- Can I take on casual work assignments if I have visa restrictions?
- Can I take on casual work assignments if I am on a contract with Imperial?
There are a range of restrictions on the type of work and amount of work one can complete depending on the type of visa they hold. As such, it is crucial that no work is done until the Casual Worker Team have confirmed that you can start the role. The Team will check your visa restrictions as part of the onboarding process. Therefore, if you are waiting to commence a casual assignment and the Casual Worker Team have not contacted you, please email your departmental manager.
Unfortunately limitations to our payment systems mean you cannot undertake casual work if you are on any other type of contract with Imperial.
- How do I get paid?
- I'm not sure I've been paid correctly, what should I do?
- Tax and deductions
- How can I access my payslips and P60s?
Please submit your timesheets on a timely basis in order for your Hiring Department to review and approve them. You can find the list of payroll deadlines and the date you will get paid on the Casual Worker Payroll Deadlines 25-26. Please note that each department has its deadline for submission of timesheets. As such, please follow the instructions given by your department.
Please first check your payslip (which you can access on MyImperial). Please check whether there are any deductions. If so, in order to understand them, please read our guidance on payment deductions both on this page and the Existing Casual Workers page. If you believe there is an error in payment which is still unexplained, please contact the Casual Worker team as soon as possible, who will investigate this for you.
HMRC look at your monthly salary and assume you will earn that amount each month for the entire tax year. The tax year runs from 6th April to 5th April the following year. Therefore, they apportion your Personal Allowance across the tax year (which is £12,570 for 2022/2023) which might mean you pay income tax in any given month. If you reach the end of the tax year and believe you have paid too much tax, you will need to apply for a tax rebate via HMRC. Please see this link.
These can be viewed electronically via ICIS Self-Service.
Note: If you haven't recently logged into an Imperial Office 365 application and authenticated your account using Multi-Factor Authentication you will first be required to complete MFA login before being redirected to the ICIS self-service page.
Worker setup
Even if you have been offered a work assignement, you must have had a Right to Work check and have been issued with a Casual Hours Agreement before you may start. If you have not undertaken casual work before, the Casual Worker team will contact you to arrange an onboarding meeting.
- Where do I go for my onboarding meeting with the Casual Worker team?
- I have been a casual worker in the past, can I take on casual work again?
The Casual Worker Team can onboard the majority of workers remotely, and the new worker will be contacted to arrange this. If you have not received contact, please get in touch with the Casual Worker Team or with your hiring manager. Some individuals may need to attend a face-to-face meeting depending on the documents they hold to prove their immigration status or UK/Irish nationality. In these instances an on-campus meeting will be arranged by the team.
If you have previously registered for casual work and have not been made a leaver, resulting in a P45 being issued, you can take on casual work again. The relevant department will inform us that they wish for you to take on a casual role and we will then send you any appropriate information. If you have been made a leaver, unfortunately you will need to be registered again, and so you cannot begin your assignment until you have received confirmation from the Casual Worker Team.
If you no longer wish to undertake assignments with Imperial College, please fill out the leavers request form. For any queries, please e-mail the Casual Worker team.
P45s are issued when someone leaves a PAYE role. As such, if you wish to obtain a P45 for your casual role, please email Please note that P45s can only be issued for the end of the month, as such it could take until the end of the following month to obtain a P45. To access your P45, please log into your MyImperial account.