A man listening to another man talkTo let us know about your research, please contact the relevant member of the research news and media team.


  • In one paragraph, explain what the finding or innovation is, and why you think this could be interesting for someone outside your academic field. Please write in the simplest terms possible, avoiding jargon and technical terms where you can
  • Tell us when you expect the paper to be published (if applicable), and in which journal.
  • Send us a copy of the paper.

We will keep everything confidential.

If we decide to promote the research:

  • We will ask you some more questions about it, either in person or over the phone or email, and then draft a news story.
  • You will have the chance to check the story for factual errors. Please note that stories are written to a journalistic house style and are constructed to appeal to general audiences. For this reason, we ask you to alert us to any factual errors, but not to change the style or format of the story.
  • If funders need to approve the story, we will then work with them to agree a final version.
  • If the story is a press release, we will send it to our list of trusted journalists a day or two before the publication day, giving them time to gather information and interview you. At this stage, or after publication, you may be asked for media interviews. We have some general guidance on this and can help you prepare. 

If the news and media team is not promoting your research, you might consider talking to your departmental or Faculty communications officer, spreading the word on social media, and uploading your own news story to your department’s news feed. For more guidance, see information on writing news articles and uploading them to the site

Contact us

Please contact us if you would like some advice or if you want to discuss how we might be able to work with you.