Welcome to the MSc Computing programme!

We hope that you will enjoy your year with us and that you will find your studies interesting and stimulating.

This page gives you useful information that you may need throughout the year, presented as an FAQ.



Useful Contacts

MSc Computing Coordinator 
Dr Josiah Wang
Room 306

Senior Tutor for Postgraduate Taught Degrees
Dr Thomas Lancaster
Room 305

Student Wellbeing Advisor
Caroline Gilchrist
Room 304a

MSc Programmes Officer
Seb Kay-Gould
Room 370

Director of Postgraduate Studies
Dr Pancham Shukla
Room 359

Communication and student support

We will post announcements on the MSc Computing Ed discussion board. You should also receive a notification to your Imperial email whenever this happens.

Post on the MSc Computing Ed discussion board if your question can benefit your coursemates. Josiah will reply as soon as he can.

If it's a private matter, then send an email to Josiah (or whoever relevant).

See the department's student support page for various contacts.

You can also contact Josiah for anything, or if you're not sure who to speak to.

The MSc programme officer is Elena Warren (see contact information above). She's based in the Student Administration Office (SAO) in Room 370 and can assist you.

For College level issues (your Microsoft account etc.), contact ICT.

For Departmental issues (your departmental account, lab computers, etc.), contact CSG. They are based in Huxley 305. You can also send an email to doc-help@imperial.ac.uk.

For issues with the department's learning & teaching systems (e.g. Scientia), contact the EdTech team. You can also help contribute to these software (they are open source to our students).


All our labs are on Level 2 (to the left after you enter from the Queen's Gate entrance).

  • HXLY 219: The main lab
  • HXLY 202/206: The back partitioned labs in the main lab
  • HXLY 210: The 'quiet lab' partition in the main lab
  • HXLY 221: The room next to and connected to HXLY 219
  • HXLY 225: The lonely, isolated corner room at the end of the corridor. The only lab with natural light!

You will need your student ID card for access.

The labs are open every day from 8am-12midnight.

When you have a scheduled lab (e.g. for your C++ programming labs), you have priority to use your allocated lab.

You are free to use the labs at other times, although be mindful that there may be other scheduled lab sessions running at the time. In this case, the lecturer in charge has the right to ask you to leave the lab and work somewhere else. 

Yes. Use the booking system.

See CSG's page about the labs for more information.

Module enrolment

See the course information page.

You can also find this in the module subscription system.

Use the departmental module subscription system.

Here are the different subscription levels:

  • Level 3: Enrol in module for credit
  • Level 2: Can submit coursework (but won't count towards degree)
  • Level 1: Be on mailing list (not that lecturers really use this!)
  • Level 0: Not interested

You are automatically registered on Level 3 for your compulsory modules.

You have until mid-November to commit to your Term 1 selectives if you are planning to take one of the advanced modules (Computational Finance, Scheduling and Resource Allocation, Advanced Computer Architecture, Principles of Distributed Ledgers). The exams for these advanced modules will happen in December (the week before the Christmas break).

You have until mid-February to commit to your final module selections. The exception is AI Ventures, where you have to commit in January.  


Course schedule


See the official College term dates. You can also find detailed timelines on Scientia.

Note that your "summer term" extends all the way until you submit your individual project (usually early to mid-September). So no summer holidays for you! :'(  This is especially important if you are on a Student Visa - the project period is still considered "term time" as far as the College is concerned.


On Panopto.

Most modules are 80% exam 20% coursework, except:

  • Principles and Practice of Programming, Introduction to Machine Learning, Advanced Computer Graphics (70% exam 30% coursework)
  • Software Systems Engineering and AI Ventures (100% coursework)

The module subscription system gives this information under the "Exam:CA Ratio" column.


Use Scientia.

Some programming courseworks will additionally require the use of LabTS.

Your marks will be capped at 50% if you submit 0-24 hours after the deadline.

Your marks will be 0% if you submit more than 24 hours after the deadline.

See the department's late submission policy for more details.

For short-term extensions (e.g. you were ill and need a few more days to work on your coursework), please fill up the MSc Coursework Extension Request Form, and send the form and your supporting evidence to Josiah by email.

For longer term cases (e.g. when you were ill during an exam period or when there are multiple coursework deadlines), you should complete a Mitigating Circumstances Form and submit it to the Department's Mitigating Circumstances Board (doc-msc-mcb@imperial.ac.uk). The chair of the MCB is Dr Timothy Kimber (tk106@imperial.ac.uk).

Your lecturers have no power to grant you individual extensions or approve late submissions.

See the department's mitigating circumstances page for more details.


Most of your exams will be at the start of Term 3 (early May, immediately after the Easter break).

You also have a few other exams:

  • Week 11 of Term 1 (just before the Christmas break): Exams for those taking one of the advanced selectives (Computational Finance, Scheduling and Resource Allocation, Advanced Computer Architecture, Principles of Distributed Ledgers)
  • First week of Term 2 (after the Christmas break): C++ programming lab exam
  • Week 11 of Term 2 (before the Easter break): Exams for some Term 2 modules that are shared with other cohorts

The module subscription system shows you in which term a module's exam will take place, under the "Written Exam in term" column.

Anything exam-related (at departmental level) will be posted on the department's exam page.

The Department does not give out model exam solutions (current departmental policy, sorry!)

Instead, the Department provides some general examiner feedback. These can be found on the department's exam page.

There are also student crowdsourced solutions somewhere. You should get access to this secret folder from the department student rep at some point. Note that these are produced by students for students, and may not necessarily be correct!

You can resit your exam on the next available occasion.

The next occasion is traditionally in the following academic year, but we have had August/September resits the past few years allowing you to graduate with your cohort (assuming you pass the resit). The situation this year is still unconfirmed. 

Your final module grade (assuming you pass your resit) will also be capped at 50%, unless you have some form of approved mitigating circumstances.

You can only have two attempts in total. So make sure you pass your resit! 

See the College page on exam arrangements. Dr Thomas Lancaster is the Department Disability Officer. 

No. Don't cheat, and do not plagiarise or let others plagiarise your work. This also applies to your coursework assignments.

The matter will be brought straight up to College level if you're caught. It's not worth the hassle.

See this FAQ on Plagiarism on what constitutes plagiarism (it might be more subtle than you think).

And here's the College's Plagiarism and Exam Offences page for your reading pleasure.


Please see the MSc Individual Projects Wiki page for more details.


The possible degree classifications are:

  • Fail (<50%)
  • Pass (>=50% and <60%)
  • Merit (>=60% and <70%)
  • Distinction (>=70%)

You will need to pass ALL modules to pass the degree.

Your final classification will be the minimum of your individual project marks and your overall weighted average (including the individual project). So if your overall weighted average is 75% but your individual project mark is 65%, you will be awarded a merit.

See the degree regulations page for more details.

Mid-July: You'll receive your provisional results (except for your individual project)
November: Your final results (including your individual project)


You will receive a digital copy of your degree certificate and transcripts on MyImperial immediately when your results are released in early November.

The College will send you the physical copies as soon as possible after that, no later than 8 weeks of the award conferral (according to them).

See the official College page on degree certificates for more details.

Usually in early May the following year. See the graduation page.