Event registration is now closed. 


The abstract submission portal is now closed as is early-bird registration.  Visit our registration page to register at the standard rate.

The ChemEngDayUK Organising Committee is pleased to invite abstract submissions for oral presentations and posters for ChemEngDayUK 2024.

Abstracts can be submitted during the submission window - 1st November 2023 to 15th January 2024 (5.00pm GMT) for one of the programme themes listed below. 
-Information on key dates.
-For all queries related to abstract submission, please email chemengday@imperial.ac.uk


Registration for the conference remains open, although the deadline for early-bird registration ended on 14 March (23:59pm GMT) - 'register now' (Payments must be made via the Imperial College London e-store).

Please note, conference registration is processed separately from the abstract submission portal (detailed below). 

Call for abstracts

How to submit your abstract

The abstract submission portal is now closed.

Early-bird registration is open until 14 March 2024. 

To submit your abstract you will be required to create an account through Oxford Abstracts on line portal and make a submission.  For all enquiries related to abstract submission, please email chemengday@imperial.ac.uk

The judging and allocation of the abstracts takes place through this online portal so only abstracts submitted via Oxford Abstracts will be accepted.

Abstracts submitted by e-mail will not be accepted.

Please note that mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk *

Once you have added your Title and Abstract, you will next need to add the Authors and affiliations of your abstract.

Click Submit at the bottom right of the form when you have completed all relevant fields.  You can also save your submission by pressing Submit and return to complete it later. 


Conference themes

The abstract submission portal is now closed.

Early-bird registration is open until 14 March 2024. 

You are invited to submit abstracts under one of the following ChemEngDay themes.

The choice of theme will determine under which area the abstract will be reviewed and, if successful, the session to which it will be assigned.

The conference themes are: 
  • Biotechnology
  • Data Centric chemical engineering and process systems engineering
  • Molecular systems engineering
  • Net-zero energy pathways
  • Sustainable and efficient chemical processes
  • Education session - Integrating sustainability best practices into chemical engineering curriculum
  • Translation session - 'Translating Chemical Engineering: from research to societal impact'

We encourage all themes to be interpreted broadly. If you feel that your abstract does not fall within any of these themes please submit under “I Don’t Know” and the Organising Committee will seek to allocate your abstract within a theme.


Presentation preference

The abstract submission portal is now closed.

Early-bird registration is open until 14 March 2024. 

You will be asked to choose from one of the below presentation preferences to submit ​your abstract to:
  • ORAL PRESENTATION - Oral parallel sessions are the main sessions for contributed talks. If you select this option, then your abstract will only be considered for an oral presentation. To increase your chances of participating as an oral or poster presenter you should consider choosing EITHER ORAL OR POSTER.

Some presenters maybe invited to give a 3-minute flash presentation. You should indicate at the time of submission if you wish to be considered for a poster flash presentation.

Further details will be given at a later stage.


Abstract format guidelines

The abstract submission portal is now closed.

Early-bird registration is open until 14 March 2024. 

Abstracts should concisely and clearly cover the motivation, purpose, methods, results, and conclusion of the work and state the principal contributions to the field. The maximum number of words for the abstract title is 50. The maximum number of words for the abstract text is 300 (excluding the title and authors).

Up to three references may be included in the abstract and will be counted toward the 300 words. A full reference list is not expected at abstract stage.

  • When entering the title, the first letter of each word should be in capital letters except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions.
  • Limit the affiliation for each author to name of institution, company, or university only. Do not provide address or department name.
  • The titles of accepted abstracts will be published in the final conference programme and on the website. Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the meeting will be published in an on-line book of abstracts after the meeting.
  • Once you have completed and successfully submitted the online form, you will receive an email confirmation that your submission has been received, indicating the abstract submission ID which it has been allocated. Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the submission. You can download a copy of your submission from the abstract submission platform.
  • Please contact us if you have not received confirmation that your abstract has been submitted at chemengday@imperial.ac.uk.  Please check your spam folder first. The email will be coming from 'no-reply@oxfordabstracts.com'.
  • Click on the OA logo at the top left of your screen to return to your dashboard where you can view/edit your submissions.
  • The submission form allows you to store your abstract as a DRAFT until the deadline. After the deadline, if not submitted, drafts will be deleted.

You will see a pop up alert if mandatory fields are left incomplete and your submission will be marked as 'incomplete' if these have not been answered, so ensure you return to complete these before the deadline.

A short video is available to walk you through the submission if required: Making a submission (oxfordabstracts.com)

Making changes to your abstract submission

The abstract submission portal is now closed.

Early-bird registration is open until 14 March 2024. 

  • After you have submitted your abstract, you can amend an abstract submission at any time up to the submission deadline by logging back into the Oxford Abstracts online portal and clicking on the abstract that you wish to change. Then amend the abstract as necessary. Please note that the person submitting the abstract is the only one who can view and amend the abstract in the submission system.
  • When you reach the final step and press “Submit” you will be sent an email confirming that your abstract has been amended.
  • However, once the submission deadline has passed (Monday 15 January 2024 at 5.00pm GMT) you will not be able to make any amendments to names and affiliations once submission is complete and will be published exactly as inputted. The organiser takes no responsibility for errors in either author or affiliation information.


Withdrawing an abstract

The abstract submission portal is now closed.

Early-bird registration is open until 14 March 2024. 

If you wish to withdraw an abstract before the submission deadline, you can do so through the Oxford Abstract online Portal. Once the deadline has passed, you will need to contact chemengdayuk@imperial.ac.uk and confirm the withdrawal in writing stating the title and ID number of the abstract. Please give us as much notice as possible.


Review of abstracts and selection

The abstract submission portal is now closed.

Early-bird registration is open until 14 March 2024. 

Once you have submitted your abstract, all abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Programme​ Committee and abstract submitters will be notified by early March about the outcome (accepted or not accepted) of the review and selection process. All correspondence will be sent to the submitting author. It is the responsibility of this person to pass on any relevant information regarding the submitted abstract and the conference to the presenting and co-authors.

Final decisions regarding placement of individual abstracts and sessions rest with the Scientific Programme​ Committee and the Committee reserves the right to change the session under which the abstract was originally submitted.

NB: Abstracts that are in draft status after the deadline cannot be processed and therefore will not be considered for selection.


Key event details & venue info

Programme dates / times
-Thursday 25 April: 11:30am - 18:00pm (GMT)
-Thursday 25 April: 19:15pm (GMT) onwards at Chelsea Football Club for nibbles and networking
-Friday 26 April: 08:30am - 16:30pm (GMT) 
A comprehensive programme is now available via the 'Programme information and themes' section.   

-Sir Alexander Fleming Building (map), Imperial College London, South Kensington campus
-Travel info and how to find us

Find out more about hotels close to Imperial College London

Contact us
For all enquiries related to the event, contact chemengday@imperial.ac.uk