Woek Packages

1 - Electromachinery

Conference papers

  1. Fernández Gómez, A.J., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2012, Influence of design data of induction motor on effects of cage asymmetry, XLVIII International Symposium on Electrical Machines (SME 2012), June 17-20, 2012, Ksiaz, Poland.
  2. Zygmunt, M., Jaramillo-Velasquez, V-H., Ottewill, J.H., Orkisz, M., Budyn, M., Nowak, A., 2012, Visual modelling of condition monitoring systems, 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Kraków, September 17-21, 2012
  3. Dziechciarz, A., Ferreira De Sá, J.G., Sułowicz, M., 2012, Detection of the rotor bars damage in cage induction motor using neural network and wavelet analysis, XV National Conference SEMTRACK Electrical Traction, Oct 18-20, 2012, Krakow, Poland.
  4. Dziechciarz, A., Ferreira De Sá, J.G., Sułowicz, M., 2012, Fault diagnostics of induction motors in electric drives, XV National Conference SEMTRACK Electrical Traction, Oct 18-20, 2012, Krakow, Poland.
  5. Fernández Gómez, A.J., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2013, Comparison of Fourier spectra of induction machine currents for cage asymmetry and faults in mechanical part of a drive, CM2013/MFPT2013 Conference, Krakow, Poland, 17-18 June 2013, Paper 124.
  6. Fernández Gómez, A.J., Dziechciarz, A., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2013, Mathematical modeling of eccentricities in induction machines by the mono-harmonic model, 9th IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (SDEMPED), 27-30 Aug. 2013, Valencia, DOI::10.1109/DEMPED.2013.6645734.
  7. Fernández Gómez, A.J., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2013, Motor current signature analysis apply for external mechanical fault and cage asymmetry in induction motors, 9th IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (SDEMPED), 27-30 Aug. 2013, Valencia, DOI:10.1109/DEMPED.2013.6645708.
  8. Ferreira De Sá, J.G., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2013, Multicriteria diagnosis of synchronous machines condition assessment, XV International PhD Workshop OWD 2013, 19-22 October 2013
  9. Fernández Gómez, A.J., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2013, Simulink models of faulty induction machines for drivers applications, XV International PhD Workshop OWD 2013, 19-22 October 2013.
  10. Fernández Gómez, A.J., Jaramillo, V-H., and Ottewill, J.R., 2014, Fault detection in electric motors by means of the extended Kalman filter as disturbance estimator, UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough University, 9-11 July 2014.
  11. Ferreira De Sá, J.G., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2014, Multicriteria diagnosis of synchronous machines: rotor-mounted sensing system, UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough University, 9-11 July 2014.
  12. Fernández Gómez, A.J., Sobczyk, T.J., and Weinreb, K., 2015, Influence on rotor broken bar fault diagnosis of mechanical torque pulsations by means of FFT, submitted to SDEMPED 15, Guarda, Portugal, Sept 1-4, 2015.

Journal papers

  1. Fernández Gómez, A.J., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2013, Influence of induction motor design data on effects of cage asymmetry, Journal of Energy and Power, 7, 1586-1591.
  2. Fernández Gómez, A.J., Sułowicz, M., and Sobczyk, T.J., 2014, Induction motor signatures analysis under influence of mechanical and electrical faults, Zeszyty Problemowe – Maszyny Elektryczne 4, 293-299.
  3. Ferreira, J.G., Sobczyk, T.J., and Warzecha, A., 2014, Multicriteria diagnosis of synchronous machine using MCSA, Zeszyty Problemowe – Maszyny Elektryczne 4, 293-299.
  4. Jaramillo, V-H., Ottewill, J.R., Dudek, R., Lepiarczyk, D., and Pawlik, P., Condition monitoring of distributed systems using two-stage Bayesian inference data fusion, to be submitted to Information Fusion.

2 - Turbomachinery

Conference papers

  1. Cicciotti, M., Martinez-Botas, R.F., Gozalbo, R., Geist, S., Schild, A., Thornhill, N.F., Kahrs, O., and Reiser, W., 2012, Assessment of meanline models for centrifugal compressors in the process plant industry, 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering (ISFME 2012), Oct 24-27, 2012, Jeju, South Korea.
  2. Cicciotti, M., Martinez-Botas, R.F., Romagnoli, R., Thornhill, N.F., Geist, S., and Schild, A., 2013, Systematic one zone meanline modelling of centrifugal compressors for industrial on-line applications, 2013, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013, June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA Paper GT2013/95821.
  3. Budinis, S., Fabozzi, D., and Thornhill, N.F., 2013, A control technique based on compressor characteristics with applications to carbon capture and storage systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 3-8 2013, San Francisco, Paper 341455.
  4. Cicciotti, M., Xenos, D.P., Bouaswaig, A.E.F., Martinez-Botas, R.F., Manenti, F., and Thornhill, N.F., 2014, Simultaneous nonlinear reconciliation and update of parameters for online use of first-principles models: An industrial case-study on compressors, 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE 24, 15-18 June 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
  5. Xenos, D.P., Kopanos, G.M., Cicciotti, M., Pistikopoulos, E.N., and Thornhill, N.F., 2014, Operational optimization of compressors in parallel considering condition-based maintenance, 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE 24, 15-18 June 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
  6. Cicciotti, M., Xenos, D.P., Bouaswaig, A.E.F., Thornhill, N.F., and Martinez-Botas, R.F., 2014, Online performance monitoring of industrial compressors using meanline modelling, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014, June 16-20, 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany, Paper GT2014-25088.
  7. Xenos, D.P., Cicciotti, M., Bouaswaig, A.E.F., Thornhill, N.F., and Martinez-Botas, R.F., 2014, Modeling and optimization of industrial centrifugal compressor stations employing data-driven methods, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014, June 16-20, 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany, Paper GT2014-25089.
  8. Xenos, D.P., Thornhill, N.F., Cicciotti, M., Bouaswaig, A.E.F., 2014, Preprocessing of raw data for developing steady-state data-driven models for optimizing compressor stations, UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough, 9-11 July 2014.
  9. Budinis, S., and Thornhill, N.F., 2014, An integrated control technique foe compressor operation, UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough, 9-11 July 2014. 452-457.
  10. Budinis, S., and Thornhill, N.F., 2015, Supercritical gas recycle analysis for surge control of centrifugal compressors, 25th European Conference on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE 25.
  11. Xenos, D.P., Lunde, E., Thornhill, N.F., 2015, Optimal operation and maintenance of gas compressor stations: an integrated framework applied to a large-scale industrial case, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015, June 15-19 2015, Montreal, Canada, paper GT2015-44002.
  12. Martinez-Botas, R.M., Barrera-Medrano, M.E., 2015, Experimental investigation of fouling on the aerodynamic performance of centrifugal compressors, submitted for ICTC2015- International Gas Turbine Congress 2015 Tokyo.
  13. Budinis, S., and Thornhill, N.F., 2015, Control of centrifugal compressors via model predictive control for enhanced oil recovery applications, Accepted for 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production (IFAC Oilfield ).

Journal  papers

  1. Xenos, D.P., Cicciotti, M., Kopanos, G.M., Bouaswaig, A.E.F., Kahrs, O., Martinez-Botas, R.F., and Thornhill, N.F., 2015, Optimization framework of compressors in parallel: Real Time Optimization (RTO) of compressors in chemical plants - An industrial case study, Applied Energy, 144, 51-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.01.010
  2. Kopanos, G.M., Xenos, D. P., Cicc iotti, M., Pistikopoulos, E.N and Thornhill, N.F ., 2015, Operational and maintenance planning in networks of compressors in parallel: the air separation plant case, Applied Energy, 146, 453-470.
  3. Cicciotti, M., Xenos, D.P., Bouaswaig, A.E.F., Thornhill, N.F. and Martinez-Botas, R.F., 2015, Physical modelling of industrial multistage centrifugal compressors for monitoring and simulation, Accepted for publicaion in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
  4. Xenos, D.P., Kopanos, G.M., Cicciotti, M., and Thornhill, N.F., 2015, Operational optimization of networks of compressors considering condition-based maintenance, Computers & Chemical Engineering, submitted.
  5. Xenos, D.P., Lunde, E., and Thornhill, N.F., 2015, Optimal operation and maintenance of gas compressor stations: An integrated framework applied to a large-scale industrial case, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, accepted for publicaiton.

3 - Maintenance & Diagnosis

Conference papers

  1. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Hernani-Ros, E., Chandra, P., Cao, Y., and Mba, D., 2012, Application of linear prediction, self-adaptive noise cancellation and spectral kurtosis in identifying natural damage of rolling element bearing in a gearbox, World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2012), 8-10 Oct 2012, Daejeon City, Korea.
  2. Romero, D.D., and Tone-Grete Graven, T-G., 2013, Visual representation of connectivity information for efficient system understanding, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 57th Annual Meeting Session SD3, San Diego, California Sept 30 - Oct 4 2013.
  3. Romero, D.D., Thornhill, N.F., and Graven, T-G., 2014, Investigations on information-rich visualizations to explore process connectivity and causality, 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE 24, 15-18 June 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
  4. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Cao, Y., and Mba, D., 2014, Application of Canonical Variate Analysis for fault detection and performance control, 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 29 - July 4 2014, Shenyang, China, Paper WA13-5.
  5. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Thornhill, N.F., 2014, Integrated operation in large scale industrial sites, results from the Energy-Smartops consortium, Proposal for an Invited Session, UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough, 9-11 July 2014.
  6. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Cao, Y., and Mba, D., 2014, A benchmark application of Canonical Variate Analysis for fault detection and diagnosis, UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough, 9-11 July 2014, pp 434-439.
  7. Elasha, F., Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Mba, D., 2014, Bearing natural degradation detection in a gearbox: A comparative study of the effectiveness of adaptive filter algorithms and spectral kurtosis, ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2014; Copenhagen; Denmark, July 25-27 2014.
  8. Romero, D.D., Graven, T-G and Thornhill, N.F., 2014, Towards the development of a tool for visualising plantwide dependencies, 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Sept 16-19th 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  9. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Cao, Y., Mba, D., Application of spectral kurtosis on acoustic emission signals for the detection of faults in rolling element bearings, COMADEM 2014, 16-18 Sept 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
  10. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Jaramillo, V-H., Mba, D., Ottewill, J.R., Cao, Y., 2014, Improved condition monitoring using fast-oscillating measurements, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Automation & Computing, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK, 12-13 September 2014.
  11. Romero, D.D., and Thornhill, N.F., 2014, Integration, navigation and exploration of plant topology networks using the property-graph model, 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, Tokyo, Japan, December 15-17, 2014. Paper SuP2C.2. pp743-748.
  12. Romero, D.D., Graven, T-G., and Thornhill, N.F., 2015, Linking process, electrical and logical connectivity for supported fault diagnosis, Accepted for 25th European Conference on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE 25.
  13. Biondi, M., Sand, G., and Harjunkoski, I., 2015, Tighter integration of maintenance and production in short-term scheduling of multipurpose process plants, Accepted for 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE 25.

Journal papers

  1. Elasha, F., Ruiz-Carcel, C., Mba, D., Jaramillo, V-H., Ottewill, J.R., 2014, Detection of machine soft foot with vibration analysis, Insight, 56, 622-626 DOI: 10.1784/insi.2014.56.11.622
  2. Elasha, F., Ruiz-Carcel, C., Mba, D., Kiat, G., Nze, I., and Yebra, G., 2014, Pitting detection in worm gearboxes with vibration analysis, Engineering Failure Analysis, 42, 366-376. DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2014.04.028
  3. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Hernani-Ros, E., Cao, Y., and Mba, D., 2014, Use of spectral kurtosis for improving signal to noise ratio of acoustic emission signal from defective bearings, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 14, 363–371. DOI: 10.1007/s11668-014-9805-7
  4. Elasha, F., Ruiz-Carcel, C., Mba, D., Chandra, P., 2014, A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Adaptive Filter Algorithms, Spectral Kurtosis and Linear Prediction in Detection of a Naturally Degraded Bearing in a Gearbox, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 14, 623-636. DOI: 10.1007/s11668-014-9857-8
  5. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Hernani-Ros, E., Chandra, P., Cao, Y., Corsar, M., Mba, D., Application of linear prediction, self-adaptive noise cancellation and spectral kurtosis in identifying natural damage of a rolling element bearing in a gearbox, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 20, 15-23.
  6. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Cao, Y., Mba, D., Lao, L., Samuel, R.T., 2015, Statistical process monitoring of a multiphase flow facility, Control Engineering Practice, 42, 74-88. DOI:10.1016/j.conengprac.2015.04.012
  7. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Jaramillo, V-H., Mba, D., Ottewill, J.R., Cao, Y., 2015, Combination of process and vibration data for improved condition monitoring of industrial systems working under variable operating conditions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. On-line. DOI:10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.05.018
  8. Ruiz-Cárcel, C., Lao, L., Cao, Y., Mba, D., 2015, Canonical Variate Analysis for performance degradation under faulty conditions, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

4 - Energy Optimization

Conference papers

  1. Van Parys, B., Goulart, P.J., and Morari., M., 2012, Performance bounds for min-max uncertain constrained systems, IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2012 (NMPC'12), August 23-27, 2012, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.
  2. Van Parys, B., Goulart, P.J., Morari, M., 2012, Infinite-horizon performance bounds for constrained stochastic systems, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 10-13 2012, Maui, Hawaii, pp 2171-2176 .
  3. Torrisi, G., Mariéthoz, S., and Smith , R., 2014, Identification of magnetic characteristics of induction motors based on the Jiles-Atherton model, EPE14-ECCE, 26-28 August 2014, Lappeenranta, Finland.
  4. Torrisi, G., Mariéthoz, S., Smith , R.S., and Morari, M., 2015, Comparison of the efficiency of different magnetization strategies for a variable speed induction machine drive, submitted to 17th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE'15-ECCE Europe, 8-10 Sept 2015, Geneva, Switzerland.
  5. Torrisi, G., Jaramillo, V-H., Ottewill, J.R., Mariéthoz, S., Morari, M., an d Smith, R.S., Active surge control of electrically driven cent rifugal compressors, submitted to European Control Conference 2015.

Journal papers

  1. Van Parys, B., Goulart, P.J., and Morari., M., 2013, Infinite horizon performa nce bounds for uncertain constrained systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58, 2803-2817. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2013.2270052

5 - Electricity Optimization

Conference papers

  1. Hadera, H., Saliba, S., and Harjunkoski, I., 2013, Process and production optimization for industrial applications, 2013 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Feb 25-Mar 1, 2013, Boston, USA.
  2. Hadera, H., and Harjunkoski, I., 2013, Continuous-time batch scheduling approach for optimizing electricity consumption cost, 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 23, June 9-12, 2013, Lappeenran ta, Finland, 403-408.
  3. Hadera, H., and Harjunkoski, I., Grossmann, I.E., Sand G., and Engell, S., 2013, Steel production scheduling with optimization of time-sensitive electricity purchases, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 3-8 2013, San Francisco. Paper 33889.
  4. Hadera, H., and Harjunkoski, I., Grossmann, I.E., Sand G., and Engell, S., 2014, Steel production scheduling optimization under time-sensitive electricity costs, 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE 24, 15-18 June 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
  5. Gajic, D., Onofri, L., Harjunkoski, I., Grossmann, I.E., Djurovic, Z., Di Gennaro, S., 2014, Production scheduling optimization in a melt shop, 46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 01-04 October 2014, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia.
  6. Hadera, H., Harjunkoski, I., Grossmann, I.E., Sand G., and Engell, S., 2014, A bi-level heuristic for steel plant scheduling under complex time-sensitive price structures, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 16-21 2014, Atlanta, paper 564d.
  7. Cartoux, R., Harjunkoski, I., Sand, G., 2014, Plant-wide coordination for the energy-efficient scheduling of an integrated steel production process, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 16-21 2014, Atlanta, Paper 736b.
  8. Hadera, H., Wide, P., Harjunkoski, I., Mäntysaari, J., Ekström, J., Sand, G., Engell, S., 2015, A cross decomposition strategy for industrial demand-side management of a pulping process, Accepted for 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE 25.

Journal papers

  1. Hadera, H., Harjunkoski, I., Sand, G., Grossmann, I.E., Engell, S., 2015, Optimization of steel production scheduling with complex time-sensitive electricity cost, Computers and Chemical Engineering , 76, 117-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.02.004

Other Work in Energy-Smartops

Conference papers

  1. Savic, Ivana, Gajic, D., Stojiljkovic, S., Savic, Ivan., 2014, Modelling and optimization of methylene blue adsorption from aqueous solution using bentonite clay, 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE 24, 15-18 June 2014, Budapest, Hungary.

Journal papers

  1. Gajic, D., Djurovic, Z., Di Gennaro, S., Gustafsson, F., 2014, Classification of EEG signals for detection of epileptic seizures based on wavelets and statistical pattern recognition, Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, 26, 1450021-1 to 1450021-13.
  2. Savic, Ivana M., Savic, Ivan M., Stojiljkovic, S.T., Gajic, D.G., 2014, Modeling and optimization of energy-efficient procedures for removing lead(II) and zinc(II) ions from aqueous solutions using the central composite design, Energy, 77, 66-72.
  3. Xenos,D.P., Hofmann, P., Panopoulos, K.D., Kakaras, K., 2015, Detailed transient thermal simulation of a planar SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) using gPROMS, Energy, 81, 84-102.

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622
Email: n.thornhill@imperial.ac.uk