UKACC 2014 Special Session

Session 6D, Thursday 10th July, 10:00-12:00

Integrated Operation in Large Scale Industrial Sites, Results from the ENERGY - SMARTOPS Consortium

UKACC 2014 Special Session Flyer


Tuesday, June17, 2014 11:00‐13:00

Large-scale energy savings from smart operations of electrical, process and mechanical equipment


Energy-SmartOps are equipment and process monitoring, integrated automation and optimization for energy savings in oil & gas, steel and chemical processes.

ESCAPE 24 Flyer

ENERGY-SMARTOPS Workshop on Optimization and Energy Savings: Integrated operations across the process-mechanical-electrical interfaces

Oct 23rd-24th 2013, ABB Corporate Research Center, Ladenburg, Germany.

Workshop goals:

  • Identify how to achieve and quantify energy saving by integrating the results of individual research projects
  • Discuss how energy saving can be achieved by applying optimization methodologies
  • Explore interesting examples of application of optimization technologies in academia and in industry

Wed 23rd Oct 2013: ESRs and supervisors: Sessions to identify and quantify potential energy savings from the project

Thurs 24th Oct 2013 :External guests, ABB Corporate Research staff, ESRs and supervisors: Technical presentations from invited guests, ESRs presentation of results from previous day, ESRs poster session,

Panel discussion with invited guests Dr Alf Isaksson (ABB), Dr Sumit Mitra (A.T. Kerney), Prof Sebastian Engell (Technical University of Dortmund), Guido Caspar (BASF), Dr Elring Lunde (Statoil).

ENERGY-SMARTOPS Workshop on Optimization and Energy Savings: Integrated operations across the process-mechanical-electrical interfaces

ENERGY-SMARTOPS Workshop on Advanced Diagnostics of Electro-Mechanical Systems

Workshop on Advanced Diagnostics of Electro-Mechanical Systems Nov 15th-16th 2012, Politechnika Krakowska, Krakow, Poland.

Thursday 15th Nov 2012: Sala RW, room 201 at Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
16:15-17:30: Poster Session - the Early Stage Researchers show their current work

Friday 16th Nov: SENAT Room Mail Building at the Warszawska Campus
09:15 to 13:00  Presentations from Experts

Prof. Leon Swędrowski
,  Gdańsk University of Technology: Diagnostics of induction motor bearings.
Prof. Jan Rusek, AGH Cracow: Induction machine diagnostics based on FFT analysis – Classical and space vector approach.
Dr. Michał Orkisz,  ABB Kraków: Detection of mechanical motor problems based on drives data.
Prof. Sławomir Szymaniec  and Wojciech Kandora, Opole University of Technology, and TurboCare Poland S.A: Diagnostic of the high voltage turbo generator stator insulation with use the partial discharge method”.

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622