Team members

  • Ken Keating

    Personal details

    Ken Keating Technical Operations Manager

    +44 (0)7590250478

    Please contact regarding:

    Management and Strategy of Departmental Technical Staff
    Oversight, management and strategy of departmental core facilities
    Departmental Safety Officer
    Management of Bioengineering Estate, research and practical teaching spaces
    User coordinator for management of all infrastructure projects
  • Miguel Hermida Ayala

    Personal details

    Miguel Hermida Ayala Deputy Technical Operations Manager and Deputy Safety Officer

    +44 (0)7594 510 961

    Please contact regarding:

    Oversight of all Departmental Biosciences and Imaging Core Facilities.
    Supporting the Technical Operations Manager.
    Departmental Biosafety Adviser

  • Marta Garcia Bellmunt

    Personal details

    Marta Garcia Bellmunt Bioengineering Core Facilities Manager

    +44 (0)7566 950 911

    Please contact regarding:

    Oversight of all South Kensington Departmental Core Facilities
    Management of South Kensington Core Genomics and Microbiology Facilities
    Safety inspections
    SALUS investigations
    Health & Safety Committee secretary

  • Sharad Patel

    Personal details

    Sharad Patel Biosciences Core Facilities Manager

    +44 (0)7592 587 443

    Please contact regarding:

    Tissue and cell culture
    Biological safety
    Radiation safety
    Laser safety
    Biological and GM waste

  • Morgan Edmonds

    Personal details

    Morgan Edmonds Bioengineering Technician (Teaching)

    Please contact regarding:

    RCS1 108, Molecular Bioengineering Laboratory support
    Molecular Bioengineering undergraduate teaching support 

  • Olivier Dubois

    Personal details

    Olivier Dubois Bioengineering Biological Services Technician

    +44 (0) 7729619227

    Please contact regarding:

    Home Office designated work, labs and training
    Uren Designated laboratories 
    HTA work
    Utilities and PPE stocks
    Histology core

  • Florent Seichepine

    Personal details

    Florent Seichepine Bionanofabrication Suite and Clean Room Technical Manager

    +44 (0) 7395 248 415

    Please contact regarding:

    Atomic Layer Deposition
    Clean room

  • Shahrzad Forouzanfar

    Personal details

    Shahrzad Forouzanfar Assistant Microfabrication Facility Manager

    +44 (0)7923242043

    Please contact regarding:

    Prototyping SU-8 and   PDMS micro-devices  
    'Clean lab'
    Characterisation and post-process

  • Paschal Egan

    Personal details

    Paschal Egan Electronics Engineer

    +44 (0)20 7594 6497

    Please contact regarding:

    Departmental electronics laboratories: 

    Undergraduate teaching laboratory
    Undergraduate research projects
    Postgraduate/research laboratory
    Electronics design advice, electronics safety testing and advice (departmental safety committee member)
    Departmental PAT testing, 3D printing including imaker makerbots and Objet 3D printer

  • Tariq Malik

    Personal details

    Tariq Malik Electronics Engineer

    +44 (0)20 7594 6497

    Please contact regarding:

    Departmental electronics laboratories:

    Undergraduate teaching laboratory
    Undergraduate research projects
    Postgraduate/research laboratory
    Electronics design advice
    Electronics safety testing and advice
    Departmental PAT testing
    Faulty equipment diagnosis
    Tensile testing
    3D printing, including Ultimakers, Boplotter and Objet 30

  • Mr Kanabar

    Personal details

    Mr Kanabar Senior Engineering Technician

    +44 (0)20 7594 5188

    Please contact regarding:

    Consultancy on engineering design, CAD, ELV electronics LV Electrical safety
    Provisions for rapid prototyping, 3D printing, machining
    For more information on how I can assist you, please visit   my Sympleptic page.
  • T Otten

    Personal details

    T Otten Makerspace Technician

    Please contact regarding:

    Assisting Makerspace users with the Mechanical Engineering aspect of their research

  • Russell Stracey

    Personal details

    Russell Stracey RSM Mechanical Workshop Supervisor

    +44 (0)20 7594 6773

    Please contact regarding:

    RSM Mechanical workshop enquiries
    Technical workshop staff
    Enquiries regarding available machinery
    Trade union representative

  • Greg Casson

    Personal details

    Greg Casson Core Facilities Technician

    +44 (0)7752 971 322

    Please contact regarding:

    Technical support for Bioengineering laboratories,  researchers and Technical Operations Manager
    Supporting infrastructure (including planned preventative maintenance, service contracts, defects, and minor laboratory works or upgrades), laboratory management systems of work and safety provision, PPE stores throughout all Bioengineering laboratories and workshops
    Management of the Infrastructure minor works projects and Chemical Waste disposal 
    Unison and Unison H/S representative.

  • John Waldock

    Personal details

    John Waldock Departmental Mechanical Engineer

    Please contact regarding:

    Support Teaching and Research: 

    Mechanical engineering consultancy
    Mechanical Workshop machining support
    Advice on designing and building bespoke research equipment
    Teaching and supporting BE2-HSDM Mechanics II Solids lab and Design and professional practice modules

    Departmental Mechanical Laboratories: 

    Student supervision in the RSM Workshop (LG04)
    Overall technical support and oversight of the Mechanical Testing Facility (B120)
    Comprehensive technical support and oversight of Bio Mechanical Laboratory (B220)
    Departmental Mechanical H&S

  • Nana A. Asamoah-Danso

    Personal details

    Nana A. Asamoah-Danso Bioengineering Core Facility Technician

    +44 (0)7894 329 366

    Please contact regarding:

    Synthetic Biology laboratories
    Technical support for Bioengineering laboratories
    Histology facility and departmental laboratory coat laundry services
    PPMS booking systems
    Autoclaving chemical solutions, laboratory equipment and biohazardous waste
    Laboratory instrument servicing
    Laboratory instrument and furniture transfers

  • Hamid Samivand

    Personal details

    Hamid Samivand Multiskilled Engineering Technician

    Please contact regarding:

    Technical support and supervision for Makerspace (B220) and the RSM Workshop (LG04).
    3D printing and laser cutting.
    CAD modelling and prototyping.
    Tensile testing
    Departmental PAT testing.

  • Adriana Lobosco

    Personal details

    Adriana Lobosco Laboratory Technician

    +44 (0) 7743188438

    Please contact regarding:

    Bionanocharactierisation and imaging
    Research laboratory support
    Departmental core facility support

  • Faisal Mensah-Badoo

    Personal details

    Faisal Mensah-Badoo Laboratory Technical apprentice

    Please contact regarding:

    Laboratory core facilities and teaching support
    Part of our joint apprenticeship scheme with The Department of Chemistry

  • Jack Gehring

    Personal details

    Jack Gehring Laboratory Technical apprentice

    Please contact regarding:

    Laboratory core facilities and teaching support.
    Part of our joint apprenticeship scheme with The Department of Chemistry 

  • Katie Giles

    Personal details

    Katie Giles Core Facilities Support Technician

    Please contact regarding:

    Tissue Culture technician
    Providing support for Microscopy and Genomics

  • Alisha Hunter

    Personal details

    Alisha Hunter Laboratory Technical apprentice

    Please contact regarding:

    Laboratory core facilities and teaching support
    Part of our joint apprenticeship scheme with The Department of Chemistry

  • Gabrielle Owoh

    Personal details

    Gabrielle Owoh Laboratory Technical apprentice


    Laboratory core facilities and teaching support
    Part of our joint apprenticeship scheme with The Department of Chemistry 

  • Mandy Mak

    Personal details

    Mandy Mak Laboratory Teaching Technician

    +44(0) 7354165475

    Please contact regarding:

    Facilitating Molecular Bioengineering Undergraduate Teaching
    Managing and maintaining the Molecular Bioengineering Laboratory (Bess B615)
    Supporting the Deputy Technical Operations Manager in lab operations
    Providing technical assistance during lab teaching sessions

  • Fabio Tatti

    Personal details

    Fabio Tatti Core Facility Manager

    +44 (0)7715 624 079

    Please contact regarding:

    Robotics and virtual environments
    • Medical robotics and mechatronics
    • Motion capture and testing with human subjects
    • Software development