk-based review.
  5. During mid-late January, being the design work for the event, which will also include a method to assess its impact.
  6. By 14 February 2025, submit the costed proposal to the project team.

Student shapers will be supported throughout the project by a dedicated member of staff from the Early Career Researcher Institute. 

Project Lead

Laura Lane (, Head of Strategy and Operations, Graduate School

Further Details/Experience Required

Research degree students across any Faculty or department.  5 positions available.  

We are looking for students across all stages of the research degree, who have insight and understanding of the educational experience of minority ethnic students, the challenges they face within education and navigating Imperial life. 

We would also especially like to hear from research degree students who have previously studied a Master’s degree at Imperial.

12 weeks part-time, commencing 11 November - 14th February

Designing an event for Minority Ethnic UG students recruitment ad

Central Education Office: Communication of student experience related policy documents using Animated Inclusive Personae - Deadline: 19th January


Imperial Experience is the university's strategy to deliver a holistic student experience. As part of this initiative, the Accessible Student Communications Project was established, bringing together staff from across the institution. The next phase of this project is to facilitate a partnership between staff and students to make meaningful changes.

We seek enthusiastic and engaged students to help the university make policies and processes more accessible to your fellow students. Outputs from this work are likely to feature on the Imperial website. 

A report by Deloitte found that 90% of people do not read the policies they sign, often because these documents are densely worded, overly complicated, and difficult to understand. Students often access these documents under stress, particularly around assessments, making them even more impenetrable. This project is crucial for engaging students and staff to reduce these barriers.

What you will do

This project has three phases:

  1. Research and Fact-Finding: Identify which documents are problematic and why and work with Staff Partners on a plan to approach these.
  2. Evaluation and Rewriting: Work with staff partners and others in the university to rewrite these documents in plain language.
  3. Presentation: Create Animated Inclusive Personae to present the information in a student-friendly way. This might also include designing new forms and email templates.

What you will gain

By taking part in this project, you will have the opportunity to gain a range of skills and knowledge such as:

  • Experience working in inclusion, policy, and communication.
  • A better understanding of how institutional policy and processes work.
  • Working with a diverse group of students and staff.

Project Lead

Pippa Greenwood (, Education Projects Manager, Education Office

Further Details/Experience Required

Four positions available for students from any department or Faculty, in any year of study, including Postgraduate students.  An interest in work in inclusion, policy, or communication within their chosen disciplines would be desirable but not essential.  

Eleven weeks part-time during term with a full-time week during Easter break.  Between January-March.  

Accessible Comms with AIP recruitment ad

School of Public Health: Designing, Developing, and Evaluating a Student Professional Portfolio - Deadline: 31st January


Portfolios are widely used in medical school programmes to showcase individual educational, 
research, ethical, personal, and professional development. We have developed initial plans for a student held portfolio with previous Student Shapers. We now wish to take forward those plans but would value Student partnership to do this, so we ensure the portfolio is as student-centred and engaging as possible.

Student partners will:
• Participate and collaborate in the planning, development, and design stages as well as the evaluation process of the portfolio. 
• Use your networks to explore what your peers would like from a portfolio
• Participate in this project to suit your schedule, but must commit to working on the project roughly 3 hours a week
• Be primarily supervised by a Dr Noreen Ryan and the Digital team

The successful candidates for this project would have the following attributes: ability to work both independently and within a team, proficient IT skills, flexible approach, and the ability to critically appraise research papers. 

At the end of this project, you will gain a greater understanding of designing higher education learning & assessment tools. The project will help you prepare for professional practice after you graduate, as portfolios are essential to every medical professional throughout their career. By engaging in this project, you'll have the chance to cultivate invaluable professional capabilities including project management, collaborative teamwork, self-reliance, accountability, and effective negotiation within a supportive and realistic workplace environment.

Project Lead

Noreen Ryan, (, Quality Healthcare Domain Lead, School of Public Health

Further Details/Experience Required

Two positions available.  Phase 1B or 1C Medical students.  30 half-day sessions, split across two academic years, between February 2025 and July 2026.  

Evaluating a student professional portfolio recruitment ad

Cross-Faculty/CfAE : Building an environment where students can assess their communication skills for academic success + beyond - Deadline: 29th Nov


This project will involve engaging across Imperial’s diverse student body to bring representative voices into CfAE’s (Centre for Academic English) curriculum design. CfAE will partner with you to gather invaluable qualitative data through a series of student-led focus groups on how Imperial can:

  • meet the communication demands of the ‘Science for humanity’ mission of Imperial’s Learning and Teaching Strategy;
  • support all students in developing the lifelong communication skills that are essential to their career;
  • expand and improve how Imperial addresses the crucial communication aspect of student assessment and feedback in a scalable and sustainable way.

In collaboration with student partners, you will develop and engage in three focus group discussions, with incentives and refreshments for participants. The aim of these discussions is to provide us with a clearer understanding of students’ perspectives on Imperial’s emerging communication context following the pandemic and the emergence of generative AI. You will then have 2 half-days to produce an evidence-based set of recommendations on how CfAE’s existing expertise can contribute to improving communication at Imperial and how to market this to ensure student buy-in.

Your recommendations will give us input on how to build an accessible, collaborative and supportive space/environment that fully responds to Imperial students’ expectations – a space where students can improve their communication in an environment they have helped shape.

Through this partnership, you will learn how to run effective focus groups, analyse the qualitative data from these groups and present your findings to the CfAE team in a supportive environment.

Project Lead

June Hammond ( Teacher of English for Academic Purposes, Institute for Extended Learning

Robin Mowat ( Senior Teacher of English for Academic Purposes, Institute for Extended Learning

Andrew Northern ( Teacher of English for Academic Purposes, Institute for Extended Learning

Further Details/Experience Required

Four undergraduate student partners from the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and/or the Faculty of Medicine. We are ideally hoping for at least one student to represent each Faculty.   

Six half-days of engagement between January and March.  

CfAE recruitment ad

Faculty of Medicine: Developing a bioinformatics training resource for biomedical PhD students - Deadline: 14th October


Feedback from PhD students in the Faculty of Medicine has identified a need for increased provision of bioinformatics training and support. In particular, students whose research is primarily wet lab focused, but who need to exceptionally use a specific tool or method to analyse complex experimental data, would like to be able to access high-quality training on-demand. A local network of peer learners, who could provide quick answers to simple questions, would also be beneficial. This project aims to establish a framework that can be used to provide this via the following objectives:

  1. Identify the most useful way for ad-hoc bioinformatics learning and support to be structured and delivered.
  2. Build an exemplar training unit whose structure can be readily applied to additional topics.

Throughout this project, students will partner with a Senior Teaching Fellow, a Research Associate, and an eLearning Technologist, who together have relevant education and subject-specific expertise.

As a student partner, you will first be asked to review existing introductory bioinformatics training from the MRes Cancer Informatics programme at Imperial. In doing this, you will gain an increased understanding of the topics covered and engage with analytical tools and approaches which you may be able to apply to your current or future research projects. Training related to the R programming language as well as quality control and data visualisation is suggested as a starting point due to its relevance across disciplines. However, there is flexibility to change this based on the interests of all the student partners.

Project Lead

Elaina Maginn (, Senior Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Medicine Centre

Further Details/Experience Required

Research degree students across any Medicine department, in any year.  3 positions available.  

Part-time (half a day a week) for six months, commencing October 2024.  

  • focused on wet lab research.
  • have limited (or no!) knowledge or experience in bioinformatics skills but wish to learn them.
  • interested in developing skills related to learning design and evaluation, particularly those relevant to digital education.

Bioinformatics training resource recruitment ad

School of Medicine: History taking for Medical students through guided online learning - Deadline: 25th September


The Clinical Communication team would like to recruit student shapers to assist in designing and developing a guided online learning package for history taking for Ys 2 and 3. This will be based on existing learning materials produced by the Clinical Communication Team. The purpose of the online learning is to avoid any repetition in the classroom and make better use of students’ time, to develop a resource that they can go back to throughout the entirety of the curriculum as they develop different aspects of history taking alongside their clinical learning.

More importantly, this would allow teaching staff to use existing teaching time more effectively by covering other issues connected with patient contact which may not typically be covered on the existing schedule but are often observed or experienced by students on their clinical placements. Several aspects of challenging communication related to patient interactions have been experienced by students in 1C.  These aspects such as de-escalation and managing inappropriate comments are currently covered in 3a teaching but we would like to introduce them earlier to spiral learning and prepare students better for the challenges of clinical placement. The online learning package for history taking would allow us to free up time to advance the students’ learning experience on these more specialised topics to reinforce students’ preparation for practice. It is key that this change is made by fully incorporating the perspectives of students (student shapers) who are on the receiving end of our teaching. For this project we would like to recruit student shapers from Year 4 or 5 as they will have had exposure to the early years learning, will have a good understanding of maximising their learning time both in the classroom and for independent study and will already have familiarity with our teaching on history taking. 

The project aligns closely with the vision of Imperial’s Learning and Teaching Strategy to better apply interactive teaching techniques and to enhance a sense of collaboration and community between students in the classroom and studying online. More specifically, the project will capitalise on the mix of digital vs on campus delivery ensuring this works to best effect to effectively balance learning workload.

Involving students in the design and development of this package alongside the input from the CC team would maximise the opportunity for improved student learning experience. This innovation would afford the mutual expertise (from staff and students) to inform the online materials and also the additional teaching topics within the existing timetabled slots allocated. All of this will have a longer-term impact, building staff student partnerships and ensuring that the responsiveness of teaching and learning is fully optimised. The eventual GOL will be revised and sustained by the CC team in their annual evaluation and revision of teaching materials based on student feedback.

Specific benefits to student partners:

  • The Digital team will train students in how to design guided online learning.
  • The students will have very close dialogue with staff and understand the collaborative process of educational resource development.
  • The students will develop skills in the development of digital educational resource.
  • The students will develop team working skills.
  • The project will provide the basis for an application as an associate fellow of the HEA.
  • The students will develop an understanding and gain insight into developing & designing teaching materials.
  • The students will become extremely familiar with the content of the medical history which is likely to greatly enhance their clinical learning and clinical practice.

Project Lead

Ged Murtagh, (, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Communication, Surgery and Cancer

Further Details/Experience Required

Year 5 ICSM students, two positions available.  

20 half-days a week, between October and March (with a break for Christmas) 

History taking for Medical students recruitment ad

ESE + Materials: Contextualising the Curriculum - Explore current curriculum content + analyse gaps + barriers to inclusivity - Deadline:10th December


Educators routinely use role models and historical figures to introduce concepts and relationships. In science and engineering, these characters are typically white, Western men, which impacts students’ self-identity and sense of belonging. Contextualizing the Curriculum (CtC) will expand curricula to include modern-day diverse figures, cultures, and perspectives. This initiative is not solely concerned with knowledge but also place, power, purpose and identity. In this StudentShapers project, we will explore and analyse curriculum gap and barriers to equality, diversity and inclusivity in Higher Education. This important and challenging project will be conducted in partnership with students and staff across multiple job families in Materials and Earth Sciences.

The ongoing and active involvement of StudentShapers, which includes undergraduate (UG) and doctoral (PhD) candidates, will catalyse the success of CtC. This project will build on a collaborative effort between staff and students who will develop an authentic partnership. Imperial students are the best-placed people to determine how and why modern-day relevant figures and diverse cultures impact their studies, sense of belonging and university experience. Students will be involved in gathering, analysing and disseminating data.

What you will do: You will conduct Educational research by assessing current curriculum gaps in the curriculum (e.g. non-Western/ non-white contributions to science and engineering) and exploring how elements of the curriculum can be barriers to diversity and impacts sense of belonging. You will gather feedback from academics and students through focus groups and interviews. You will also contact key stakeholder communities (e.g. RAEng, IOM3, GeolSoc) and help establish an external Advisory Board for the CtC project.

Project Lead

Valentin Laurent (, Senior Teaching Fellow in Pedagogic Transformation, Earth Science and Engineering

Eleonora D'Elia (, Senior Teaching Fellow, Materials

Jessica Wade (, Lecturer in Functional Materials, Materials

Amina Riamah, Undergraduate, Materials

Sophia Quazi (, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering

Further Details/Experience Required

Two UG students from Yr1, 2 or non-graduating Yr 3 ESE or Materials, and 1 PhD from 1st or 2nd year of ESE or Materials .  

Part-time (half-day a week) for 67.5 weeks spread across 18 months.  Commencing January-July 2026.  

Contextualising the Curriculum recruitment ad

Life Sciences: Transition - A Day in the Life of a Life Sciences Student - Deadline: 29th January


Feedback from students and their reps confirm that student expectations, particularly early in their student journey, differ from those of the department. Difficulties in transition are predictive of the success and retention of students on the programme because transition impacts a student’s wellbeing and ability to focus and retain information. The smoother the transition, the smaller the impact it will have on the student.  


You will design and produce a suite of videos that will show students what to expect at Imperial, taking them through a typical day in the department for the level of study and campus they are joining for their studies.  This resource should give incoming students a realistic insight into what their day-to-day life will be like in the department including familiarising them with areas such as University labs and what to do with free time in their timetables. 


As part of this project our Student Shapers will develop their project management, communication, and resource development skills as they work in partnership with Amelia Barron and Rebecca Lewis. It would be essential for you to have experience of filming and editing content.

Project Lead

Amelia Barron ( Undergraduate Liaison Officer, Life Sciences 

Further Details/Experience Required

Two UG Biological Sciences students.  

One MSc, one MRes and two PhD students at the Silwood campus.  

For full time-frame details please see the relevant recruitment ad below.  

Transitions Day in Life UG recruitment ad

Transitions Day in Life PG recruitment ad

Med/Eng/Comp: PatientSim - Developing an AI chatbot training medical students in history taking + physical examination - Deadline:29th November


The Simulation and Modelling in Medicine and Surgery (SiMMS) Lab is seeking a talented Engineering or Computer Science student to join our ongoing project aimed at revolutionizing medical education with AI.

This project focuses on addressing the gap in clinical communication skills training within Imperial’s undergraduate medical curriculum. By developing an interactive mobile chatbot to behave like a patient, we aim to provide medical students with a low-stakes environment to practice patient interactions and receive tailored feedback.

As a key member of our team, you will play a crucial role in:

  • Technical Development: Engineering a user-friendly, cross-platform mobile and web app based on an existing prototype
  • Feature Design: Designing and implementing engaging features like gamification and progress tracking to enhance the learning experience
  • Collaboration: Partnering with a diverse team of medical students, researchers and medical educators
  • Deployment: Preparing the app for limited-scale release to Imperial staff and students, and potentially supporting a wider launch later

Through your involvement, you will gain invaluable experience in:

  • Applying your technical skills to a real-world healthcare application
  • Designing educational technology solutions
  • Collaborating with healthcare professionals to understand clinical needs
  • Developing essential soft skills like communication and teamwork

This unique opportunity will allow you to contribute to a project that has the potential to significantly and directly impact medical education and ultimately patient care. If you are passionate about technology and eager to make a difference, we encourage you to apply.

Project Lead

Fernando Bello (, Professor of Surgical Computing and Simulation Science, Department of Surgery and Cancer

Further Details/Experience Required

1 position available.  

Any Engineering or Computing students with an interest and experience in web and app development, as well as how AI can be used in education.  Students interested in medical technology are particularly encouraged to apply.  

24 weeks part-time with 1 week full-time during Winter vacation, and 2 weeks full-time during Spring vacation.  

PatientSim recruitment ad

Chemical Engineering: Developing Economic and Environmentally Friendly Membranes for Teaching Lab Settings - Deadline: 6th December


For this project we are looking for two participants to collaborate on the discovery and testing of novel membrane materials for use in the undergraduate teaching labs. For this project your role would require you to fabricate membranes, test those membranes and develop novel ideas on how these materials can be used to best 3rd year students about the subject of membrane separation. 

For this project we would like to highlight the importance of sustainability in our teaching. The project will consider economic, environmental and educational sustainability. Student partners will take ownership by developing a research plan alongside the project staff partner, Dr James Campbell, therefore previous understanding of membrane separation and materials is a requirement. You will select your own goals, and aims, and timeframe to give you the experience of working on a truly self-motivated project. This would be an ideal bridge to the work carried out during a 4th year research project. 

By the end of the project we intend to produce suite of materials, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and instructional handouts for a range of separation membrane fabrication methodologies. These will then be used in the following year UG labs.  

Project Lead

James Campbell (, Senior Teaching Fellow, Chemical Engineering

Further Details/Experience Required

11 weeks part-time (half a day a week) between January and March.  

2 positions available.  Chemical Engineering students with experience working with membranes or studying membrane separations.

Economic and Environmentally friendly membranes ad

Bioengineering: Redesigning the design challenge to include authentic problems in the early Bioengineering curriculum - Deadline: 18th December


The project aims to redesign the 1st year design challenge in Bioengineering to focus on authentic Bioengineering design problems. This will be done in collaboration with the prosthetics society at Imperial, whose members initial proposed the idea. This student-led society is formed of students from across the college with an interest in prosthetics. The society works on designing and building assistive devices, with an aim to enter these into the international Cybathlon competition. Members of the society have proposed that they could put forward design problems that they are facing as the basis of the design challenge. The StudentShapers project aims to take this idea and develop the appropriate resources to enable this to become part of the curriculum.

This would include:

  • Developing the design brief(s) that form the basis of the design challenge.
  • Redeveloping the introductory workshop session to be delivered by the staff member
  • Scoping, design and co-production of additional digital teaching resources (e.g. videos and or quizzes) to support the design challenge (anticipated to be around transmission systems and actuators).
  • Reviewing the assessment and marking scheme
  • Design of a celebration event (e.g. Demo day, mini conference)

This would be done as part of a team comprising teaching fellows, department technicians and the student shapers.

Project Lead

Maria Parkes (, Senior Strategic Teaching Fellow, Bioengineering

Further Details/Experience Required

Three Engineering or Bioengineering students from Year 2 or above.  Membership of the prosthetics society or project experience in prosthetics would be highly desirable.

One half-day a week for nine weeks during Spring term, starting in January.  

Redesigning the Bioengineering design challenge recruitment ad

Business School: Staff + students learning about + adapting to GenAI over time, + what support is needed to help them use AI - Deadline: 16th December


We are seeking enthusiastic and engaged students to join the next phase of our StudentShapers initiative within the Business School. This project builds on the success of last year’s work, which explored how students engage with GenAI tools in their learning. This year, we are repeating our review of student practice to understand how things are changing overtime and we are expanding our focus to include staff perspectives, allowing us to develop a more comprehensive understanding of how AI can best be utilised and supported across the Business School.

About the Project

The rapid development of AI technologies has transformed the way students and staff approach learning and teaching. This project aims to:

  • Examine how attitudes, usage, and confidence in GenAI have evolved over time among students.
  • Investigate how staff are integrating AI tools into their teaching practices and identify the support they require.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of existing AI training and guidance materials provided by the Business School and the wider university.
  • Provide foundational ideas on how best to develop a robust support framework for both students and staff, fostering an AI-literate academic community who know when and how to use AI responsibly in their learning and teaching.

The Role of Student Partners

This project will involve four undergraduate and two postgraduate students working collaboratively with our faculty and IDEA Lab researcher from January 2025. As a student shaper on this project, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Conduct in-depth desktop research to contribute to foundational insights by exploring GenAI usage in education and work.
  • Design and conduct a student survey guided by the researcher to understand current Business School students' GenAI usage patterns.
  • Conduct faculty survey and interviews to gain practical insights and bridge the gap between academia and students.
  • Facilitate student focus groups, showcasing leadership and collaboration skills.
  • Collaboratively analyse survey and interview data and contribute to the project report with faculty and researcher.
  • Contribute to reviewing and enhancing AI training resources.

This role represents a genuine partnership, enabling students to contribute meaningfully to research that impacts both policy and practice within the School and beyond.

Project Lead

Cloda Jenkins (, Associate Dean (Education Quality), Business School

Nai Li ( Head of Research and Impact, Business School  

Further Details/Experience Required

Undergraduate students from the Business School, from the BSc Economics, Finance and Data Science, BPES, Joint Honours and/or iBSc programmes taking modules in the Business School and postgraduate students from any of the Business School MSc Programmes.  From January-June

  • Four undergraduate positions available (27 hours across nine weeks on a part-time basis, plus one full-time week in June after teaching and assessments)
  • Two postgraduate positions available (37 hours across twelve weeks on a part-time basis, plus one full-time week in June)  

Learning and adapting to GenAI over time recruitment ad

StudentShapers handbook 24-25 (download pdf) Project report form [Word]