SecondeesProject and host organizationHome organization
 Trond Haugen
Q2-3 2014
 Roadmap for industrial smart grid
Imperial College London, UK

ABB, Norway

 Josef Stadler
Q2 2014
 Dynamic network reduction
Fingrid, Helsinki
 Graz University of Technology,
 Yan Zhang
Q2 2014
 WAMPAC reliability evaluation
Imperial College London, UK

ABB, Switzerland

 Mats Larsson
Q2 2014
 Wide-area stability
Imperial College London, UK

ABB, Switzerland

 Izzati Mohd Noor
Q2 2014
 Analysis of electric power system operation with large industrial loads.
ABB, Poland
 Imperial College London, UK
 Ari Tuononen
Q1 2014
 Using PMU data in power system planning and operations.
Technical University of Graz, Austria

Fingrid, Finland

 Izzati Mohd Noor
Q4 2013
 Analysis of electric power system operation with large industrial loads.
ABB, Norway
 Imperial College London, UK
Adele Moen Slotsvik
Q2 2013
Collection and analysis of examples from the grid side.
Imperial College London

Statnett, Norway

Yuanyuan Ma
Q2 2013
Time synchronization of large data sets.
Imperial College London

ABB, Norway

Herwig Renner
Q1 2013
Determining and visualizing stability parameters.
ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
Graz University of Technology,
Georgios Anagnostou
Q1 2013
Specifying the uses of WAMS-based monitoring in wind energy control.
GE Global Research, Germany
Imperial College London, UK
Bikash Pal
Q3 2012
Specifying the uses of WAMS-based monitoring in wind energy control.
GE Global Research, Germany
Imperial College London, UK
Nina Thornhill
Q3 2012, Q2 & Q3 2013
Roadmap for future research on industrial smart grid..
ABB Corporate Research, Poland
Imperial College London, UK
Øystein Kirkeluten
Q2 2012
Collection and analysis of examples from the grid side.
Imperial College London

Statnett, Norway

Antti Harjula
Q2 2012
Control design based on identified aggregated wind farm response.
Imperial College London

Fingrid, Finland

 Inês Cecílio
Q2 2012 & Q2 2013
 Causal signal analysis Part II.
ABB Corporate Research, Poland
 Imperial College London, UK
 Dumisani Simfukwe
Q4 2011
 Using PMU data in real-time control.
ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
 Imperial College London, UK
 Jukka Turunen
Q4 2011
 Case studies.
Statnett, Norway
 Aalto University,
Linash Puthenpurayil Kunjumuhammed
Q3 2011
Monitoring, modelling and control of wind generation systems.
GE Global Research, Germany

Imperial College London, UK

 Inês Cecílio
Q3 2011
 Causal signal analysis Part I.
ABB Oil Gas and Petrochecmicals, Norway
 Imperial College London, UK
 Michael Weixelbraun
Q3 2011
 Use of Power System Stabilizer (PSS) controllers.
Statnett, Norway
 Graz University of Technology,
Yang Zhang
Q2 2011
Network model error detection and tuning.
Aalto University, Finland
ABB Corporate Research,
Herwig Renner
Q1 2011
Optimal placement of PMUs.
National Grid, UK
Graz University of Technology,
Jukka Turunen
Q1 2011
Case studies.
National Grid, UK
Aalto University,
Georg Rechberger
Q4 2010
Applying probabilistic approaches in wind integration for system planning.
Fingrid, Helsinki
Graz University of Technology,
Jukka Turunen
Q4 2010
Determining and visualizing stability parameters.
ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
Aalto University,
Summary of the table's contents

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622