President. The President has overall accountability for the success of the University and delivery of the University’s Strategy and Mission.
Chief Operating Officer. The Chief Operating Officer is the Executive Sponsor for Business Continuity and chairs the Risk, Compliance and Ethics Committee. The incumbent manages the Risk Management team and has overarching responsibility for the practical delivery of Business Continuity, including resourcing.
Director of Risk Management. Line management of the Business Continuity function.
Head of Business Continuity. The Head of Business Continuity should be suitably competent, qualified and experienced in Business Continuity. The incumbent is responsible for:
- Preparation of the Business Continuity Policy and the development of a Business Continuity Management Programme in line with ISO22301:2019.
- Supporting the implementation of BCM across the College.
- Providing reports on BCM to top management.
- Supporting individual Services as they undertake their Business Impact Analysis and develop their Business Continuity Plans (BCPs).
- Reviewing BCPs and monitoring the implementation of the BCM Policy and Programme.
- Developing the University’s Business Continuity response capability, including the University Incident & Crisis Management Plan.
- Providing awareness, training and exercising support to Teams, Departments and the wider University.
- Support the development of Event Incident Management Plans on behalf of Event Managers.
- Lead on the Organisational Learning process following an exercise or incident, or lessons learned from other organisations, reports or Public Enquiries.
- Support contract managers with the assurance of supply chain resilience.
- Liaise with partners and neighbours to discuss threats and align response plans.
Deans / Directors / Heads of Departments. Responsible for the development of effective Business Continuity Plans for their functional areas, following the processes identified in the Policy and Programme. Have awareness of the most serious risks that could disrupt services and provide strategic direction to the functional area on business continuity planning priorities. Responsible for ensuring that staff have been trained and plans rehearsed. To monitor any Disruption to normal service delivery, to be prepared to invoke their own Business Continuity Plans and manage their functional area response in line with the University Incident & Crisis Management Plan.
Faculty Operating Officers / Heads of Department / Department Operations Managers. Hold delegated responsibility for the development of Business Continuity Plans on behalf of their Faculty, School, Institution or Department. The role of Business Continuity planning is likely to be delegated further to Business Continuity leads.
Business Continuity Leads. All functional areas will need to ensure that they undertake appropriate Business Continuity activities, prepare a Business Continuity Plan for Prioritised Activities and train their staff on it. The role includes engaging with the Head of Business Continuity, undertaking a Business Impact Analysis, the development of effective plans, training staff in their roles in the individual plans and setting up workshops / exercises to rehearse the plans.
Campus Directors. On medical campuses, for incidents that involve the emergency services and/or the media and/or access to the site, it is probable the site NHS Trust will manage the overall incident and be the primary point of contact for the emergency services and media. It is important the College is represented by a person of authority that understands the overall College position on that particular campus. In this case the Campus Director will be required to act as the College senior point of contact with the Trust. They will be advised by the College Incident Management Group (IMG) and will be responsible for informing the strategic direction and priorities of IMG whilst representing the strategic interests of the College to the NHS Trust.
Building managers. In support of business continuity, Building Managers are responsible for the maintenance of the agreed call out list for their buildings.
Event Managers. Responsible for the preparation of Event Management Plans and Event Safety Emergency Plans, with advice from the Head of Business Continuity.
All Managers. Managers should ensure that there are identified deputies in place who can stand in for key roles including their own. Managers should ensure that those with a Business Continuity role should have this identified in their Job Descriptions.
All staff. All staff should have an awareness of Business Continuity and Plans (Business Continuity, Contingency or Incident response) that affect them. They must take normal management action to assess and mitigate risks at all times and build an appropriate level of resilience. They should report incidents to an appropriate helpdesk as quickly as possible. Participate in training and exercising as required.
Staff responsible for Contracts. Any member of staff whose role includes the management of contracts are responsible for ensuring that their contracted service providers are aware of the Continuity / Recovery timeframes for their contracted activity and that they have effective Business Continuity arrangements in place.