Celebrating 25 years of control loop performance monitoring

A data repository and industrial survey

This page is for a project under development

In 1989, Thomas Harris published his paper titled “Assessing the performance of control loops” which marked the onset of a new research area into monitoring the performance of control loops. Since then, many research papers have been published reporting numerous industrial applications of control loop performance monitoring (CPM).

In 2014 we now set out to celebrate 25 years of CPM. We wanted to capture what has been achieved and where the future will take us by means of interviews and a survey amongst industry experts.

In addition, we saw the need to compile data trends of faulty and malfunctioning loops. We have created a data repository for fellow researchers to draw on for their future research. We hope that this will be a resource for researchers in CPM to develop, verify and test methods and tools.

Links to the data repository and results of the questionnaire are in the dedicated website of the project.

Margret Bauer, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Alexander Horch, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
Lei Xie, Zhejiang University, China
Mohiedinne Jelali, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Nina Thornhill, Imperial College London, UK

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622
Email: n.thornhill@imperial.ac.uk