Presentations and Videos

Role of batteries and fuel cells in achieving Net Zero
Prof Magda Titirici gives evidence at the Science and Technology Committee
Prof Titirici had a discussion on critical materials for batteries, fuel cells and electric motors together with Prof Herrington from the National History Museum, Dr Anderson from the Birmingham Energy Institute and Dr Petavratzi from the British Geological Survey, at the Science and Technology Committee on the role of batteries and fuel cells in achieving Net Zero - May 2021

The Titirici Group at the Sustainable Materials #BritishScie
The Titirici Group at the Sustainable Materials #BritishScienceWeek
The Titirici Group at the Department of Chemical Engineering welcomes you to their lab and provides an introduction to their research into sustainable materials. This video has been produced for #BritishScienceWeek - February 2021

Innovations in energy storage
Professor Nigel Brandon speaks on the Innovations in energy storage.
Professor Nigel Brandon speaks on innovations in energy storage at the yearly IBP discussion on climate change 2018

The role of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in the UK
Professor Nigel Brandon speaks on the role of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in the UK
Professor Nigel Brandon speaks on the opportunities for de-carbonisation of the UK energy system, including the role of hydrogen in supporting the de-carbonisation of heat and the positioning of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles. UCL Energy Institute 2017

Small, smart turbines - a low carbon need
Inaugural lecture by Professor Ricardo Martinez-Botas on downsizing the internal combustion engine
Downsizing the internal combustion engine may be the key to low carbon vehicles, says Professor Ricardo Martinez-Botas (Mechanical Engineering) in his inaugural lecture.

Surface cooling vs Tab Cooling in Lithium-Ion Cells
Our latest research on how thermal management of lithium-ion batteries affect the degradation.

How Supercapacitors Work - A step by step guide
Our group alumni, Dr Wasim Sarwar gives a guide to how supercapacitors work.
Our group alumni, Dr Wasim Sarwar gives a guide on the working principles of a supercapacitor.

London Climate Forum 2012 - Fuelling the Future
Professor Nigel Brandon discusses fuelling our future with Jeremy Leggett and Dr Ling Ge.

Hydrogen fuel cell powered guitar
Dr Michael Parkes, PhD Alumni, plays electric guitar powered by a fuel cell system he helped design.
Imperial College London showcase their zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-supercapacitor power generator at the H2Supergen BBQ at Imperial College Union. Electricity is generated through the direct conversion of hydrogen and oxygen in the air, with the only by-product being water and heat.