Santiago Meeting

                                                              New Frontiers in Biomaterials

                                                                                               Santiago de Compostela, Spain – 16-18 April 2018

This workshop follows on from merging the past International Workshops on Interfaces and the first Biobone Symposium in 2015.

It is becoming increasingly recognized that understanding the role of structure at multiple length scales is the key for the future development of biomaterials and bio-inspired structures for functional and structural applications. In this respect, the growing diversity in processing and characterization techniques creates unique opportunities but also new challenges. Here we aim to merge the boundaries between these fields and open a platform for learning and dissemination of the latest advances.

The full programme will be available soon, but 5 keynote speakers (Prof Joanna Aizenber, Prof Peter Fratzl, Prof André R Studart, Prof Helmut Cölfen and Prof Justin Cobb) and 12 invited speakers (Prof Chiara Vitale Brovarone, Prof Marc Bohner, Prof Jérôme Chevalier, Prof Alexandra Porter, Prof Liam Grover, Prof Maria-Pau Ginebra, Prof Mauro Alini, Prof Fabrice Rossignol, Dr. Gowsihan Poologasundarampillai, Prof Brian Derby, Prof Horst Fischer and Prof Paul Hatton) have already been confirmed.

Registration is now open at:

Abstract submission is also open wit awards for the Best Student Oral Presentation and for the Best Student Poster Presentation up for grabs! The deadline for submission has been extended until the 15th of December!

For more information visit:


Contact us

Dr Alba Matas Adams
CASC Technical Manager
Department of Materials
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ


Telephone: 020 7594 2053