Talking to the media

FilmingImperial encourages academic staff to talk to the media about their area of research expertise and the College’s media officers help to put journalists in touch with Imperial’s experts on a daily basis.

Staff can also sign up to the College's media guide, a resource that specialist, national and international journalists use to find experts to comment on their stories. Please contact us if you would like further information.

If you are looking for general advice about working with the media, you may find it helpful to look at this leaflet giving top tips for media work, put together by the UK Science Media Centre.

Support for media-related issues

Please contact us in the first instance if:

  • You are dealing with a crisis, or a potentially sensitive or controversial issue, that might generate media interest.  Please be assured that we will respect the confidentiality of any information that you share.
  • You are unsure about how to handle any media enquiry.
  • A journalist asks you to comment on an issue outside your academic area of expertise, or on a matter of College policy.
  • A journalist asks you to comment on issues relating to one of the College’s partner NHS Trusts, including Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

We are happy to advise members of the College community about any other media-related queries, including:

  • Organising media training
  • Tips on talking to the media
  • Telling your stories and engaging with different audiences

Contact us

Please contact us if you would like some advice or if you want to discuss how we might be able to work with you.