The project integrates in-depth understanding of the power system operational issues with analysis of state-of-the-art measurements and first-principles physical knowledge.

It will invent and develop state-of-the-art tools that will be deployed by the transmission system operators, and will produce trained and experienced personnel. The overall aim is creation of technology for intelligent operation of the wide-area transmission grids of the future.

WP1 - Modelling: Network modelling and control for enhanced power system security

  • Network model error detection and tuning
  • Use of Power System Stabilizer (PSS) controllers
  • Designing optimal placement of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and PSS

Led by Graz University of Technology

WP2 - Real-time: Methods for converting Wide area Measurement Systems (WAMS) data into information about operation and performance in real-time

  • Identifying system oscillations in real-time
  • Visualization of oscillations for enhanced situational awareness
  • Using PMU data in real-time control

Led by Imperial College London

WP3 - History: Methods for converting historical WAMS data into information about performance and operation

  • Determining and visualizing stability parameters
  • Case studies with transmission system oeprators
  • Using PMU data in power system planning and operations

Led by Aalto University

WP4 - Data mining: Analysis of power system data

  • Collecting a library of documented data sets
  • Reviewing data mining methods and their applicability to power system operation data
  • Case studies
  • Implementation and testing

Led by ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland

WP5 - Wind: Quantifying the dynamic impact of wind generation on the grid

  • Monitoring, modelling and control of wind generation systems
  • Specifying and reporting on the uses of WAMS-based monitoring in wind energy control

Led by GE

WP6 - Planning: Modifying grid planning methods to take into account installed large-scale wind power

  • Applying probabilistic approaches in wind integration for system planning
  • Control design based on identified aggregated wind farm response
  • Methods for active damping control systems in wind generation

Led by Fingrid

WP7 - Industry: Interactions between heavy industrial loads and the grid

  • Collection and analysis of examples from the grid side
  • Time synchronization of large data sets from different industrial sources
  • Analysis of electric power system operation with large industrial loads
  • A roadmap for future research and technical solutions motivated by real problems

Led by Imperial College London

WP8 - Process: Electrical interactions with process systems

  • Methods of causal signal analysis
  • Consideration of the impact of the smart grid on the way industrial loads are operated

Led by ABB Strategic Research for Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, Norway

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622