Funding to collaborate with researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil - Suspended for 2020

Call for Proposals for FAPESP-Imperial SPRINT Scheme Suspended for 2020


Unfortunately the FAPESP-Imperial Research Engagement Scheme will not be running a 2020 call for applications due to COVID-19 disruptions, but will be back running as normal for 2021.

This programme between Imperial and FAPESP, the Research Foundation in the State of São Paulo in Brazil, normally offers a great opportunity to foster mobility and collaborative research between Imperial researchers and Brazilian partners. Funds can be used for activities such as scientific and technological seminars, specialized workshops, symposia, as well as short-term staff exchange and mobility. Projects should be reciprocal, including the same amount of activities in Brazil and the UK.

For further information on this scheme, please contact the International Relations Office at

Contact information

For queries about the seed fund, Brazilian context and partners contact:
International Relations Office