On this page you can 'meet' some of our students and get an insight into the activities they get involved with. Below, you can find links to the profiles of some of our students. They share their thoughts on the course, placements, and their extra-curricular activities. The department also runs a blog where students share their stories regarding life on campus and advice.
Student profiles
Student profiles
Imperial Department of Computing Society
DocSoc run multiple events throughout the year, including several coding challenges and an annual hackathon. They invite notable tech speakers, connect our students with different opportunities and run a number of social events to bring together the community of students who are interested in Computing.
DocSoc members
Student videos

Automated Image Analysis
third-year student project
Ever wondered how to analyse the results of gene therapy experiments on brain and eye tissue much more easily and efficiently?
Visit meet our students to find out about their career plans, industrial placement experiences and the advice they have for any new students.

A day at Imperial College London
First-year Computing student
Chloe Lau is one of our first-year MEng Computing students and blogger. Read about her first-year journey in our Imperial Computing blog.

DoC Clock
Doc Clock is the Department of Computing's new video series where you'll find out about some of the
In this video, our PhD student Thanos Vlontzos takes the Doc Clock interview and answers questions which include; Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? What was the best book or series that you’ve ever read? Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now? and many more!

Drone playground
third-year student project
Veracity is an online educational tool that enhances the learning experience for students and the teaching experience for lecturers in the Department of Computing at Imperial through live feedback in an attractive, engaging and interactive manner.

Veracity: Building a Better Mentimeter
third-year student project
Marily Nika (PhD Computer Science, 2015) is an AI Product Manager at Google London and supports the development of speech technologies used all over the world. She is an advocate for women in tech and has given numerous TEDx talks receiving international recognition.
Visit PhD success stories for more interviews.