Our JobsLive system is accessible 24/7 and is the most effective way to advertise opportunities and host an organisation profile for FREE to over 20,000 current students and 3,000 recent alumni. Imperial students and recent alumni can register their preferences, and will be emailed your vacancy if it matches.

  • Register for a JobsLive account, posting an opportunity is FREE of charge, and registration only takes a few moments.
  • Once your registration has been (manually) approved, you will receive an email asking you to create a password. You can then log-in post and re-post vacancies by logging into your account.
  • We check all job vacancies before they go live onto the system; vacancies will normally be approved within two working days of posting. Please ensure you read all of the information on this page, and our terms and conditions, before attempting to post a vacancy.
  • To advertise a job vacancy for an experienced Imperial alumnus, please use the vacancy job type "graduate position (three years+ after graduating)". 
  • If you have any problems using JobsLive, please email us, or call us on +44 (0)20 7594 8024.

Important information on advertising your opportunities

Posting a vacancy

  • Register your organisation on JobsLive (follow the link at the top of this page). The Careers Service will check your details and approve your organisation within one working day.
  • You can then post a vacancy, which the Careers Service will check and approve. If we don’t approve a vacancy, we will always tell you why, and, if possible, suggest amendments in order for the vacancy to be approved. Please make sure you only select one vacancy type, e.g. Internship or Graduate - Full Time, when adding your vacancy.
  • Once a vacancy has been approved and is live, you can use your account to edit it. The vacancy will then need to be rechecked by the Careers Service before going live again. If you have any problems posting or editing your vacancy, please email us and we will happily help.
  • Please note jobs posted on JobsLive are viewable by current Imperial students and recent Imperial graduates (up to three years post graduation).
  • See the Institute of Student Employers (ISE) guidance on Recruiting International Graduates - A Guide for Employers.‌‌

Placements & internships

Imperial students are available to undertake a range of placement and internship options, either formally as part of their course of study, or during the Imperial College vacation periods. All placement and internship vacancies can be advertised via JobsLive providing they meet our terms and conditions. 

To connect with a specific department offering a formal industrial placement option, please find the relevant contact information below:

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Faculty of Medicine

Please note: students on other programmes may be able to undertake a 6-12 month placement as an interruption of studies if an integrated option is not available to them. Please view our full list of departments for further information on the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes Imperial College offers. 

If you have any questions about offering Imperial students a placement or internship experience, please contact our Placement and Internship Unit at internship.unit@imperial.ac.uk.

Summer 2024

We are operating on campus and online, In line with Imperial College London advice, while maintaining a service to students, alumni and employers. 

Please do reach out to us via employers@imperial.ac.uk with any questions or if you wish to discuss recruitment activities with one of our team.